4.Class.S St.Answers.Bank

Class IV
Subject - S.St.
Answers Bank

Chapter 1,Family Relationships.

A. Tick (    ) the correct option:
1. What do all the family members share in common?
(a) Toys (b) Rooms (c) Surname
2. Who provides all the support to children in a nuclear family?
(a) Uncle and Aunt (b) Parents and siblings (c) Both
3. Where do you get an environment of love, care and belongingness?
(a) Market (b) Family (c) Garden
4. People move to the different parts of the world for—
(a) Job (b) Education (c) Both
B. Fill in the blanks:
Help Box support, joint, chores, important, respect
1. All the family members love and respect  one another.
2. The family members share the chores household .
3. A joint family has parents and their married children.
4. In nuclear family, parents provide support , companionship and advice to the children.
5. Each member of a family is important .

C. Match the following:
1. Family                        (c) care, protection, belongingness
2. Adopted child          (e) permanent member
3. Nuclear family         (a) Parents and Children
4. Family crafts            (b) weaving, painting, pottery
5. Joint family              (d) many nuclear families                    
 D. Correct the following sentences:
1. Sharing of chores decreases the burden.
2. The older family member pass on the family traditions to the younger generation.
3. There is more interaction between parents and children in nuclear families.
4. A surname is a family  name.

E. Answer the following questions:
Q.1.What is a family? Name two types of families.
Ans.1.A family consists of a married couple and their children , both natural and adopted.
There are two types of family-- a. Joint Family. b. Nuclear Family
Q.2. Mention the things children learn by watching the family members.
Ans 2. The children learn and follow manners , values and different skills by watching the members of the family.
Q.3. Differentiate between a joint family and a nuclear family.
Ans.3. A joint family has parents and their married children living together. It is made up of a number of nuclear families and it also encourages family members to be cooperative and accommodating.
           A nuclear family consists of a married couple and their unmarried children .In a family , the parents have to provide all the support , companionship and advice to the children.
Q.4.What are the advantages of sharing your home with other members of family?
Ans.4.The advantages of sharing our home with other members of family are --
a. Sharing of house chores decreases the burden .
b. The division of labour among the family members gets all the work done.
Q.5. State two reasons that are responsible for changing family fiber in India
  Ans. 5. The two reasons that the responsible for changing family fibre in India ---
(a)    Education and employment-- As men got better education they started taking up jobs outside the home and they settled there.
(b)   When the size of the joint family became large ,it was not easy to manage well this family members out for their own selves.

 Sub - S.St.  
 Chapter 2.Sensitivity Towards Others

 Answers Bank

      A.     Tick the correct option :
1    1       _________plays an important role in building confidence.
Ans . Family
2    2. Who needs our help more ?
Ans. Both (Hearing impaired and Old people )
3    3. Where are good citizens made ?
Ans. Home
4    4. How do children develop sensitivity towards others ?
Ans. Watching their parents

 B. . Fill in the blanks
1. In a society all of us depend upon one another for different reasons.
2. Most children develop kind and caring attitude by watching their parents.
3All children share a special bond with their grandparents.
4. Hearing impaired children are taught sign language.
5. Participation is more important than winning.

C   Match the following :
1. Visually impaired                      (d) use to touch
2. Hearing impaired                      (e) sign language
3. Family                                       (b) bonds of love
4. Special children                         (c) opportunities
5. Meditation                                 (a) relieves stress

D. Answer the following questions :

   Q.1 Why is it important to help others ? Explain with an example.
       Ans. It is important to help others because it makes we feel happy about our self . If we help someone in need they feel the need to help another like offer them a seat in a bus or a train , an old  while crossing a road and help them to carry heavy bags.  
   Q.2 “We develop an understanding for others in the society for a harmonious living .” Explain.
       Ans. We can develop an understanding for others in the society for a harmonious living through Respect the elders , Have sympathy for the poor , those suffering from any disease and don’t make unkind remarks about anyone’s personal matter.
   Q. 3 How can you respect the feelings of the hearing and visually impaired children ?
       Ans.We can respect the feelings of the hearing and visually impaired children. If we can encourage and help them do physical exercise to strength. Love , care , patience spend more time  can change their lives .
  Q. 4 What is ‘Sign language ‘ ?
      Ans.Sign language is an organised system of gestures or mime , used in place of speech.
It is common among people who are unable to speak or hear .
  Q.5 How can the special children grow into useful members of the society ?
       Ans.The special  children deserve our understanding and not pity .But they can be guided to move around  on their own like others . If they are given proper facilities , opportunity and guidance , they can prove to be useful members of society .

A.      Tick the correct option :
1.       Vinayak Chaturthi is dedicated to the birth of Lord ---
Ans. (c) Ganesh
2.       Which calendar do Parsis follow ?
Ans. (b) Shehenshahi
3.       Which of the following is a ritual in Hindu wedding ?
    Ans. (c) Both 
4.       Anand Karaj takes place in a –
    Ans. (b) Gurudwara
5.       The grand Onam feast is called –
    Ans. (a) Onasadya
B.      Fill in the blanks :

1.        The theme of Inter- House Celebration was – The Indian  Culture.
2.       Onam marks the home – coming of King  Mahabali .
3.       Navratri is considered an auspicious time to start new ventures.
4.       Navroz is a symbol of rejuvenation and rebirth .
5.       The Quran came into existence during the month of Ramadan.
C.      Match the following :
1.       Synagogue                                (c) Fire temple
2.       Navratri                                     (d) Dandia
3.       Dusshera                                   (b) Effigies
4.       Pookalam                                  (e) Floral rangoli
5.       Id-ul-fitr                                     (a) Thanksgiving
D.      Answer the following questions :
1.            What is the importance of participating in school stage programmes?
               Ans. The participating in school stage programmes build self confidence that help a lot in future . Stage program better reflect ideas and thoughts. In such type of program many activities has been done like – singing , play ,dance etc.
2.             How is Ganesh Chaturthi celebrated in Maharashtra ?
                Ans. Ganesh Chaturthi is dedicated the birth of Lord Ganesh , the god of good beginning,         knowledge , wisdom and remover of obstacles .
                     Ganesh Chaturthi is celebrated in the month of August or September in Maharashtra. The images are taken home and worship .  After a few days , the images are taken out for immersion into a river or sea .
3.              Mention any three important features of Navratri celebration ?
      Ans. Three important features of Navratri celebration are ---
(i)                  Navratri is celebrated for nine nights and Goddess Durga is worshipped.
(ii)                 It is celebrated twice a year.
(iii)               People worship young girls as Goddess Durga and offer them puri , halwa and channe .

4.              How do people of Kerala celebrate the home- coming of their beloved King ?
        Ans. People of Kerala celebrate the home – coming of their beloved King Mahabali . It is celebrated in the beginning of the month of Malayalam Celendar.
                   They wear new clothes and the grand feast called Onasadya . People perform the snake boat races and the famous Kathakali dance .
5.             “Id-ul-fitr is a day of joy and thanksgiving.” Explain.
       Ans. Id-ul-fitr is a day of joy and thanksgiving. It is also a day of forgivingand forgetting ill feelings towards others.
                  In this day muslims offer prayers , recite Quran , follow good behaviour and donate for the needy .
6.              How is Navroz celebrated in India ?
       Ans. Navroz is celebrated on the first day of the first month of Shehenshahi  Calendar .
                    On Navroz , the Parsis offer their prayers in a Synagogue , the fire temple . they wish ‘Sal- Mubarak’ to each other and exchange gifts.
7.               What is the significance of Dusshera ?
        Ans. Dusshera is celebrated in the Northern India . On Dusshera the effigies of Ravana , Kumbhakarana and Meghnada are set afire to celebrate the victory of good over evil .




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