4.Chapter 12.S.St.Let Us Communicate

Chapter 12
 Let Us Communicate A dancer communicates his feeling through mudras, a mime artist through facial expressions or body language.  A child conveys its happiness through smiles and anger through cries!  We all have different ways of communicating our feelings of joy and sorrow, anger and satisfaction.  In earlier times man did not know any language.  He communicated his feelings through sign language to people who were closeby.  He sent messages through drums or smoke signals to people living far away.  Communication means sending and receiving spoken, written or visual information from one person to another.  Social Networking babbal d Facebook maple Her GO Tribe BORE OS (Oman SU! Flickr Google 8 8 6 M Share O logger Ancient means of Communication Modem moans of communication Speech is the most important means of communication. The other important means of communication are facial  expressions, hand movements, symbols, letters, newspapers and books, etc. Today we have many modern devices through which we can communicate more efficiently. The most important are telephone, mobile, radio, television, internet, etc. 97

Means of Communication Means of Communication Personal Communication Mass Communication Postal Telephone System 7 Mobile Electronic Communication Print Communication ADD MaonNewspapers Books + Journals & Magazines an.  Satellite + Fax Computer WORD Radio Television al gal in vello se Cinema Teleconferencing The one de belga Do You Know?  At sea, sailors send messages to other ships by waving flags or firing crackers in the air, if their radio communication breaks down.no OTTO WIELU TB1000 In Class - Ill you have read about verbal communication (speaking and singing) and non - verbal communication  (facial expressions, sign and body language).  Now we are going to learn about 1. Personal Communication 3 2. Mass Communication 1. Personal Communication Communication only between the sender and the receiver is known as Personal Communication.  The means of personal communication are Onda OERGEM OM (a) Postal System Breslenocovako ostas non Postal service is the oldest and still a popular means of communication.  The postal department carries our mail, money orders and parcels to all parts of India Jenen nolalvos 98
and the world.  They are delivered to Do You Know?  our friends, relatives and business contacts.  The mail is sent by road, rail, India has the largest postal air or ship.  network in the world.  The highest post office of the The first post office in India was world is located at Hikkim in opened at Kolkata in 1727. Today there Himachal Pradesh.  are over 1,55,618 post offices.  Now - a - days, a special postal service has been introduced by the post office.  It is called Speed ​​Post for quick delivery of mail.  There are many private courier services for delivering letters and parcels.  SHUB IST 2009 Do You Know?  RE A Postal Index Number (PIN) is a six digit code of post office numbering.  It ensures efficent delivery of mail.  Write down the PIN code of your locality subject 016 (b) Telephone Telephone is the most common and instant means of two-way communication.  People living far away can talk to each other as if they are sitting face to face.  Telephone was invented by Alaxander Graham Bell in 1876. It allows people from all over the world to communicate instantly.  You can connect directly to people living anywhere in India by dialing a code number - STD (Subscribers' Trunk Dialing) and abroad by ISD (International Subscriber's Dialing).  ADES cortellduq baxood to (c) Mobile Phones Mobile or cell phones have brought a revolution in instant communication.  They can be carried and used anywhere in the world.  They can be used for sending messages, photographs, data and even e - mails (electronic mail).  Do you know?  PREVISTO Till recently Telegraph Service was a popular method of sending urgent messages through post offices.  It was stopped in July 2014 as mobile phones gained popularity for instant communication.  99
2. Mass Communication (a) Print Media Print Media includes newspapers, books, magazines, journals, etc.  They are a popular means of mass communication.  They play an important role in spreading knowledge, information, ideas and skills through words, figures, illustrations and graphs to thousands of people.  Newspaper namesto Newspapers have a wide reach among the literate.  They bring us the latest news about events, advertisements, matrimonial, stories, comics, weather report, etc.  Newspapers are printed in many languages ​​in India.  The highest number of newspapers are published in Hindi.  The first newspaper published in India was the Bengal Gazette.  Do you know?  re How do we get news or who collects the news?  News correspondents send stories of events, current affairs in their part of the world.  The editors also collects news from news agencies.  The major news agency in India is - The Press Trust of India.  GeoW8: 20 2005 She gav Glaceod betina eBooks albas ons (OG Austane dodaten dion Comid stadnosu Thousands of books are published in different languages ​​in India. They are written on a variety of subjects like social issues, stories, novels, poems, biographies, religion  , politics, health, travel, wildlife, etc. A book is man's best friend as it can be read anywhere and any number of times. So Journals and Magazines a They are printed in different languages ​​and on different topics on special information, women issues  , children, health, etc. 100
(b) Electronic Media Radio Radio is the most popular method of mass communication.  It Do You Know?  was invented by Guglielmo Aeroplanes and ships use radio Marconi.  Radio broadcasts music, wireless transmission to send news, plays, stories, speeches, messages in an emergency.  advertisements, etc.  Thousands of children listen to educational and entertainment programmes everyday.  People follow sport events, discussions on radio and transistors everywhere.  Television En unean bau wa nismo rani priglas lo bonam Baloma It was invented by John Logie Baird Do You Know?  in 1926. Television has more impact DI than a radio as it has audio as well as National television in India is video facility.  You can watch anything called Doordarshan.  happening in any part of the world while sitting in the comfort of your home.  It telecasts films, plays, music programmes, sport events, cartoon films, news, quiz programmes, weather reports, discussions, etc.  There are hundreds of channels showing a variety of programmes in different languages.  You Name your favorite channel- Sony Bubin e tre muavitrina C.ID Your favorite programme Wl Toys Satellite Do You Know?  An artificial satellite is a man India sent its first satellite into made object which revolves around the space in 1975. It was the earth.  India has launched a named the Aryabhatta.  number of satellites into space for transmittng news, international calls, transmitting sounds and pictures.  You can watch a badminton match played in Beijing or watch Olympic games while sitting in the comfort of your home in Chennai via a satellite.  101
FAX Fax or facsimile is also known as telecopying.  It sends printed message or picture to another machine located anywhere in any part of the world.  It makes use of the telephone lines.  Computer 00 A computer is an electronic device.  It is programmed to carry out any type of operation - mathematics, logic, storing information, etc.  It is used for sending e - mails.  An e - mail is a method of exchanging instant digital messages from a person to one or more persons.  It operates through the internet.  Concrete cinema how cinema is a popular means of mass communication in India.  It provides information, entertainment and knowledge.  Films also create awareness Hundreds of films are made every year in different languages ​​in India.  Children enjoy cartoon films.  Solo Name your favorite film Name your favorite actor TOY Swo UoY 0 Do You Know?  Advertisements have a great influence on children as well as adults.  They communicate the Malf Price Weekend information about a product, film, drama or event to public.  Advertisers use posters, hoardings, bill - boards on street walls, newspapers, 1979 magazines, radio, television and cinema to OTTEET advertise their products.  They lo hicho 102
Teleconferencing is flexible as you do not need any video equipment like webcam.  It refers to holding a conference with a group of people who are generally not at the same location.  They depend upon telephones, computers, television (video), internet, satellites or even radio.  Videoconferencing also refers to this method of conferencing but depends on the use of video, meaning you can both hear and see those people with whom you are videoconferencing having the conference.  LOGIA Unser totes The choice of means of communication depends upon our requirement.  If we have to send an urgent message or image, we use an e-mail.  But if we need to discuss some matter, we immediately use a telephone.  Modern technology has given us a variety of options.  and er ni.  WA BENTO Bonn selles 5W snodot OTAT indicon 10 Moo ye En In HOLO 103


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