7.Chapter10.History.The Rise of Small Kingdom in North India

CLASS 7. Sub. - S.St.History.
Chapter-10.The Rise of  Small  Kingdoms in  North  India 
A. Tick the correct option :
1.  Who was the author of Kaviragamarga ?
Ans. Amoghavarsha
2. Vikramshila Bihar Centre for forest education was established by---
Ans. Dharampala 
3. The Sun Temple known as for its fine architecture is situated at --
Ans. Konark 
4. Who among the following kings was elected by the people ?
Ans. Gopala
5. Which one of the following temples was not constructed by the pratiharas ?
Ans. Mahabalipuram 

B. Fill in the blanks :
1. Regional languages developed very fast under the rule of Mihir Bhoj ,a Paratihara king  .
2. Danti Durg was the real founder of Rashtrakuta Empire .
3.The gift of the land to the  Brahmins was known as Brahmdev or Agrahara. 
4.The Bhakti saints opposed superstition and social discrimination .
5.The examples of the paintings of North India can be found in the form of murals in palaces.

C.Write true or false for the following statements : 
1. The Kingdoms of Pratiharas and Palas rose in North India .   True.
2. Govinda III was the Rashtrakutas ruler.    True.
3.The Tripartite struggle involved the Rashtrakutasthe Pratiharas and the Palas . True
4.The four main clans of Rajputs are known as Agnikulas.         True.
5. Mohammed Ghori came from Iran.  False.

D. Answer the following questions in brief :
Q.1  Name the four main clans of the Rajputs.. 
Ans .Chauhans, Paramaras, Chalukyas and  Pratiharas. 
Q.2  Mention the titles taken by  Rashtrakutas rulers.
Ans. Chakravarthi, Maharajadhiraj and  Param Bhattarak. 
Q.3  Who was Chand Bardai?
Ans. Chand Bardai was the composer of Prithviraj Raso 
Q.4  List the temples built by Pratiharas rulers.
Ans. Khajuraho, Kanchipuram, Thanjavur, Bhubaneswar, Puri, Konark. 
Q.5  Give reasons for the decline of feudal system in North India .
Ans. The feudal system led to the decline of many empires as the feudal Lords gave
only a small part of the land revenue to the king.

E. Answer the following questions :
Q.1 Why is the period after Harshavardhana’s death called a period of political instability?
Ans.After the death of Harshavardhana, the whole empire disintegrated into many small kingdoms
due to the miserable economic condition and lack of proper administration by his weak successors . That  was the period
of political instability in North India. 
Q.2 Mention any five important features of  Rashtrakuta Empire.
Ans.(i)The Rashtrakutas established the most powerful empire in Southern Deccan in 753 CE.and became the masters of a large area of Gujarat, Bihar etc.
(ii) Due to their geographic location their Emperor acted as a bridge between north and South India . 
(iii) They maintained huge armies and encouraged trade for prosperity of the people .
(iv) Rashtrakuta rulers were great patrons of art and learning .their rule saw the flourishing of  regional literature .
(v) The Rashtrakutas followed Jainism but adopted a policy of religious tolerance towards Hindus and Muslims . 
Q.3 What is the contribution of the Pala dynasty in various fields.
Ans.Gopala gave Bangal the much needed stability.He maintained peace and order and set up an empire, which
ruled over a large part of India. Dharmpal was the greatest ruler of Pala Dynasty.He set up a centre for Buddhist
education which was
known as the Vikramshila Vihar.The great patrons of art education and literature.The famous Nalanda University
was revived during the Pala empire.  
Q.4 Mention any four famous features of Pratihara rule.
Ans. (i) The founder of Pratihara empire was Nagabhatt I .The Greatest ruler of this dynasty was Mihir bhoj. 
(ii) The pratiharas were great warriors .
(iii)They were also a great patrons of art and literature.
(iv) The beautiful temples of Khajuraho, Kanchipuram, Bhubaneswar, Puri and Konark were built during the rule of Pratiharas 
Q.5 Describe the economic and social condition of North India during the medieval period. 
Ans.Economic Condition -There was a great economic disparity in different social classes.
The temples where the centre of richeness and hence attracted a lot of inventors .Feudal system was prevalent in North India .Provided military assistance to the king at times of War Social Condition - The caste system led to the division of Indian society. The king the, feudal lords and the Brahmins in high positions, enjoyed a life of luxury .The condition of women was quite miserable.They were , deprived of education. Evil practices
of Sati ,child marriage and polygamyi contributed to the decline in the status of women.

Insides Questions - Answers :  
Q1. Who was the last great ruler of Ancient India?
Ans.  Harshvardhan was the last  great ruler of Ancient India.
Q2.  Name the present or regions that comprised of Avanti.
Ans. Southern  Rajasthan and Gujarat
Q3.  Mention the title taken by Rajput rulers.
Ans.  Chakravarthi , Maharajadhiraj and Param Bhattarak.
Q4.  Who set up the Vikramshila Bihar ?
Ans.  Dharmpal had set up Vikramshila Bihar.
Q5.  How many Clans of Rajput were there?
Ans.  There were four Clans of Rajput.
Q6.  Who composed the Epic poem Prithviraj Raso?
Ans.  Chandra bardai composed Prithviraj Raso.
Q7.  Name the language which enjoyed a place of prominence North India.
Ans.  Sanskrit.
Q8. Why were the pratiharas known as the Gurjar pratihara?
Ans.  The Pratiharas were also referred to as Gurjara-Pratihara because
they ascended from the Gujarat who had entered India shortly after the Huns and probably because they originated from Gujarat .
Q9. Why did the empire of Rashtrakutas,Palas and Pratiharas struggle over Kannauj?
Ans.Kanauj was considered a symbol of power in North India. Hence the three kingdoms the rashtrakutas, the palas and the pratihara, were continuously engaged in
a struggle over Kanauj .
Their struggle for  Supermacy was known as the Tripartite Struggle.Each of them
succeeded in occupying Kanauj  in turms as they were almost at  par in military strength. 
Q10. What was the result of the constant in fighting among Rajput rulers?
Ans.  The struggle for Supremacy and constant in fighting created disunity and
enemity among the Rajput .This attracted the Muslim inventions in India.The Rajputs were
unable to join hands with each other two defend India from Arab inventions. 


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