7.Chapter12.History.Turkish Invasion

Turkish Invasions in North India
Emerged- come into view.
Constant- unchangeable or fix.
Aspired-to aim at high things.
Recruited- a soldier newly enlisted.
Asserted- maintain or enforce leg right.
Conquered-to gain victory.
Ascended-to go up or to throne.
Stiff- moving with difficulty.
Resistance- the power to resist.
Paved-to cover with concrete to provide a hard level surface    to make road as way.
Campaigns- a series of military operation.

Something to know
A.Tick the correct option
1.The  first Muslim invasion India was?
Answer :-  Muhamad   bin Qasim.
2.Mahmud  of  Ghazni attked  India mainly?
Answer :- To take away the famous artisan from India.
3.Who  defeated  Muhammad  Ghori  in the first battle of Tarain?
Answer :-  Prithviraj Chauhan.
4.Who among the following were first to bring Islam into India?
Answer :-  Turks
5.The trusted slave and general appointed as a deputy Indian territories
Answer :-  Qutubuddin  Aibak
B.Fill in the blanks :
Wars among Rajput resulted in political instability.
Turks where recruited as professional soldiers.
Ghazni’s most destructive attack was on Somnath Temple in 1025 CE.
Muhammad Ghori was defeated by Prithviraj Chauhan in Gujarat.
Indian society was based on caste system.

C.Write True or False for the following statements.
1.Mahumad Ghazni invaded India 17 times. True .
2.Many muslimes settled in India due to their trade intrest.True.
3.Muhammad Ghori was defeated in both the battles of Tarain.False.
4.Muhammad Ghori conqured Kanauj and Benars.-True.

5.Muhammad Ghori had three children.False.

C.State whether the following statements are true or false:
Ga      1.Ghazni started Ghaznavis. True
           2.Ghazni defeated the Mughals. False
           3.Ghori had three children. False
           4.Ghori defeated Jaichand. True
           5.Ghori conquered Kanauj. False

           D. Answer the following question in brief:-
1. What attracted the Turks to India?
Ans. The disunity and frequent wars among the Rajputs resulted in political disorder in north India. This attracted the invasions of Turks to India.
2. Who had recruited the Turks as professional soldiers?
Ans. Abbasid caliphs of Baghdad recruited the Turks as professional soldiers.
3. List the places that are invaded by Mahmud Ghazni in India?
Ans.Mahmud Ghazni invaded India in 17 times. He started plundering the north Indian towns and temple like Nagarkot, Thanesar, Mathura,Somnath and Kanuaj.
4. Name the ruler who is credited with laying the foundation of Muslim empire in India?
Ans.the credit of laying the foundation of Muslim empire in India goes to Muhammad Ghori.
5. Who defeated Muhammad Ghori in first Battle of Tarain?
Ans.Prithviraj Chauhan defeated Muhammad Ghori,the ruler of Ghor in the First Battle of Tarain was fought in 1191
6.Who was handed over the conquered territories of Muhammad Ghori in India?
Ans.Muhammad Ghori put his conqured territories under the charge of his trusted slave and general, Qutubuddin Aibek.

E.Answer the following questions:-
1.How did Mahmud Ghazni extend his power?
Ans.Mahmud Ghazni invaded India 17 times in 27 years (1000-1027 A.D). He wanted to
make Ghazni, a small hilly and poor region, into a powerful empire.
He gained the control of Afganishtan and Khurasan. He was attracted by the great wealth of
He defeated all the, kings, plunders to all towns and collected heavy wealth.
2.Why did Mahmud Ghazni decide to attack India?
Ans.Mahmud Ghazni invaded India 17 times in 27 years (1000-1027 A.D). He wanted to
make Ghazni, a small hilly and poor region, into a powerful empire.
3.Narrate the main effects of the invasion of Mahmud Ghazni?
Ans.(a)Mahmud’s invasion exposed the weakness of Indian rulers and paved the way for
the establishment of Muslim rule in India.
(b)Trade interest also attracted many Muslims to settle in India.
(c)Destruction of valuable and artistic temples and idols was a great loss of Indian art.
4.List the reasons responsible for the defeat of Indian rulers?
Ans.(a)The disunity among the Indian rulers and the caste system were the main causes of
Ghori and the defeat of Indian rulers.
(b)The common people were dissatisfied as they had no contact with the rulers.
(c) Rajputs rulers helped the Turks against their own country. Moreover, the feudal system,
where the landowners were very powerful, weekend the power of the kings
(d) Ghori’s army was well-equipped and his campaigns were properly planned. The Muslim
armies moved swiftly on their horses and compared to the armies of Indian rulers, that use
old methods of war, equipment and elephants.
5.Highlight the difference between the aims of Mahmud Ghazni and Muhammad Ghori
Ans. Mahmud Ghazni Mahmud Ghazni is remembered as the plunderer of towns and
temples in India. He also took stage to propagate Islam throughout the world.
Muhammad Ghori Unlike Mahmud Ghazni whose main aim was of invading India and to loot
the great wealth of India wanted to extend the Muslim Empire.
The credit of foundation of Mushlims Empire in India goes to Muhammad Ghori. He
established the Islamic empire in India.

Caliph-- A leader of Islamic polity regarded as a successor of Muhammad.
Heritage-- the art,building,traditions and beliefs that a society consider important to its history and culture, or the legacy transformed from one generation another.
Historian-- an ewxpect in the study of past events.
Lineage-- the line of descendant of a particular ancestor,family,race.

Inside Question/Answers
1.When did the Arabs attack over Sindh?
Ans : The Arabs started coming to India on the Malabar Coast around 8th century. As soon as the ruler of Sindh Dahir attacked the ships of Caliph of Beghdad.They became angry thus they attacked India in 712 A.D. Sindh was then conqured.
2. Who was the Caliph?
Ans:Caliph was the religious and political head of the Arab
3. Who recruited the Turks as guards and profession soldiers?
Ans: Abbasid caliphs of Bagdad recruited the Turks as guards and professional soldiers.
4. Who started a new lineage of rulers?
Ans: One governor, who conquered Ghazni in Afghanistan , started a new lineage of rulers known as Ghazanavis.
5. When was Mahmud Ghazni born and when did he ascend to the throne?
Ans: Mahmud Ghazni was born in 971 A.D and He ascended to the throne in 998 A.D.
6. When did Mahmud Ghazni invade India for how many times?
Ans: Mahmud Ghazni Invaded India in 1000-1027 A.D. He attacked over India 17 times.
7. In which year did Mahmud Ghazani invade over the Somnath Temple?
Ans: Mahmud Ghazni attacked the Somnath Temple in 1025 A.D.
8. What were the effects of Mahmud Ghazni invasions?
Ans: Mahmud invasions exposed the weakness of Indian rulers.He paved the way for the establishment of Muslim rule in India.Trade interests also attacked many Muslims to settle in India. Mahmud's destruction of valuable temples and idols. It was a great loss to Indian art.
9. Who was Alberuni?
Ans:Al-Beruni (973-1048 AD) was a Persian scholar and sciencetist who wrote an account Kitab-Al-Hind that gives us an account of Indian sub-continent.
10. Who defeated Muhammad Ghori in Gujarat?
Ans: King Bhimdeva a ruler in Gujarat defeated badly
11. Who was the ruler of Ghor?
Ans: Muhammad Ghori was the rules of a small Kingdom of Ghor in Afghanistan.
12. Who was Firdausi what was his Work?
Ans: Firdausi ( 1940-1020 AD. ) was a famous Persian poet and the author of Shahnama.He was a court poet of Muhammad Ghazni in his work Shahnama  he praised the ruling of Mahmud Ghazni.
13. Who defeated Muhammad Ghori in Gujarat?
Ans: King Bhimdeva ruler in Gujarat defeated badly Muhammad Ghori.
14. Who defeated Muhammad Ghori in the First Battle of Tarain?
Ans:Prithviraj Chauhan (1179-1192), the ruler of Delhi and Ajmer defeated Muhammad Ghori in First Battle of Tarain 1191.
15. Who was defeated in the Second Battle of Tarain?
Ans. Prithviraj Chauhan was defeated in the Second Battle of Tarain by Muhammad Ghori.
16. In which battle Jaichand was defeated by Muhammad Ghori?
Ans: Jaichand, the ruler of Kanauj was defeated by Muhammad Ghori in the Battle of Chandawar in 1794
17. Who was a trusted slave of Muhammad Ghori?
Ans: Qutubuddin Aibek was the trusted slave and general of Ghori who remained the founder of Delhi Sultanate.
18. Who was the court poet of Mahmud Ghazni?
Ans: Firdausi was the court poet of Mahmud Ghazni.
19. Who was the founder of Muslim empire in India?
Ans: The credit of the foundation of Muslim Empire in India goes to Muhammad Ghori.   
20. Who was Bhaktiyar Khilji?
Ans: Bhaktiyar Khilji was the commander of Muhammad Ghori.He further expanded the Turkish empire in north India and he destroyed the famous university of Nalanda.



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