8.Chapter16.Civics.Our Constitution

Chapter 16.Civics
Our Constitution.Questions /Answers
Keywords What are these
Draft : a design / a preliminary form of writing subject to revision / review .  
Governance : a method or system of government / management.  
Hereditary : passing from parent to their offsprings.  
Jurisdiction : the extent of the power to make legal decisions and judgments.  
Non - justiciable : matters that cannot be decided by a court. 
Something to Know
A.Tick the correct option.  
Q.1.In a parliamentary form of government 
(a) the executive is answerable to the parliament 
(b) there is no relationship between the legislature and the executive.
(c) the president enjoys real powers as Head of the state.
(d) The Council of Ministers can be rejected by the President.
Answer.(a) the executive is answerable to the parliament   
Q.2.The Constituent Assembly of India was of - 
(a) directly elected members.  
(b) indirectly elected numbers.  
(c) members nominated by the Queen.  
(d) members nominated by Governor - General of India.
Answer.(b) indirectly elected numbers.   
Q.3.Most of the provisions of Indian Constitution can be amended by 
(a) simple majority 
(b) special majority.  
(c) special majority with ratification by the State Legislature. 
(d) simple majority with ratification by the State Legislature.
Answer.(b) special majority.   
Q.4. Freedom of religion makes India a - 
(a) Socialist state 
(b) Sovereign state 
(c) Secular state 
(d) Republic 
Answer.(c) Secular state 
Q.5.Which one of the following statements goes against the spirit of federalism in India?  
(a) India has a written and rigid Constitution.  
(b) Powers have been divided between the Center and the States.  
(c) The government at the center is very strong.  
(d) India has an independent judiciary.  
Answer.(c) The government at the center is very strong.
B.Fill in the Blanks
1.Family is the basic unit of society.
2.India is a vast country with various physical , cultural and social diversities.
3.The constitution provides a set of rules,principles and laws acceptable to almost all.
4.England is not a republic because its Head of the State is queen or king.
5.India has a single integrated judicial system.
C.Write True or False for the following statemaents.
1.Mohan is a Gujarati but lives in Himachel pradesh and has a dual citizenship False
2.The President of India has the power to remove any judge of the supreme court False 
3.There were 15 female members in the Constituent Assemble in India.True
4.A Constitution is called rigid or flexible on the basis of the procedure for its amendement.True
5.India is a sovereign and socialist state but not secular. False
D. Answer the following questions in brief: 
Q.1.Cite three examples to prove that Indian Constitution is quite dynamic. 
Here are some examples to prove that Indian Constitution is quite dynamic: 
a.Abolition of privy purse . 
b.Nationalisation of banks.
c.Reservation for OBCs,SC and ST in jobs and others.
d.Reservation for women in the local self governing bodies, etc.
e.Right to Information given to the Indian citizen..
f.Right to Education given to all children and youths.
Q.2.Identify any three provisions which make the constitution of India rigid as well as flexible A constitution  is called rigid or flexible on the basis of its amendment procedure, for example.
a.By simple majority: the bill should be approved by the majority of the members present and voting in both the Houses of the Parliament . 
b.By special majority:
(i) by the  absolute majority of the total membership of both the houses of parliament. • 
(ii) two third majority of members present and voting.Many a time the provisions of our constitution are amended by this method. 
c.Special majority and ratification  After the bill is passed by the special majority in both the houses of the parliament.It may be approved by the legislature of at least half of the total members of states.
Q.3 "India has Parliamentary form of Government.”Give three examples to support the statement . 
Answer These are the three examples to support the statement .   
a.Presence of nominal executive and real executive . 
b.Collective responsibility of the executive to the legislature . 
c.Leadership of the Prime Minister in center and the same of the chief minister in a state. 
Q.4.Why is Indian Federation called a quite unique ?.Explain .  
The constitution of India is a combination of many good points of several constitutions of the world .By this it is a unique Constitution . 
Q.5. Explain the procedures of amending the Indian Constitution.
Answer : Article 368 of Indian Constitution deals with the amendment of our constitution. 
Article 368 (2) deals with the procedure of amending the constitution. 
It says that an amendment of the Indian Constitution may be initiated only by the introduction of a Bill for the purpose in either House of Parliament,Lok Sabha or Rajya sabha. 
And when the Bill is passed in each House by a majority of the total membership of that House present and voting, 
Then it shall be presented to the President of India who shall give his assent to the Bill and thereupon the Constitution shall stand amended in accordance with the terms of the Bill.
E.Answer the following Questions.
Q,1.Describe the composition and contribution of the constituent assembly of India?Answer.The constituent Assembly of India was formulated to frame the Indian Constitution. It consisted of only Indians with Unity among the members and focused on idealism. The constituent Assembly took decision through consensus . Efforts were made to sort out differences of opinion and overcome biases. It also focused on proclaiming the country as an independent, sovereign, and Republic country . It declared equal political, economic and Social justice for all as well as  freedom of worship, thought, faith, belief and expressio.
Q.2.Describe any five salient features of the Indian Constitution .            
Some salient features of the Indian Constitution are: 
a.Unique Constitution Indian constitution is unique because it has adopted best features of the many constitutions of the world by modifying these. 
b.Lengthiest constitution  Indian Constitution is the lengthiest constitution of the world .it was divided into 22 parts and it had 395 articles and 8 schedules when it was framed.
c.Written constitution Indian constitution is a written constitution. it was drafted and enacted by the constituent Assembly of India. Dr Rajendra Prasad presided over it.Dr.B.R  Ambedkar was the chairman of the Drafting Committee of the constituent Assembly of India  d.Rigid and flexible Indian Constitution is rigid and flexible both because some articles of the Constitution
e.Features of foreign constitution borrowed by Indian constitution.it borrowed all good objectives from different constitutions from Britain,USA,USSR,Canada and Ireland.
Q.3.Mention any five proposes which the Constitution of India serves towards strengthening democracy. 
Answer Five purposes are by the Constitution are as follows.
a.It Provides certain significant guidelines that help in decision making within a democratic set-up     
b.It defines a nature of a country’s political system.    
c.It Plays a crucial role in democratic societies towards the achievement of desired goals.       
d.It does not allow dictatorial or biased decisions which may change the very basic structure of the constitution.       
e.It guarantees certain rights based on equality to establish social, political and economic justice.
Q.4.India is a sovereign,socialist,secular and democratic country.
a.Sovereign : India is a sovereign country because it  can take decision on its own in internal or external matters. 
b.Socialist : socialism is one of the national goals to be achieved by India.Therefore, India may be called a socialist state. 
c.Secular : India is a secular state because all religions enjoy equal  freedom. There is no state religion. Democratic: India is a democratic country because the government is carried out by the elected representatives of the people. 
Q.5.Why do some people say that India is a federation with unitary features ? Explain with the help of any five constitutional provisions.
Answer India is a federation with unitary features because: 
a.In India there is a single constitution. 
b.There is flexibility in the constitution. 
c.Emergency situation the central government can work and work even for States. 
d.There is a single citizenship.
e.Integrated Judiciary for the whole of the country.
Q.What is Constitution?
Answer.A constitution is a set of fundamental principles or established rules according to which a state or other organization is governed.
These rules together make up, i.e. constitute, what the entity is. 
When these principles are written down into a single document or set of legal documents, those documents may be said to embody a written constitution.
Q.What is Democracy?
Answer Democracy is a system in which all are equal before law, and where ruler and ruled are supposed to live together, constrained by built – in constitutional safeguards that protect not only citizens’ right
Q.What is meant for the Rule of Law ?
Answer James Madison has rightly pitted the need for laws in a single sentence that, “If men were angels, no government would be necessary.” But Man is no angel; he is only too human and fallible, which is why laws are needed to restrain man within the social contract and to control those in power.
Need for the Rule of Law.
a.Rules state the rights and duties of a man towards his fellow citizens, society and nation.
b.They also state the political structure of the government,the function of various organs of government,how they meet the constitutional objectives,
c.and the safeguards installed to protect citizens from various encroachment on their rights and liberties.
d.For good governance we need clear principles, guidelines and rules regarding the structure, formation and powers of the government, the rights and responsibilities of the citizens, the Judicial processes and other important matters affecting the nation.
Q.What is the Privy Purse? 
Answer The Kings of the Princely States,who merged them with India after independence, were paid a fixed annual amount of money as a stipend known as the privy purse.
Q.What is the Universal Adult Franchise? 
Answer i.e.The Right to Vote was granted in 1950 to every citizen of India above the age of 21 years without any discrimination of caste, color, class,religion. 


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