5.Chapter 7.S.St.Changing Trends in Occupation

Class 5.Subject - S.St.
Chapter- 7.Changing Trends in Occupation
A.Tick the correct option
1.The opportunities of employment in rural areas have
 Ans. (b) Decreased
2.  Scarcity Of milk developed due to
Ans. (a) Low production of milk
3.  The White Revolution is related to
Ans. (c)  Dairy farming
4.  an important aspects of changing trends in occupation is
Ans. (a) Participation of women
 B.Fill in the blanks:
1. The use of machines in agriculture brought a great change in occupations.
2. Dr. Kurien created a National Milk Grid that linked all milk producers with consumers.
 3. Many women suffer due to unequal treatment known as Gender Discrimination.
4. White Revolution involved many professionals and non- professionals.
5. A  tailor required skill to stitch garments
C.State whether True or False
1.  A blacksmith supplies tools to the farmer.                                               True
2.  Many farmers gave up farming due to low returns.                                 True
3.  Low quality feed given to milk giving animals created scarcity of milk .True
4.  Tube well diggers are in great demand in  villages.                                 True
5.  A  rickshaw puller is a professional.                                                         False
D.Answer briefly:
Q 1.  Mention two non agricultural occupations in rural areas.
Ans. Two non- agricultural occupations in rural areas are
(i) Dairy farmer           (ii) Truck driver.
Q 2.  Name two occupations that are common in urban areas.
Ans. Two occupations that are common in urban areas are
(i)  Doctor                   (ii)  Teacher
Q 3.  Give one reason for low production of milk.
Ans. The quality of animals and their feed were not very good. 
Q 4.  Name four milk products that you like.
Ans. Four Milk products that I like
Ice cream, curd, lassi, sweets.
Q 5.  Do you consider any work inferior ?  Give one reason.
Ans. No, No work is superior or inferior. Work is work. It is absolutely wrong to consider
any work as a good or bad. We must respect all of them. 
E.Answer the following questions:
Q 1.  How has mechanisation brought change in the agriculture sector ?
Ans. The use of machines in the agricultural sector brought a great change in 
occupation. A single machine replaced the labour of many workers. Many farm
labourers lost their source of income. But machines and electricity also created some new  occupations. 
Q 2.  Define white revolution. How did it bring changes in dairy farming ?
Ans. Dr. Verghese Kurien was the father of White Revolution in dairy farming at Anand
 in Gujarat. White Revolution was related to the production of milk, processing,
marketing ,export and distribution of byproducts of milk. It brought changes in the
seasonal and regional price variations and became the largest producer of milk in
the world .
Q 3.  Explain changing trends in occupation in the present times with examples.
Ans. Changing trends in occupation in the present time is entirely different. Many new
occupations have become popular. They are related to industries , transport
education, communication, fashion etc.  They also need the services of professional and non - professional. 
Q 4.  What is Dignity of Labour ?  Give an example.
Ans. Dignity of labour means all types of works are important either what is manual
and intellectual labour.  No work should be considered good or bad . The work 
itself is a dignity.  For example - Mahatma Gandhi is the father of the nation but he
 used to do all types of work, even cleaning the toilet and surroundings. 
Q 5.  Define Gender Discrimination.  In what ways do the women suffer due to gender discrimination ?
Ans. Many women suffer due to an equal treatment, which hamper the industrial
thought is known as the Gender Discrimination. Women are not given equal
opportunities in education, jobs and political system. They take over all  responsibilities but they are not given the same


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