4.Chapter 1.S.St.Family Relationships

Chapter 1 
Family Relationships
I am Angad.  I live with the members of my family.  They give me love and affection.  I share my thoughts and feelings with them.  Whenever I am in doubt, I ask my parents, grandparents, uncles or aunts for advice.  Sometimes, my siblings or cousins ​​come up with the best advice to make a decision.  Do you know?  Foster children are not adopted but live with the family for a fixed period.  A family 'consists of a married couple and their children, both natural (born to that couple) and adopted.  Family members share a common residence and surname.  Some members of a family may live away from their family home for education, jobs, etc.  The needs of the members are fulfilled by a family.  It looks after the children as well as the sick and the old members.  All family members love and respect one another.  Do you know?  Family is the first school where the child learns the Do's and the Don'ts of the society.
The family members share the Do You Know?  household chores The sharing 'Singh' is the surname of reduces the burden on any one family Angad's family.  Member and encourages responsibility Angad's father, Sunny Singh and mother, Nidhi Singh look after the family business.  His brother, Aadit Singh takes him to the park in the evening.  His grandmother, Dr.  Promila Singh, helps him with his homework and looks after the health of all family members.  She also narrates wonderful stories about great people, places and events.  Angad's grandfather, Mr.  Kawaljeet Singh, buys vegetables and fruits for the family.  He takes the children to school and for nature walks.  The children learn good imen behavior, moral values ​​and skills by watching the members of the family.  The older family members automatically pass on values ​​and family traditions to the younger generation.  The children learn to talk politely, greet guests and respect Do You Know?  Many children inherit talents from their family members.  A child may sing melodiously like a parent, an uncle or a grandparent.  2
their elders.  They learn how to arrange their books and toys, sew buttons, fold their clothes, polish their shoes and lay the table for family meals.  They also learn family crafts like weaving, painting, jewelery making, pottery, etc.  Joint Family A joint family has parents and their married children living together.  It consists of a number of nuclear families living under the same roof.  Mostly, they share a common kitchen and hold a common property.  Sharing space teaches the children cooperation, living in harmony and caring for the members of the family.  Indu's father died in a road accident in Dibrugarh (Assam).  Indu and her mother shifted to Meerut to live with her father's parents.  Indu's mother was not trained for any job.  She learnt computers and office management.  Now she works in an office.  Indu's grandfather, who was a National Level Swimmer, teaches her swimming.  During the summer vacation, he takes all his grandchildren to the swimming pool and coaches them.  Indu enjoys her cousins ​​company!
Nuclear Family A nuclear family consists of a married couple and their unmarried children.  In a nuclear family, the parents and siblings provide all the support, companionship and advice to the children, as their cousins, uncles, aunts or grandparents do not live with them.  There is greater interaction nong the parents and the children in a nuclear family.  Angad's uncle works in a bank.  He has been transferred to Ladakh.  His wife and two children are also going with him.  The whole family is feeling very sad.  Angad's uncle, Sandeep and his wife, Priya rent a house in Ladakh.  His children Riya and Vikas miss their grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins.  Their parents are helping them to adjust to a nuclear family.  BANK MANAGER Angad's friend - Parth Angad went to Parth's house to see his baby sister - Shweta.  Parth told him that she grew up in his mother's body.  She was delivered in a hospital and brought home.  Angad wondering where she would sleep and what she would eat!  4
Changing Family System in India Do You Know?  The family system is changing very All the family members get fast.  Joint family system, which was together for celebrations like very strong in India, is changing as weddings, festivals and the people are moving to different parts of birth of a child.  the country and the world.  They migrate to other places in search of better jobs and educational opportunities or suitable climate.  In earlier times, most people were engaged in agriculture.  It required many hands that were available in a joint family.  But the income from land was not sufficient for increase in the size of families.  Hence, some members moved to cities for employment in various fields.  Nuclear families became common in rural areas.  Even in urban areas the number of nuclear families increased as many members moved to other cities or countries for education, employment, climate, etc.  Whatever the type of family may be, each member of the family is important.  A family provides an environment of care, protection, love and belongingness.  Do you know?  Family unity can be encouraged in the following ways: (a) Treat all the members with respect.  (b) Forgive and forget.  (c) Spend quality time together.  nel PUSHunt 5


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