6.Chapter 23.Civics.Our Rural Governance.

Chapter – 22.Civics.
Democracy and Government.
A.Tick the correct option:
1.Conflicting  interests lead to 
Ans. (d) clashes
2.In an atmosphere of discord and division , what is the best way to settle disputes
Ans. (d) adjustment and accommodation
3.Democratic way of life demands that 
Ans. (c) opinion of the minority should be respected
4.Which one of the following is against the spirit of democracy
Ans. (b) dictatorship
5.Identify the undemocratic method of problem solving.
Ans. (b) coersion
B.Fill in the blanks :
1.Our country is indirectly governed by the people through their representatives
2.A democratic government is a government of the people for the people and by the people 3.When elected representatives govern the country on behalf of the people , it is called democratic government.
4.There is no place for coersion and violence in a democracy.
5. Democracy paves the way and prepares the citizens to resolve the disputes.
C. Match the following :
1.India (e) democratic government
2.Goal of democracy (d) well being of each individual
3.Universal Adult Franchise.(a) right to cast vote
4.Union Government (c) government of national level
5.Positive attitude (b) live and let live
D. Answer the following questions in brief :
Q.1.What is the most positive attitude in a conflicting situation ?
Ans. Live and let live is the most positive attitude in a conflicting situation .
Q.2.Mention an outcome of conflicting situations .
Ans. Misunderstanding , rigid stands and clashes are an outcome of conflicting Situations
Q.3.Who organises, supervises and controls activities around us.
Ans. The government at different levels that organises,supervises and controls the activities around us .
Q.4.What is the outcome of tolerance and self – discipline ?
Ans. The harmony is the outcome of tolerance and self – discipline .
Q.5.Give example of any two elected representatives of the people at various levels of government .
Ans. Panchs ,Municipal Councillors, Member of Legislative Assemblies or Members of Parliament.
E.Answer the following questions:
Q.1.State three points on the right which forms basis of democratic  government .
Ans.In the election process of the country at various levels is based on Universal Adult Franchise, which means all the citizens of India ,who are 18 years of age and
above are eligible to cast their vote
Right to vote and to elect representatives is given to all the adults without any discrimination. This right forms the very basis
Democratic government at various levels in India .
Q.2.Whose view should be accepted when so many people are involved in taking a decision and why ?
Ans. In democracy when a large number of people are involved in taking a decision the opinion of majority is accepted and opinion of minority is also respected because
democracy everyone can share equal freedom in social , economic and political fields.
Q.3.Why did India opt for representative democracy ? Explain .
Ans.India is the country of diversity . Every citizen has equal right to take part in politics. So democratic way is based on equalities , fraternity and justice
above all condition are responsible
Q.4.Mention any three advantages of a democratic set up.
Ans.These are the following advantages –.
It helps to maintaining peace.
It tries to root out authoritarianism and dictatorship.
It tries to solve all problems a unemployment, poverty ,hunger and illiteracy.
Q.5.How do people guard their own rights and freedom granted to them by the constitution Explain .
Ans.The people closely watch the activities of various departments of the government . Using their thought to expression.
They criticize the government.
They exercise their fundamental rights i.e. right to constitutional remedies and protect their own rights and freedom . .


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