7.Chapter21.Civics.Advertising and Democracy

Advertising and Democracy
Brand : Name given to a product with some unique value/quality.
ISI : The csa earlier abbreviation for BIS.It stands for Indian Standard Institute.
Manufacturer : Someone who makes and sells a product .
Product : A thing offered in market for sale.
Stereotype : Pre-conceived notion/bais thinking about someone/or any group of people.

A.Tick(/)the correct option
1.Advertising persuades the consumer to 
b.Purchase of particular brand or product or services
2.The ability of many brands
c.Creates confusion in the mind of the customer.
3.Public Service Advertising promotes
a.companions for health and social issues.
4.Advertising leads to
c.Awareness about governmental schemes
5.Advertising inculcates
d.Stereotype attitudes.

B.Fill in the blanks:-
1.Huge amount is spent on advertisement to target the feelings of the consumer.
2.Advertisements create an associated picture of success and happiness in the mind of public.
3.Advertising through 'stars' also creates brand loyalty.
4.Gender discrimination is against the basis principal of democracy.
5.Many people cannot afford branded items.

C.Write True or False for the following statements:-
1.Social and Public Service advertisement strengthen the democracy of a country. True.
2.It is against democracy to ban advertisements on tobacco and alcohol. False.
3.All food items are standardized by the Agmark. True
4.A consumer cannot protect his/her rights. False
5.The branded items are packaged items are always better than the unbranded are open items. False

D.Answer the following questions in brief.-
1.What does advertising mean?
Ans Advertising is a powerful medium.It persuades the customer to purchase a particular product or service by describing its good points, which are mostly exaggerated.
2.Who is consumer.
Ans A consumer is a person who buys by paying the price for some goods or services(insurance,transport,electricity,banking,etc.
3.What is meant by consumerism?
Ans Consumerism is all about protection of the interests of the consumers. It is a social movement seeking to protect the rights of consumers in relation to the producers of goods and providers of services.
4.Write the full form of BIS. Mention its functions.
Ans The full form of BIS is Bureau of Indian Standard
It was earlier known as ISI. BIS lays down standards for industrial and consumer goods. All food items are standardised by Agmark- Agricultural Produce (Granding and Marking) Act.
5.State any two positive effects of advertising.
Ans The two positive effects of advertising are
Advertising has played an important role in making us aware of our responsibility towards the society.
A documentary film by the Ministary of Social Welfare shows thar girls are as capable of achieving success in their chosen fields as the boys are, when given the opportunity.

E. Answer the following questions
1.Describe the relationship between advertising and democracy?
Advertising relates to the success of democracy. The social or public service advertising brings about positive changes in the society like  can paise for polio drops, ORS,etc.
Advertising plays an important role in making us aware for our responsibilities towards our society. It creates awareness related to important public issues like water conservation deforestation, or the ill.
2.How does advertising create discrimination in the society?
Ans Advertising can create discrimination in the society by the following steps.
The small businesses fail to convince the people that they can buy quality goods, even if they do not carry a brand name on the package.Thus, brands can create discrimination in the society which is undemocratic and create inequality among the masses.
2.In a democratic set-up, every individual or manufacturer can advertise his product which is only possible by spendisng huge money. But what happens to a person who makes sweets or samosas at home and sells them from door to door? These small businesses do not have the money to spend on advertising. They depend on 'word of mouth' publicity.
Another unfortunate impact of advertising is that it engrains stereotype altitudes. A man can cook as well as a woman, or a woman may know more about computers than a man!
3.What does social advertising mean? Give examples to illustrate the benefits of social advertising.
Ans:-a.It is a social or public service advertising. It means applying marketing and advertising principles to promote health and social issues.
b.It aims to change the altitude and behaviour of the public and bring about positive changes in the society like advertising campaigns for Polio Drops, ORS, etc.
c.Social advertising has benefitted many public awareness programmes like importance of mother's milk for the baby, method of making baby food at home with grains and pulses, need of hygience, education, respect for traffic rules, etc.
d.The Indian government has successfully protected the public interested by banning the advertising of tobacco and alcohol on radio, television and newspapers.
4.List the main features of consumerism.
Ans Main features of consumerism are the following:
a.A consumer must aware of his/her rights and should protect his/her rights.
b.He/she should raise voice against exploitation.
c.He/she should seek resressal of his/her complaints.
d.Voluntary consumer organisations should encourage/guide/assist/in safeguarding his/her intersets.
e.Government laws must protect the interests of the consumer.
5.How does advertisements help in creating awareness among the citizens? Support your answer with examples.
Ans Advertising is also used by many other organisations that are not selling a product or service but want to inform the public about their objectives, achievements and project. They are political parties, interest groups, religious groups and defence services. Advertising is capable of reaching out to a large audience. 
Advertising techniques can be used to create awareness among the people and motivate them to take necessary precautions. Such advertisements may be related to water conservation, energy conservation, deforestation, health awareness or the ill effects of illiteracy.

Internal questions:-
1.What is advertising?
Ans.Advertising is a powerful medium to persudes the customer to purchase a particular product or service by describing its good points, which are mostly exaggerated.
2.What is consumer?
Ans.A consumer is a person who buys by paying the price for some goods or services (insurance,tranport,electricity,banking,etc.)
3.Write two ways by which you can advertise your product.
Ans.Two ways of advertising are:-
a.Public service advertising.
b.Social service advertising.
4.What is the other problems related to advertising?
Ans.The other problems related with the advertising are "Quack" or false advertising.
5.What is consumerism?
Ans.Consumerism is all about protection of the interests of the consumers.
6.What is BIS?
Ans.BIS means Burea of Indian Standard.
7.What amount of money is spent on advertisements?
Ans A huge amount of money is spent on advertisements.
8.What is the objective of packaged things advertisements?
Ans The objective of packaged things advertisements is to convince the consumer to use their brand product.
9.What creates the confusion in the mind of the consumer?
Ans The availability of many brands creates the confusion in the mind of the consumer.
10.What creates the brand loyalty?
Ans Advertisements by stars creates the brand loyalty.
11.How many kinds of the service advertising? Their names also.
Ans There are two kinds of service advertising.
They are a.Social service advertising b.Public service advertising
12.What is the mean of service advertising?
Ans It means applying marketing and advertising principles to promote health and social issues
13.What is the aim of service advertising?
Ans The aim of service advertising is to change the attitude and behavior of the public and bring about positive changes in the society.
14.What is the another use of advertisements?
Ans Advertising is also used to uniform the public about their objectives achievements and projects.They are political parties, interest groups,religious groups and defence services.
15.What is relation news may be in the advertisements?
Ans Advertisements may be related to water conversation,energy conservation,deforestation, health awareness or the ill effects of illiteracy.


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