
1st Pre Mid Term/Periodic Test Q/A 
SESSION(2018 – 2019)
Class  VIII     Maximum Marks: 50
Subject:    S.Sc   Time:      80 minutes
General Instructions:-
This question paper contains 2  pages.
All questions are compulsory
Marks for each question are indicated against it.
Civics (16 Marks)
(1).Tick the correct option.                                                                               1×2=2
(i)Writs can be issued by
(a)a district court                               (b)a Gram panchayat 
(c)a civil court                                     (d)a High court ( Ans)
(ii)The Fundamental Right that came into existence in 2002 is the-
(a)Right to Equality                            (b)Right to Education (Ans)
(c)Cultural and Educational Rights (d)Right to Freedom of Religion
(2). Fill in blanks.                                                                                               1×2=2
(a)Freedom of -----does not mean that there is no check at all on your religious activities.  Ans- Religion
(b)Right to work has been implemented for the rural unemployed under ---- Ans- Manrega
(3). Write True or False  for the following statements.                                1×2=2
1.Mohan is a Gujrati but lives in the Punjab and has a dual citizenship -----False
2.India is a sovereign and socialist state but not secular----------- False
(4).Answer the following questions.                                                                3×2=6
1.Explain the Right to Freedom of religion.
Ans- Free to accept any religion of one choice.Article (25-28)
Freedom to profess,practice and propagate any religion
Religious group to own property for religious purposes.
2.Mention any three Directive Principles of State Policy that have been implemented.
Ans-Under three heads, Economic Principles,Gandhian Principles and Principles for  International Understanding,Citizen could lead a better life,Social and economic democracy through  a welfare
(5)Answer the following question.                                                                   4×1=4
1.Explain any four provisions given under the ‘Right to Eqality’.
Ans- a.Its a fundamental right. Eqality before law.Article(14-18)
b.No discrimination on the basis of sex,place of birth,caste, religion
c.It prohibited discrimination between the citizens
d.It provides equal opportunity to public employment
e.It abolishes the untouchability and conterring the titles by the states
Geography  (17 Marks)
1.Fill in the blanks.  1×3=3              
(a) ___ resources can be used again and again after processing. Ans- Renewable
(b) Developed countries are economically self sufficient and ___advanced. Ans- Technological
(c)To maintain ecological Balance, -33 % of the land should be under forest.
2.Why are human beings considered as the most important resource for devlopment ? 
Ans- Because due to creativity and skill of Human resorces all resources can.    be developed easily.
3.Mention the causes of soil erosion.                                   (3)
Ans- Overgrazing,mining,unwise action,soil removed by natural agent
4.What is Sustainable development?  Why it is required?                                 (3)
Ans- Sustainable development means development without damaging the
invironment as distribution is uneven Over utilisation causing deplection
5. Explain hydrological cycle with the help of diagram.                                     (5)
 History (17 Marks)
Q.1.Where is Gandhi Samriti  located in Delhi ?                                                      (1)
Ans-Gandhi Smriti is located in Delhi near Rajghat.
Q.2.What was the biggest source  of income for the company?                          (1)
Ans- Land Revenue
Q.3.When was the Zamindari system introduced in Bengal ?                               (1)
Ans- Zamindari System introduced in 1793 by Lord Cornwallis
Q.4.Who was Birsa Munda? How did he improve the conditions of tribals ?     (3)
Ans- Birsa Munda was a tribal hero He said the mundas not to give taxes
Q.5.How was Battle of Buxar beneficial for the British in Bengal ? Explain its
importance in the history of India.                                                                      (3)
Ans-22nd of October 1764.The Treaty of Allahabad 1765
Mir Qasim,Nawab of Bengal,Sujau Daulah,Shah Alam between British
British got the right of Diwani in Bengal,Bihar,Orissa.The Kingdom of Oudh was restored.Two districts of Kora and Allahabad was given to Shah Alam
Q.6.How was Indian treated by the Europeans in India ?                                       (3)
Ans- Indians were inferior to.They were given lower post and less salary
Policy of discrimination,Indians supposed as rustic,univilised and uncultured.
Q.7.Briefly explain the three types of land revenue settlements introduced by  (5)
the British in India.
Ans-Peramanent Settlement-Bihar,Bengal,Orissa.Owner- Zamindar's.1793
Roytwari-Owner Cultivators,Bombay,Madras,Sind,Assam,Berar Thomas Munaro introduced this settlement in 1820.Mahalwari -Introduced in 1822 North West Province,Punjab,U.P,Delhi.Owner- Group of village


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