4.Chapter 4.S.St.An Ideal Home.

Chapter 4
An Ideal Home 
ERE Ayesha lives in a small house on the outskirts of a small township of Begampur in Uttar Pradesh, The roads are katcha (unsurfaced) and the drains are uncovered.  But Ayesha's family keeps their home and surroundings very clean.  The entire neighborhood ensures that the garbage is not thrown in the drains or on the streets.  They have dug a deep pit at a small distance where the garbage is thrown and covered with soil to convert it into compost.  Neerad lives in a mansion in village Bhogpur.  It is surrounded by a lot of greenery.  It is a village of rich farmers but the people throw the waste near their main gates.  A huge pile of stinking garbage gets accumulated.  The villagers have to cover their nose when they pass the streets.  Moreover, flies and mosquitoes breed on the garbage.  27
Activity: (a) How are the surroundings of Ayesha's house better than Neerad's house?  Give two reasons: (b) Mention one good point and one bad point of your neighborhood.  Good point of my neighborhood is bad point of my neighborhood is we are all responsible for keeping our neighborhood clean.  An ideal neighborhood requires each and every member to look after his / her house as well as the surroundings.  Features of an Ideal Home The size, location or the cost of building a house is not as important as carrying the house and the neighborhood.  A simple house can be converted into an ideal home, if we take care of the following 1 Sunlight: It brightens our home and keeps the rooms dry.  The sunlight Do You Know?  keeps the germs away.  There should Sunlight is a rich source of be sufficient windows or verandas to Vitamin D, which strengthens get plenty of sunlight, our bones.  2 .  Ventilation: Windows and doors should face each other to allow free flow of fresh air.  They also ensure the outlet of dirty air from the home, which is necessary for our health.  Do you know?  An ideal home should have a chimney or an exhaust fan to let the smoke out.  This helps in keeping the house free from odor and pollution 28
3. Sanitation: An ideal home must have proper drainage system to do you know?  remove the dirty water.  The drains from the drains from bathroom should be covered and cleaned and kitchen should slope regularly to prevent the breeding of for an efficient system of flies, germs, mosquitoes cleaning and cockroaches.  A proper drainage system protects us from diseases like malaria, dengue, cholera, etc.  The dustbin should have a lid and it must be cleaned everyday.  4. Doors and Windows: A good house should have two doors.  A wooden door and a wire - net (fly mesh) door.  The windows should have fly mesh to keep flies and mosquitoes away and allow fresh air.  5. Water Supply: An ideal home must have sufficient water supply for bathing, washing clothes, cleaning utensils, wiping floors, etc.  The scarcity of water can lead to unhygienic surroundings.  Drinking water must be stored in clean and covered vessels.  Storage tanks must be cleaned at regular intervals.  keep 6. Safety: The doors and windows should have bolts and locks.  The main door must have a 'spy eye' to ensure that the door is not Do You Know?  opened to the strangers.  There The doors and windows should should be a wall or fence all have curtains.  Curtains help the around the house to house look nice and maintain animals and strangers out.  There privacy.  They also help to keep the should be a proper system of flies, mosquitoes and dust out.  escape in case of a fire or other natural calamity.  7. Cleanliness: A house should be kept neat and clean.  The furniture and other things should be dusted everyday.  Floors should be wiped with disinfectant.  Things should be kept in proper places.  It keeps the house neat, tidy and saves a lot of time.  29
8. Garbage Disposal: A clean home and a neighborhood require an efficient system of garbage disposal so that heaps of ALS garbage do not harm the people or the environment.  The people must separate those items that can be reused or recycled to reduce the amount of garbage.  The garbage should be disposed off from the surroundings on daily basis.  We are all responsible for protecting the natural environment.  We should keep fresh plants around our house.  We must plant trees in our colony.  We should live in harmony inside our home and with our neighbors.  The cooperation, sharing and caring creates a friendly environment wil ons VIWE 2015 som beg celowo Do You Know?  Foto A house may be big or small, it may be in a village or in a city, but it must be clean, BSV bato safe and comfortable to live in.  dese Bum 30 Residents cleaning the neighborhood 30

Chapter 2
Chapter 2 
Sensitivity Towards Others Meena saw her nine - year - old son, Anand, making a painting.  She was curious to know who was going to get this piece of art.  Her son told her that it was for his classmate's little sister, who was a special child.  The entire class was busy making cards, paper chains, caps and masks for her fifth birthday to make her happy.  The little girl was unable to walk, speak or hear but conveyed her happiness by smiling or clapping Anand's answer filled Meena's eyes with tears.  She could not believe that Anand, who refused to share his toys with his own younger sister, Usha, could be so concerned about bringing joy to a special girl.  Meena felt proud of her son.  We live in a society.  All of us depend upon one another for different Do You Know?  reasons.  Look around and you will find a society is an organized that most people are sensitive to the group of people.  needs of others.  Everyone is ready to hold the hand of a child and an old person while crossing a road, offer them a seat in a bus or a train;  or help them to carry heavy bags.  11
The children develop a caring attitude towards others by watching their parents and other people around them.  Children learn many things from their friends also.  Let us take the example of Neeta.  She lives in a joint family where everyone cares for the comfort of others.  She plays quietly when her grandfather rests.  All the neighborhood children have also become conscious and do not make noise while Neeta's grandfather is sleeping.  Activity: List two good habits that you have learnt from your friends.  Vasudha is a successful fashion designer.  Her mother works in an office and her father is a bank officer.  Every morning, Vasudha bathes and feeds her grandmother, Shanti Anand, before going to the office.  In the evening, she cleans and feeds her again.  Her parents feel proud of her caring behavior towards her grandmother.  They appreciate her help.  However, they had never forced Vasudha to take care of her grandmother.  She had observed her parents and naturally developed a sense of responsibility towards her grandmother.  Family plays an important role in Do You Know?  building strong bonds of love and care.  All children share a special Many old people become hard of hearing and cannot see bond with their grandparents.  They properly, therefore, it is very gladly run to get spectacles, important to assist them in medicine or anything that their their day - to - day activities.  12
grandparents want.  On the other hand, the grandparents love their grandchildren very much and never forget to buy them gifts like their favorite fruit, toy, storybook, etc.  They are very happy to take the grandchildren to school, park or some other place of their choice.  Living in a Quiet World Anjali was born deaf.  She cannot hear the noise, the sounds or people talking.  She does not know what it is like to hear but she knows what it is like to be deaf.  It is quiet everywhere.  When she uses her hearing aid, the vibrations of the loud sound disturb her.  She quickly turns off her hearing aid!  A B C D E F G Hearing impaired (deaf) children are taught the sign language.  It is an organized system of gestures or mime, used in place of speech.  It is common among people who do not speak a common language or among people who are unable to speak or hear.  K L M U The diagram shows the hand movements used in finger - spelling or sign language.  Each movement symbolises a letter of alphabet.  They are used together with gestures for specific words or ideas, which enable a hearing impaired person to converse with others.  Sign Language In earlier times, most people believed that hearing impaired Do You Know?  People were incapable of learning a deaf people are also trained to language or of being educated in make sounds and read the lip any way.  But Pedro de Ponce, a movements so that they can Spanish monk, became the first communicate with others.  teacher to teach such students.  In 1620, Juan Paulo Bonet, another Spanish, wrote the first book for educating them.  The book contained a manual alphabet similar to the one used today.  13
Living in a Dark World The visually impaired (blind) people learn to use their sense of 'touch' to fe and anticipate.  They read books that are different from ours.  The pages of th books are thick and have rows of raised dots.  These books are written in Braill They touch these dots and recognize the written word.  Thus, they read by runnin their fingers on them.  Do you know?  Braille was invented by Louis Braille.  In an accident, he lost his eye - sight.  He had great interest in reading which persuaded him to find the ways of reading and writing.  Finally, he introduced a way to read and write - by touching the raised dots on paper.  This script was named Braille in his honor.  Louis Braille The hearing impaired or the visually impaired children deserve o understanding and not pity.  They do not have the ability to hear with their ears see with their eyes, but they can be guided to move around on their own like oth people.  They can study and work hard at different occupations / professions.  The can prove to be useful members of society, if they are given proper facilitie opportunity and guidance.  We must give them respect.  Never be afraid to ask they need any help.  How to Develop Sensitivity Towards Others 1. Respect the elders.  2. Do not make unkind remarks about anyone's physical appearance like children wearing braces, special shoes, spectacles, etc.  3. Do not make negative comments about anyone's religion, caste, language, etc.  4. Talk politely to younger children, older people and everyone;  especially the servants 5. Try to participate in different activities.  Participation is more important than winning.  6. Have sympathy for the poor and those suffering from any disease.  7. Share the household chores.  8. Learn about meditation.  It develops an ability to handle stress.  Good citizens are, after all, made at home!  14


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