8 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter10.Colonialism Rural and Tribal Societies.

Chapter 10

Something to Know A. Tick (M) the correct option.  1.  Under the Mahalwari System, the word mahal means (a) a group of cities (b) a group of villages (d) a group of towns (c) a group of districts 2. The Ryotwari System was introduced by (b) Holt Mackenzie  (a) Lord Cornwallis (d) Lord Wellesley (c) Thomas Munro The other name for Zamindari Bandobast was 3.  (a) Permanent Revenue System (b) Ryotwari System (c) Mahalwari System (d) Kisandari System 4.  Who was the leader of the Santhals' revolt?  (a) Bar Manik and Triut Singh (b) Sidhu and Kanhu Murmu (c) Birsa Munda (d) Bhuwan 5.  Where did Industrial Revolution begin first?  (a) England (b) France (c) Holland (d) Spain B. Fill in the blanks.  1.  English shattered the self - sufficient ustal 2. Many tribals left forests in search of Bank economy Lord Carrowalks 4.  Land 3. Zamindari system was introduced in Bengal by revenue was the biggest source of income for the company 5. Basic or industry started in India after independence.  122
she lawade by the british.  c Write True or False for the following statements, 1. Before the advent of East India Company, the rural life in India was simple and self - sufficient.  2. The British wanted to smuggle and sell opium in Spain to earn profit.  3.  Kisan Sabhas were formed in 1930 to support the cause of peasants.  4.  The Khonds of Orissa practiced shifting agriculture, 5. The tribal chiefs lost all their powers and were forced to follow the laws made by the British officers in India, D. Answer the following questions in brief.  1. Highlight the main features of Mahalwari System 2. Why did the British force Indian farmers to grow commercial crops?  3.  What was the impact of colonial rule on the tribals of India.  Attention any three.  4.  Write short notes on the Birsa Movement 5. Highlight any three changes that took place in modern industries in the nineteenth century E. Answer the following questions.  1 List the main features of Permanent Settlement.  How did the production of oplum, indigo and sugar shot up the profit margins of the East India Company?  2 .  Differentiate between Ryotwari and Mahalwari system 3.  How did colonialism systematically destroy Indian crafts and industries?  Explain.  4 How far were British agrigarian and tribal policies responsible for widespread discontentment in India?  Explain with the help of examples.  5 Describe any five revolts by the tribals against the British.  The bolley exceeds by the British lay to the great discordent son tribals and the beasents they were harrassed by imposed value based question The management of forests led to some of the tribal revolts in India, as forests were the main sources of the livelihood of many tribals  .  The British government had introduced certain legislations permitting merchants and contractors to cut the forests.  These rules not only deprived the tribals of several forest 123
products but also made them victims of harassment by the forest officers.  This led to rebel movements the tribals in Andhra Pradesh and some other parts of India.  1. Why did the British introduce some laws related to forests?  How did it destroy the rights of the tribing 2. Do you think that efficient management of forests is the need of hour?  Justify your answer wa suitable arguments.  Map Skill on an outline political map of India, locate and name the states where the following tribal communities live.  (a) Abors (b) Badagas (c) Baiga (d) Bhotias (e) Chakma (1) Banjaras B) Ahirs (h) Andamanese 6) Lalung 0) Nagas Note: You can take the help of Internet for completing this exercise  , Something To Do 1.  Collect information about any three tribal communities of India who still live in isolation from the modern developments.  2 .  List the ways in which the modernization has destroyed the self - sufficiency of Indian villages.  3. "Tribal communities of India must maintain their cultural identity. Hold a debate in the class. The students should be encouraged to speak 'for' and against the topic. 4. What is the condition of Santhal silk growers today? Try to collect  information from various sources. 124)) & 00


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