7.Chapter13.History.Delhi Sultanate

Class- 7Subject - Social Science    
Chapter -13.Delhi Sultanate

Counterfeit : fake, imitation.
Dag : a stamp (mark).
Hulia : physical description of a person.
Iqtas : provinces.
Jazia : a tax paid by non - muslims to live in an Islamic state.
Mamluks : earlier rulers of the slave dynasty.
Tomb : a burial place.
Ulemas : scholars of Islamic learning who were generally orthodox in their outlook.

A. Tick the correct option:
1. Before assuming office of the Sultan of Delhi, Balban was the Prime Minister of which Sultan? 
 Ans.  (a) Nasir - ud - din
 2. Which Sultan made a successful attempt to free himself from the control of the Ulemas? 
 Ans. (b) Alauddin
 3. Which of the following cities was NOT founded by Feroz Tughlaq?  
 Ans. (c) Fatehpur 
 4. The first ever lady Sultan of India, Razia Sultan, ascended the throne in 1236 CE after --
 Ans.(a) Ruknuddin
 5. Which one of the following statements regarding Feroz Tughlag is NOT correct? 
 Ans. (b) He exempted the Hindus from paying jazia. 
 B. Fill in the blanks. 
 1. The Slave dynasty was founded by Qutubuddin Aibek .
 2. Sikandar Lodi founded the new city of Agra in 1506 CE. 
 3. Ibrahim Lodi was defeated by Babur  in the Battle of Panipat 1526.
 4  Hindu society was based on caste system. 
 5. India's foreign trade was carried on both by sea and land .
 6. Ziauddin Barani was the writer of Tarikh-i-Firozshahi.
 C. Match the following:
 1. Ala - ud - din                                      d.  Alai Darwaja 
 2. Timur                                                  e.  Samarkand  
 3. Muhammad - bin - Tughlaq                a.  Juna Khan  
 4. Quwwat - ul - Islam mosque               b.  Qutubuddin Aibek 
 5. Muhammad Ghori                               c.  Prithviraj Chauhan 

 D. Answer the following questions in brief.
 Q 1. Name two literary gems of Qutubuddin Albek's court.
 Ans. Hasan Azmi and Mubarak Shah were two literary gems of Qutubuddin Aibek’s court. 
 Q 2. When and between whom was the First Battle of Panipat fought?
 Ans. Ibrahim Lodi and Babur fought the First Battle of Panipat in 1526 CE. 
 Q 3.  Mention four social evils prevalent in the Hindu society during the Sultanate period. 
 Ans. Sati system, child marriage, ban on widow remarriage and female education were
 the four social evils prevalent in the Hindu society during the Sultanate Period. 
 Q 4. Mention four items which were exported from India. 
 Ans. Rice, Spice, Indigo, textile silk and sandalwood  the four items Which were 
 exported from India
 Q 5. Name two Sultans who kept the Ulemas away from the administration.
 Ans. Ala-ud-din Khilji and Muhammad Bin Tughlaq were the two Sultans who kept the Ulemas
 away from the administration. 
 E. Answer the following questions.  
 Q1. Describe the administrative reforms made by Iltutmish to strengthen his hold on Delhi
 Ans. Iltutmish made many administrative reforms to strengthen his hold on Delhi 
 Sultanate. He organized a group of 40 Af Turkish nobles known as Chaliha. He
 divided his empire into many Iqtas for administrative efficiency.  He introduced 
 silver coins, Tanka and copper coins, Jital. 
 Q 2.'Balban was a strong and capable ruler'.Support the statement by giving suitable
 Ans. Gyasuddin Balwan was a strong and capable ruler.Balban gradually broke the power of
 the nobles and created an atmosphere of obedience and patriotism towards the  Sultanate.He
 reorganized the army and restored order whenever there were signs of disturbance.
 He kept himself well informed of the happenings in his Kingdom through and efficient spy 
 system. He had a stern sense of Justice and punished his officers if they were found guilty of       
 oppression.His Darbar was very disciplined . He enhanced the prestige and power of the 
 Q 3. Explain briefly the economic reforms of Ala - ud - din Khalji.
 Ans. Ala - ud - din is famous for his economic reforms.  He fixed the maximum retail price of 
 the goods used.  He also introduced grain storage and rationing systems.  There were different
 marketplaces for different  commodities.  Severe punishment was given to those who weighed 
 less or cheated the buyers way.  Market controllers were appointed for strict supervision over 
 the traders.  He also reformed the revenue System.  Land revenue was fixed according to the
 size of land holding.  The state's share was fixed at 50 per cent of the total produce.  
 Q 4. State the reforms made by Feroz Tughlaq to redress the grievances of the people .
 Ans.Feroz Tughlaq made many reforms to redress the grievances that the people had 
 against Muhammadre structured many canals and tanks.  The old tanks were repaired.
 Land revenue was reduced and markets were opened to sell the surplus produce.  New
 coins of smaller denominations were also introduced, schools and gave grants to the scholars
 to promote literary activities.  He helped the poor muslims.  He laid 1200 fruit gardens around
 Delhi and founded new cities, e.g.  Hissar, Jaunpur, Firozabad etc.  He got Sanskrit texts
 translated into  Persian.
 Q 5  Describe Muhammad Tughlaq's projects which failed.
 Ans.Mohammed Tughlaq wanted to increase his military power to conquer more and more
 territories and cover the loss of all previous projects. He imposed land tax in the Doab  area at
 50% of the produce. The peasants, who had recently suffered due to widespread famine, were
 stunned by the order. Many farmers gave up cultivation and their land lay barren.This project 
 also ended in an utter failure.  When Muhammad Tughlaq realised his mistake,he not only
 withdrew his orders but also extended help to the farmers to resume cultivation.   
 The failure of his projects emptied his treasury.  He then thought of issuing a token currency of
 copper instead of silver coins.  But due to increased circulation of counterfeit coins, he had to
 withdrew his orders and asked the people to exchange their coins with silver coins. 

Inside Questions:     
Q 1. In which year Muhammad Ghori challenged by Prithviraj Chauhan
Ans. In 1191 CE Muhammad Ghori was challenged by Prithviraj Chauhan.
Q 2.  When was Muhammad Ghori defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan.
Ans. In 1192 CE Muhammad Ghori was defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan.
Q 3. In which year was Jaichand killed?
Ans. In 1194 CE Jaichand was killed.
Q 4. When was Muhammad Ghori killed?
Ans. Muhammad Ghori was killed on 15th march 1206.
Q 5. Who established the Slave Dynasty?
Ans. Qutubuddin Aibek established the Slave Dynasty.
Q 6. Who built Qutub Minar and Quwwat-ul-Islam mosque in Delhi?
Ans. Qutubuddin Aibek built Qutub Minar and Quwwat-ul-Islam in Delhi.
Q 7 When did Qutubuddin Aibek die?
Ans. In 1210 CE Qutubuddin Aibek died.
Q 8. Who organised a group of 40 Turkish nobles known as Chaliha?
Ans. Iltutmish organised a group of 40 Turkish nobles known as Chaliha.
Q 9 Who introduced Silver coins, Tanka and copper coins, Jital?
Ans. Iltutmish introduced Silver coins, Tanka and copper coins, Jital.
Q10. Who was the famous writer in Iltutmish court?
Ans. Minhaz-us-Shiraz was the famous writer in Iltutmish court.
Q 11.Who was the first and last Muslim lady during the mediaeval period?
Ans. Razia Sultan was the first and last Muslim ruler during the medieval period.
Q 12.When was Razia Sultan die?
Ans. Razia Sultan died in 1240 CE.
Q13. Who was the youngest son of Iltutmish?
Ans. Nasiruddin Mahmood was the youngest son of Iltutmish.
Q14. In which year and for how many years Nasiruddin Mahmood became Sultan?
Ans. In 1246 and for 20 years he became the Sultan.
Q15. When did Nasiruddin Mahmood die?
Ans. Nasiruddin Mahmood died in 1412 CE.
Q16. Who ended the power of the group of 40 Turkish?
Ans. Ghiyasuddin Balban ended the power of the group of 40 Turkish.
Q17. When did Balban die?
Ans. Balban  died in 1286 CE.
Q18. Who and when was the Khalji Empire found?
Ans. Jalal-ud-din Khalji founded the Khalji Empire in 1290.
Q19. Who was the famous ruler of the Khalji Empire?
Ans.Ala-ud-din Khilji was the famous ruler of Khalji empire.
Q20. When did Ala-ud-din die?
Ans. Ala-ud-din died in 1316 CE.
Q21. Who founded the Tughlaq dynasty?
Ans. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq founded the Tughlaq dynasty.
Q22. Who was the last ruler of the Tughlaq dynasty?
Ans. Nasiruddin Tughlaq was the last ruler of Tughlaq dynasty.
Q23. Who founded the Lodi dynasty?
Ans. Bahlol Lodi founded the Lodi dynasty.
Q24. Who founded the new city Agra?
Ans. Sikandar Lodi founded the new city Agra.
Q25. When and between whom the first battle of Panipat was fought?
Ans. In 1526 the first battle of Panipat was fought between Babur and Ibrahim Lodi.
Q26. Who ended the power of Delhi Sultanate?
Ans. Babur ended the power of Delhi Sultanate.



  1. 😇😇😇😇Thank you sir 😘😘

  2. This link is very useful for me

  3. Thank you sir it is vry useful for us 🙂🙂

  4. Thank you sir 😍😍😍😇😇😇


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