5.Chapter 7.S.St.Changing Trends in Occupation

Chapter 7
Changing Trends in Occupation The main occupation of most villagers in Orissa is agriculture.  Many of them are also engaged in non-agricultural activities like animal husbandry, industries like minerals, cement, paper, sugar, fertilizer, iron and steel;  handloom, art and crafts.  The unique handicrafts like Patta Chitra, Sand Art, Metal Work, Silver Filigree, Stone Carving, Puppets and Masks are in great demand by tourists and hence, the artisans are able to earn a decent living.  Most people in our villages in the past were self - sufficient.  The farmers depended on agriculture and were busy in handicrafts in their spare time.  But the dependence of many families on one piece of land, low productivity and low earnings forced many farmers to give up farming.  The opportunities of earning from non-agricultural occupations like pottery, blacksmith and weaving are also faded since the demand for their goods became very low.  42

As the opportunities of employment in rural areas decreased, many villagers started moving towards cities and towns in search of other occupations.  But most of them lacked the skills and training for taking up jobs in factories, offices, etc.  Hence, they had to work as labor on construction sites, in dhabas, as rickshaw pullers, etc.  Many of them were even forced to beg, TAS the use of machines in agriculture brought a great change in occupations.  Many farm labourers lost their occupation due to mechanization as a single machine replaced the labor of many workers.  These unemployed farm labourers lost their source of income in the rural areas.  However, machines and electricity in villages also created some new occupations like tube well diggers, tractor drivers, mechanics, etc.  Use of machine on the farm Another factor that brought about change of occupation was the White Revolution.  The White Revolution was brought about in dairy farming by professionals like veterinarians, scientists, dairy farm machinery manufacturers and dairy cooperative consultants.  The White Revolution is related to milk production, processing, marketing, export and distribution of by - products of milk, such as butter, cheese, ghee, skimmed milk powder, baby food, ice cream, soups and condensed powder, yogurt, curds,  lassie, etc.  The White Revolution earlier the farmer and his family looked after a few milk giving animals on their farm.  The urban areas always had scarcity of milk due to poor supply system.  But 43

Dairy farming and cooperatives have created new occupations and ensured a regular collection and supply of milk and milk products even in urban areas.  The trends of occupations have undergone a great change even in the urban areas.  Earlier the king's palace provided occupation to darbans, clerks, masons, tailors, dyers, weavers, soldiers, singers, cooks, etc.  But in recent times many new occupations have become popular in cities.  They are related to industries, trade, transport, communication, education, health services, fashion, insurance, banking, etc.  The demand for professionals like scientists, engineers, doctors, teachers, designers, architects, film makers and marketing experts has increased manifolds.  The increasing population, industries, means of transport and communication have created environmental pollution.  The urgent need to protect the environment has resulted in the spurt of new professionals like biologists, marine_scientists, botanists, environmental scientists, environmental engineers, environmental health and safety experts, landscape and horticulture managers, etc.  Do you know?  Environment conservation and preservation is not new.  The Bishnoi tribe of Rajasthan has conserved forests, trees and wild animals since olden times.  They do not cut trees or kill animals.  The Bishnoi women look after the young ones of animals as their own children.  Along with the services of the professionals, the cities and towns also need semi - skilled people like tailors, plumbers, electricians, bakers, etc.  People following these occupations require both skill as well as training.  The inter-dependence between rural and urban areas has increased in recent times.  Many manufacturing industries are dependent on agricultural raw materials.  44

For example, vegetable oil industry is dependent on farmers.  Similarly, the farming equipment is manufactured in industries in urban areas and then supplied to the rural areas Another important aspect of the changing trends in occupation is the participation of women in various occupations.  When the rural men migrate to cities in search of occupations, the women take over the responsibility of farming, making pots, iron tools, etc.  But they are often not given the same wages that are given to the men.  Though women form 50% of Indian population, yet they do not get an equal share in occupations, education, health facilities or parliament.  Many women suffer due to this unequal treatment.  This is known as Gender Discrimination.  In urban areas, many educated women have successfully taken up occupations that were so far labeled as 'male occupations'.  There are many women engineers, doctors, architects, scientists, consultants and pilots.  They are making an important contribution in the development of our country.  Women in various occupations 45


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