6.Chapter17.History.The Era of Harsha

Chapter 17.History.
The Era of Harsh.Questions/Answers.
Benevolent: charitable and generous person/king.
Contemporary: people of persons living at the same time period
Devotee: person wholly or spontaneously devoted to religion or some go

Inside Questions
1. Who killed Rayavardhana?
Ans - Shashank of Bengal got him killed.
2. What were the states under Harsha’s control.
Ans - His empire included present Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Odisha, and Bihar.
3. Who gave the donations to the Nalanda University?
Ans- Harsha gave donations from over 200 villages were given to the Nalanda University.
4. How much produce tax did they people have to pay?
Ans- People had to pay 1/6th of the produce tax to the King.
5. What books were written by Harsha?
Ans- Priyadarshika, Naganand and Ratnavali.
6. What were the sources of this period?
Ans- (i) Contemporary inscriptions, coins and some rock edicts, (ii) Travel accounts of Hiuen-Tsang, a Chinese traveller, (iii) Harischarita written by Banabhatta, (iv) Priyadarshika, Naganand and Ratnavali written by Harsha himself.
7. What are the names of all the rulers of Vardhman Dynasty?
Ans- The founder of Vardhman Dynasty was Prabhakarvardhana, he was succeeded by his son Rajavardhana. Shashank the ruler of Bengal got him killed. Then Harahavardhana was crowned as the ruler of Sthanvisvara.
8. What were the kingdom that become more powerful after the death of Harsha?
Ans- Chalukyas and Pallavas became more powerful after the death of Harshavardhana.
9. Why did people from all over the world come to study at Nalanda University?
Ans- People from all over the world came to study at Nalanda University because it was a very large library and many types of Language and subjects they could study. It was the biggest library at the time.
10. Who was Harsha married to?
Ans- Harsha was married to Durgavati and had two sons named Vagyavardhana and Kalyanvardhana.
A.Tick (  ) the correct option.
1. Thanesar is located in-
(a) Punjab                                                                          (b) Haryana
(c) Rajasthan                                                                     (d) Uttar Pradesh
2. Rajyavardhana came to throne in-
(a) 605 CE                                                                         (b) 606 CE                              
(c) 607 CE                                                                          (d) 608 CE                            
3. Which one of the following books was not written by King Harshavaradhana himself?
(a) Harahacharita                                                              (b) priyadarshika                   
(c) Naganand                                                                    (d) Ratnavali                          
4. Nalanda was granted the income received from-
(a) donations                                          (b) traders
(c) foreign countries                                (d) villages
5.The Chinese traveler who came to India during Harsha’s rule was-
(a) Hiuen-Tsang                                        (b) I-Tsang
(c) Fa-hein                                                (d) Jantang
B. Fill in the blanks.
1. Rajshri was the daughter of King Prabhakarvardhan..
2. Harshacharita was written by Banbhatta.
3. To assist Harsha in administration there was a Council of Minister.
4. Farmers had to pay 1/16 of the produce as tax.
5. The society was divided into four varnas.
C. Write true of false for the following statements.
1. Harshavardhana was crowned in 606 CE.    True
2. Uparika was the head of the village.           False
3. Lord Shiva was not commonly worshiped during the rule of Harsha.False
4. Harsha never gave alms to the needy and the poor.       False
5. Harsha was very respectful towards all the religions.     True
D. Answer the following questions in brief.
Q.1. Which were the main sects of Hindusium during Harsha’s period?
Ans- The main sects of Hindusium during Harsha’s period are:1.Vaishnavism  2. Shaivism
Q.2. what was the main contribution of Prabhakarvardhana as a king?
Ans- The main contribution of Prabhakarvardhana was increasing the power of Vardhman Dynasty.
Q.3. What happened when Vardhan empire lost its glory?
Ans- After Vardhan empire lost all its glory when Harshavardhana died.After his death the Vardhan Dynasty  was split into many independent small kingdoms.
Q.4. Name the rivers that meet at Sangam in Prayaga (Allahabad).
Ans- The rivers that meet at Sangam in Prayaga are:1. Ganga 2. Yamuna 3. Saraswati
Q.5.Why was Nalanda University Famous?
Ans- Nalanda University was an international centre of education. It was situated near Patna, capital of Bihar in Nalanda District.It had a very large library. Students from all over the world came to study at Nalanda University..
E. Answer the following questions.
Q.1. Describe the administrative system of Harsha.
Ans- The king was all powerful. He was the head of judicial and civil administration. He was also the Commander-in-Chief of his army and led his forces in war.
His administration was quite similar to the Guptas. He had a council of ministers to assist and advise him. 
His ministers were known as Sachivs or Amatyas. The provinces were was known were as Buktis of Desh
These were divided in Vihyas or Pradesh. Uparika was known as the head of the province. Nalanda University was granted income, received from 200 villages, for its development and maintenance.
Q.2. Explain the religious policy of Harsha.
Ans- In the beginning, Harsha was a devotee of Shiva and worshipped Shiva and surya. But after coming in contact with Hiuen-Tsang, there was a greater impact of Buddhism on him. 
He was very tolerant and respectful towards all the religions. Harsha used to organise a conference at Prayaga, Allahabad, the sangamof Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati, every five years. At this occasion, he used to give alms (dan) to about five lakh needy and poor people of all religion.
Q.3. Mention the public welfare works undertaken by Harsha for his people.
Ans- Harsha used to organise a sangam at Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati, every five years. He used to give out alms (dan) of about five lakh. The society was divided into four Varnas, i.e. Bramins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. They led a pious life. People lived harmoniasly.
Q.4. State the condition of society during Harsha’s rule.
Ans- The society was mainly divided into four Varnas, i.e. Bramins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas and Shudras. The Brahmins were highly respected. They led a pious life. People lived harmoniasly. The Shudras did not have a good position in the society. They had to live outside the towns.
Q.5. Give any three examples to prove that the economy during Harsha’s reign was well-developed.
Ans-  the economy during Harsha’s reign was well-developed and people were prosperous and happy. Trade was flourishing and Kapisha was the centre of international trade. Tamralipti was a famous port for foreign trade. Agriculture was the main occupation of the people. They had to pay 1/6th of the produce as tax.

Lines on Harshavardhana
At first Harsha was crowned as the king of Sthanvisvara in 606 CE at the age of 16. Harsha was very benevolent He gave many donations. His administrative system was much like the Guptas. He ruled from 606 CE to 647 CE

Map Skills
On an outline map of India, mark and label the following:
(a) The important cities- Varanasi, Nalanda, Patliputra, Thanesar, Tamralipti port.


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