5.S.St.Chapter 1.Importance of Family

Chapter 1.
Importance of Family Family is a very important part of our life.  Family provides us support and care.  It gives us the opportunities to learn about being good human beings.  A child learns kindness by the way the family members treat each other.  He / She learns to face challenges and make decisions by observing the family members.  It is a well - known fact that children learn those values ​​very well that are taught by example.  Therefore, it is important that the grown ups practice the values ​​that they want the children to imbibe.  Families generally tell children about the great personalities, their deeds and the messages that are learnt from their lives.  Some families share interesting experiences, incidents or their views about the current affairs with their children.  The children automatically learn about the values ​​that are dear to their family members.  These conversations and discussions deepen the bonds among family members Each family follows certain customs and traditions.  They are an excellent way of teaching values, A Happy Joint Family

A family tradition is an activity or an event that occurs regularly and holds special meaning for that family.  What do we do when a family member is facing some problem?  Do we stand by him / her?  Our family values ​​are reflected in the help that we extend to the people around us at the time of emergency.  All families support one another to overcome difficulties.  Sonia's mother was taken to a hospital when she met with an accident.  She was immediately put on oxygen.  She had lost a lot of blood.  The doctor instructed the family to donate four units of blood in order to save her life.  Sonia's cousin's readily donated blood.  The support of the whole family helped Sonia's father to tackle the problem bravely.  For building a strong family it is important that the family members spend time together.  A family that enjoys spending time together has better harmony and understanding.  Each person in the family must participate in family activities like cooking, eating meals together, sharing joys and sorrows or even watching movies.  This interaction develops love and understanding.  It gives opportunities to the family members to remain in close contact.  Joint Family A joint family may include grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins, their families, etc.  The time spent with them bring a lot of love, happiness and enjoyment in our life.  The members of our extended family also influence our personality.  Care and Appreciation Generally it has been seen that parents and grandparents take care of children in the house when they need it.  Alike, the old people are looked after 2

by the other family members.  This caring for each other is the real strength of a family.  When a family member faces any difficulty, the other members extend encouragement and support to him.  A family plays a great role in nurturing the special talents of its members.  It encourages and helps them to excel.  The family members appreciate the achievements and qualities of each member and motivate him / her further.  In each family, the family members have their own likes and dislikes for various household chores.  The chores may be cooking, washing clothes, buying groceries or paying the bills.  Many families make a chart of household tasks that each member has to perform.  Family members may have similar or different preferences for sports, games, music, food, clothes, entertainment, etc.  For example, father might like to watch a snooker match on the television and the son or daughter may like cricket.  Each family also has person / persons who make the decisions for the welfare of all the members, settle differences of opinion and provide support, whenever it is needed.  Admire the Qualities of People You Like Who is your role model?  Is it your relative who has overcome difficulties in his / her life?  Is it a sports personality, a singer, an actor or a teacher?  Whosoever your role model is, try to imbibe his / her positive qualities.  If you are confident about your qualities, you will not be jealous or critical of what someone else has or does.  Always invest your time and energy in improving your qualities.  You will feel happy about yourself and people around you.  You can share your feelings, hopes, dreams, fears, joys, sorrows, experiences and needs with your parents or family members.  3

Physical expression is a wonderful way of showing affection.  A hug, a kiss, a handshake or an arm around the shoulder can express your love as well as gratitude.  You must never forget to thank your family members for their love and guidance Physical expression shows affection 4


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