6.Chapter13.History.The Maurayan Dynasty.

Chapter 13.History. 
The Mauryan Dynasty.Questions/Answers.
 A.Tick the correct options.
1. The founder of Mauryan Dynasty was -
Answer Chandragupta Maurya 
2.Who wrote the Arthashastra?
Answer  Kautilya
3. The ambassador sent by Seleucus Nicator to the court of Chandragupta Maurya was-
Answer Magashthenes
4.The last Nanda ruler was -
Answer Ghananand
5. The Mauryan kings were assisted by-
Answer Mantri Parishad 

B.Fill in the blanks.
1.Alexander was the son of King Philip of Macedonia. 
2.Chandragupta Maurya invaded Magadha with the help of Chanakya.
3.During Ashoka's rule agriculture was the main base of village economy 
4.The city administration during the Mauryan period was under Nagarik. 
5.The Chinese traveller Fa-hien was astonished to see the Mauryan palace

C.Match the following.
1.Barabar - caves
2.Odisha - Kalinga
3.Madurai - textile centre
4.Sahasrama - Rock edict
5.Sanchi - Stupa 
D.1.Who was Seleucus  Nicator ?
Ans Seleucus  Nicator  was one of the Diadochi (rival general). He served as an infantry general under Alexander the Great.He eventually assumed the title of basileus (title of a monarch) and established the Seleucid Empire over much of the territory in the near East which Alexander had conquered.
2.List the main sources of information about the Maurayan Dynasty? 
There are two types of sources of Mauryan History. One is Literary and the other is Archaeological. 
The literary sources include Kautilya's Arthasastra, Visakha Datta's Mudra Rakshasa , Megasthenese's Indica,Buddhist literature and Puranas.
And the archaeological sources are the inscriptions,rock edicts and remains of the stupas,monuments foundin  Mauryan empire.
3.Which lake was built by Chandragupta Maurya and why?
Ans As per the Junagadh Rock Inscription of Rudradaman the famous Sudarshan Lake for irrigation was constructed by Chandragupta Maurya.Constructed Sudarshan Lake proved to be a boon for the farmers.
4.Name the languages in which Ashoka's teachings were engraved.
Ans Kharoshthi Prakrit ,Greek,Aramaic were the languages in which Ashoka's teachings were engraved.
5.What advice was given by Ashoka to his sons and grandsons? 
Ans Ashoka gave advice to his sons and grandsons that they should not fight with other for gaining territories.They taught them to live in harmony and to promote caring love,non violence and affection for all living things.
They should establish the reign of Dham Vijay. .
E.1.Describe the finest examples of the architecture of the Mauryan Period?
Ans The greatest Mauryan Emperor Ashoka was also a major patron of architecture.
The most famous of these and the oldest example of Buddhist rock cut architecture are the Barabar caves.
Buddhist architecture took of under Ashoka and reminded a major part of India long after the Mauryan Emperor had collapsed.
2.Explain the features of Ashoka's Dhamma related to social and ethical code of conduct.  
Ans Principal features of Asoka's dhamma was associated to a general code of behavior comprises the following points : 
a.We should be very  sensitive with the serfs and assistants. 
b.It is incorrect to appreciate one's own religion or scrutinize another's faith. 
c..Each one should respect one's parent's and all the elderly persons.
d.Everybody should avoid arrogance,enmity,and sacrifices of the animals.
e.People should live with harmony
f.We should be caring and loving all living creatures. 
3.What did Ashoka do for the welfare of his people? 
Ans  Ashoka was an emperor who placed his people before everything.
He planted tress beside the road and constructed rest houses for the travellers.
He constructed wells and adopted new techniques for agriculture.
4.Describe briefly,the social and economic life of the people during the Maurayan Period. 
Answer : 
Social Condition 
The life of people was peaceful and prosperous in the society. Varna and Ashram systems of Rig Vedic period were in practice.
Kautilya outlined the duties of each Varna under each Ashram.Most people married within their own caste and followed their parental trade or profession.
People lived peacefully and harmoniously with each other and obeyed laws.
Varna System was as 1. Brahman  Kshatriya 3. Vaishya  4. Shudra 
Ashram System was as  1. Brahmacharya  2. Grihastha  3. Vanprastha  4.Sanyas 
Economic Condition 
Agriculture was the basis of the village economy.Many dams and lakes were constructed to provide irrigational facilities.Canals were also dug.Sudarshan Lake, built by Chandragupta Maurya,is a good example of the irrigation system that was prevalent at that time.  
The state also gave financial help to the cultivators and traders.
Cattle rearing Proper attention was paid to cattle - rearing and pastures. 
Natural Resources Forests, wild animals, mines and natural resources were considered as public property and protected by the state laws.Heavy punishment was given to those who cut down green trees.  
Promotion of trade was ensured by government officials.Cotton, wool, silk and jute products were the main items of internal and foreign trade.  The traders had to pay various taxes to the government. Their products were thoroughly checked.  Kashi, Kalinga and Madurai were the main centers for textiles,spices and ivory goods,etc. were the main items for export.
Do you know?  Along with taxes 'tribute' was collected in the form of goods. Tribute is believed   to be a willing or voluntary donation.  
5.How did the kalinga War prove to be a turning point in the life of Ashoka?
Ans Kalinga proved to be the turning point in the life of Ashoka because he was very much moved with the results of this war. 
He remained  disturbed too much to see the destructions and dead bodies of many soldiers in this war. He killed even  the King of Kalinga. And his sister became alone and she came to Ashok.She made him realise his mistake.
Ashok turned a Buddhist.He took the refuge in Buddhism and became non violent.Now he started believing in Dhamm Vijay policy victory of love and non violence.


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