5.Chapter 4.S.St.Sensivity Towards Others.

Class 5 Sub. S.St          
Chapter 4.Sensitivity Towards Others
Answers Bank
A. Tick the correct option 
1. Special skills can make a physically challenged children --
 Ans. (b) Confident
 2. Children with physical challenges have difficulty in forming relationships with 
others due to--
Ans.(a)  Physical limitation
3.  Physically challenged children should be given education which is-
 Ans. (b) Inclusive
4.  The condition of socially deprived children can be improved through-
 Ans.(c)  Education
B. Fill in the blanks :
 1. Little care and love can make a great differences in the lives of physically challenged  and socially derived children
 2  Physically trained teachers and therapist provide guidance to Special Children. 
3.  Physically challenged children face difficulties in forming relationships
Our constitution has special provisions to ensure that each and every child gets education
5.  Inclusive education also benefits all students
C. Correct the following statements
1.In earlier times parents were unaware about the help and training given to  physically challenged children.special children must be provided with opportunities.
3.  Physically challenged children should be sent to normal schools.
4.  School has an important role in the life of socially deprived children
5.  Socially deprived children belong to homes where parents are unable to earn enough money.
D.  Answer the following questions briefly :
Q1.Which facility in school can make physically challenged children more mobile?
Ans. Adaptive Devices and Therapeutic Service can make physically challenged children are more mobile.
Q2.Which important quality do parents and teachers of physically challenged children need ?
Ans. Parents should remain in close contact with teachers for guidance essential for Physically challenged children.
 Q3. Name one thing that is essential for physically challenged children?
Ans. Inclusive education is essential for physically challenged children.
Q4.What do socially deprived children miss?
Ans.Socially deprived children do not have the opportunities of education or life of  dignity.
Q5.What do you do with your old books, clothes and toys?
Ans.  I donate my old books, clothes and toys to charity.There these are distributed among poor children and slums areas, so that they can get benefits. 
E.Answer the following questions. 
Q1. Who are special child children? What can make a difference in their lives ?
Ans.Physically challenged children are known as  Special children .All little care and love
can make a great difference in their lives.They need patience, kindness and sympathetic
attitude from their teachers and parents. 
Q2. Distinguish between the training of physically challenged children in earlier times and
 present times. 
Ans.In earlier times the physically challenged children were not given any special education 
and training. They were considered as enabled. But in recent times there has been a lot of
progress and awareness in this field.Physically challenged children are trained by adaptive
devices and Therapeutic service to make their life happy and confident. 
Q3. List the area where physically challenged children require special skills. How are these
skills useful to them?
Ans.Physically challenged children require some special skills to read , move around, express themselves, eat etc.  These skills can make them more confident and less dependent; they can use special machines for exercise and greater movement.
Q4.  What is Inclusive Education ? How does it benefit other students ?
Ans.Experts advise physically challenged children  must be integrated with other children.
This is known as the Inclusive Education.Inclusive education is very beneficial to other  students. It  develops a caring and sympathetic attitude towards others and it brings a change in society .
Q5.Who are socially deprived children ? Where can you find them ?
Ans. Children who do not get a place in society because of poverty are unable to fulfill their
studies and needs  are called socially deprived children. We can commonly find them
 in slums or on the side of roads. 
Q6.What steps should be taken to improve the condition of social deprived children ?
Ans. Following steps taken to improve the condition of social deprive children ----   
 (i) The most benefited by the special provisions of the Constitution that each and every
child gets education and a decent standard of living. 
 (ii) They must be provided free education books, uniforms and money. Those efforts are
made by the government.
 (iii) Parents should be encouraged to send their children to school regularly and study
 hard to make a better future.


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