6.Chapter22.Civics.Democracy and Government.

Chapter 22.Civics.
Democracy and Government
You have read in the previous chapter that 'We, the People of India', come from different races, arising which are often in conflic regions, religions, castes and speak different languages.  In such a diverse society, different demands with one another.  Some people think that their problems are more important.  So, they should be solved first whereas others may think that their problems should be given top priority.  In such a conflicting situation, the positive attitude of "live and let live" is the best course to amicably settle the disputes and solve the problems.  The democratic way of life based on equality, fraternity and justice paves the way and prepares the citizens to mutually resolve the disputes arising out of the vested or varied interests.  Be it a government office, a private company, a hospital or an educational institution, conflicting interests lead to misunderstanding, rigid stands and sometimes clashes.  In such situation of discord and division, democratic attitude of adjustment and accommodation is the best way to settle the issues.  That is why, India opted to form a democratic Parliament House government.  DEMOCRACY a Let us remember that democracy is just not a form of government but is a way of life.  It teaches us to provide equal opportunities to everyone without any discrimination.  It makes us conscious about protection of the old, infirm and children, it expects involvement of all members of the family or society in decision making.  In democracy, everyone can share equal freedom in social, economic 183
Democracy aims and political fields.  In case of conflicting interests, issues and extreme approaches the harmony car be brought through tolerance and self - discipline) in this way, it strikes a balance in the society, many a time, a question arises that when a large number of people are involved  in taking a decision or reaching at a consensus, whose view should be accepted?  In democracy, the opinion o majority is accepted but the opinion of minority is also respected.  Goals of Democracy to solve all problems through discussion, persuation and compromise.  There is no place for coersion and violence in democracy.  Democracy stands for gradual changes in society in the social, economic and political fields.  ) at social, economic and political equality, Eu.  Democracy maintains harmony CONSTITUTION of INDIA and balance in the society to root out authoritarianism and dictatorship.  THE PEOPLE OF INDIA.hting solely rosalud toitute Inchin into a SOVEREIGN DEMO Democracy inculcates the CRATIC REPUBLIC and to secure to all its crims habit of obeying the rules and JUSTICE, sociol.economic and political LIBERTY of thought expressen belief fisch regulations of the state.  worship it helps in peace peace.  EQUALITY of status and of opportumly to promote mong them all It endeavors to solve the FRATERNITY sering the dignity of the individual problems of poverty, hunger, and the unity of the Nation illiteracy and unemployment, IN OUR CONSTITUENT ASSEMBLY this way sixth day of Niwember,  1949do HEREBY ADOPT.  the main causes of inequality in ENACT AND GIVE TO OURSELVES THIS India.  CONSTITUTION.  (Probably, the ultimate goal of democracy is the well being of each individual as a distinct and significant human being. Preamble of Indian constitution 184
Representative Democracy in a vast country like India, it is difficult to devise a method for the direct participation of the people in the governance of the country.  Therefore, representative democracy has been adopted in India.  Under this system, people elect their representatives who govern on their behalf.  This means, India is indirectly governed by the people through their elected representatives like Panchs, Municipal Councillors, Members of Legislative Assemblies or Members of Parliament.  India is the largest democracy of the world governed by a democratic government.  A democratic government is a government of the people, for the people and by the people.  The people of India have the power to govern their country through their elected representatives who take decisions on behalf of the people, make laws in the interest of the people and work for their welfare, cig a universt frenchies is free and independentju Do You Know?  rary they all make oun we Indians must feel proud of the fact that our constitution makers gave equal voting rights to men and women both after independence when the Constitution was enforced unlike that of US, the UK and France where women had to fight for years to  get the right to vote.  In the United States of America women got the right to vote in 1920. In UK they were given voting rights in 1928, whereas in France the women were given the right to vote in 1944.  People's Participation Participation of the people in the election process of the country at various levels is based on Universal Adult Franchise, which means all the citizens of India, who are 18 years of age and above are eligible to cast their votes, irrespective of caste,  color, creed, religion, region or language.  Right to vote and to elect representatives is given to all the adults without any discrimination.  This right forms the very basis of democratic governments at various levels in India, People's participation does not end even after the elections.  It is also to be seen when government is formed by the elected representatives.  In day to day life, people closely watch the activities of various departments of the government and criticize also, if required.  They also guard their own rights and freedom given to them by the Indian Constitution.  A woman casting vote Queue outside a polling booth 1.85
When the term of government at any level expires, which is five years in India, general elections are held.  At this stage again, it is the people who decide whether to elect the same political party or candidates to rule or replace them by some others in the elections.  Considering all the aspects, the duty of the voters in a democratic set up is by no means easy and simple.  Therefore, it is essential to think carefully before one casts one's vote.  It is our moral duty that we use our right to vote judiciously.  How do we govern ourselves?  In our daily life, we observe that many activities are always going on throughout the country.  These are building of roads, generation of electricity, running of hospitals and dispensaries, imparting education, transportation of goods and passengers, defending the borders, etc.  Who organises and controls all this?  Who makes laws to regulate such activities?  It is the governments at different levels that organize, supervise and control the activities around us.  The government not only makes laws for all of us but executes them as well.  In case, some people break these laws, they are punished also for good governance and smooth functioning of various departments, the duties and responsibilities are divided among the governments at different levels.  Levels of Government Keeping in mind, the large extent of the country, vast population and diversity of India, the responsibilities of the government have been divided into governments at three levels.  They are: (i) Government at the national level works for the whole country and is called the Central or Union government.  (ii) Government at the state level works within its own state territory.  For example, the government of Haryana works only in the state of Haryana.  The government of Kerala looks after Kerala state only and likewise (11) The lowest level of government is at the village level which is also called the government at the grass root level.  The Gram Panchayats come under this category.  Keywords authoritarianism: a government in which ruler is an absolute dictator: coersion: use of force to cause something to occur.  compromise, an accommodation in which both sides make concessions, democracy;  a form of government chosen by the people.  dictatorship: a form of government in which ruler is unconstrained.  poverty: the state of having little or no money or possession violence a turbulent state resulting in injuries and destruction 186


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