5.Chapter 10.S.St.Mapping India I

Chapter 10
Mapping India In the earlier times, people believed that the Earth was flat.  They feared that they might fall off if they travelled to the edges.  Ferdinand Magellan (a Portuguese explorer) and his crew of 270 began a voyage from Spain in 1519. In 1521, almost three years later, the voyage ended at the same place.  The voyage had started with five ships and a crew of 270 but only 18 members survived.  Magellan was not among the survivors.  But the voyage proved that the earth was round!  Boile - Surrey Water I Ship worker Magellan's Voyage Around the World 1519 - 21 Atlantic Ocean Spain Canary Islands Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean Cape Verde Islands Magellan died April 27. 1521 luccas lelanda Marquesas linds PRio de Janeiro Roo de la Plata Juan Fernandez Islands Santa Cruz Bay  Strait of Magelan 65

Down AIRPORT A globe is a true representation of Earth but it is not easy to carry it around.  It can only give limited information, whereas a map can give accurate details of any part of the earth.  Moreover, it is QUIDE MAP easy to carry.  A map is a drawing of the earth on a flat surface.  It can be drawn to show the whole world, a country, a city or even your neighborhood OUTER RING ROAD VASANT VIHAR 101 AIRPORT OUVINIANOO- FOR AT PETER You must have seen a map outside a locality.  It shows drawn on a reduced scale, it shows all the buildings, houses, parks and shopping areas, etc.  , of the locality.  Different features are represented by symbols, colors and shades.  Holiday PALTO VASANT VEHAR Map of a locality Different types of information can be provided on one single map or one map may give only one type of information.  For example, a map of a state may show the rivers, lakes, mountains, temperature and rainfall or it may show only the different districts of the state.  A book of maps is called an atlas.  There are different types of maps: 1. Physical maps show natural features of the earth, such as mountains, plateaus, plains, rivers, oceans, etc.  2. Political maps show the boundaries of cities, towns and villages, countries and states of the world.  Do you know?  3. Thematic maps focus on particular The Survey of India prepares information like roads, population, parks, all maps for India.  etc 67

Maps are very useful.  But we must learn to read the language of the maps.  The language of the map allows map - makers to show a lot of information in a small space.  You can understand the language of the map if you know the cardinal and intermediatory directions, scale, symbols and the colors used on maps.  These are the basic components of maps: 1. Direction: Most maps show an arrow marked with the letter 'N' at the upper right hand corner.  It means 'North'.  When you know the north, you can find out other directions - east, west and south.  2. Scale: The actual distance on ground is shown on a reduced scale.  Scale is the ratio between the actual distance on the ground and the distance shown on the map.  For example, the distance between Delhi and Agra is 200 kilometres, On a map, 100 km may be shown as 1 cm.  Thus, 2 cm = 200 km of actual distance.  3. Colors: Standard colors are used all over the world to show different features of the earth, for example, blue color is for water bodies and green color is for showing plains.  It makes the reading of maps very easy.  4. Symbols: Features like buildings, roads, bridges, trees or railway lines are shown by simple drawings to give information in the limited space that is available on a map.  You can easily read a map with the help of these symbols.  SOME MAP SYMBOLS.  .  pole Do you know?  Most symbols are common all over the world.  They are known as Conventional symbols.  Play polo Ligne Poring Getragen Power LILIT 68 according to tradition

Activity Look at the Political Map of India and notice the directions.  ANAAN AMINA AR HTMLITEM.OP - CHINA TIBIT PARISTAN LA ADU VITARA PELADESH NAL 1 BA RAJASTHAN MASSA MAN SN LE D OUJARAT MADHYA PRADESH MAHARASHTRA ORIDOA MYANMAR ARABIAN EFA ANDHRA PRADESH BAT OR RENILAN NADO HOM TAN INDONAMO HOM TWO HANS JOMAN O HAM NAM TANO O HAM JON INDIAN OAM  the following directions: 1. North JRK, HIP 2. South Kerala, Tamil nadu 20 3. East Asimo, Manikur Crujarat, Rajasthan 4. West Alame the direction of your state from the capital of India.  Nordheart 69


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