6.Chapter 21.Civics.Our Community Life

Class - 6
Chapter – 21.Civics.
Our Community Life : Unity in Diversity
A.Tick the correct option :
The smallest unit of community life is –
Ans. (b) a family
It is very essential to keep the environment –
Ans. (b) clean and green
Economic development has made villages and towns –
Ans. (c) Independent to each other
Which one of the following festivals is not a harvesting festival ?
Ans. (c) diwali
The Directive Principles of State Policy are helpful in achieving our national goal like –
Ans. (b) economic justice
B.Fill in the blanks :
Several families living close to one another form a neighbourhood.
Community life promotes a feeling of togetherness.
Depending on one another is called interdependence.
Education makes us a good human beings.
India is mainly a land of villages.
C.Give one word answer to the following :
Name the first school of a child 
Ans  Family.
Name the harvest festival of Tamil Nadu. 
Ans Pongal
What makes the fulfilment of our needs possible ? 
Ans Interdependence
What forces the villagers to migrate to town and cities ? 
Ans Job opportunities
Which factors has diluted the impact of India’s economic progress? 
Ans Population
D.Answer the following questions in brief :
Q.1.What values does our family inculcate in us ?
Ans.Inculcation of civic values like discipline , dedication , honesty , patriotism ,obedience
truthfulness , sacrifice and co-operation help the child in the development of his personality.
Q.2.How does school help us in our development ?
Ans. School is not only imparts education but also trains us in the art of community living.It is education that makes us good human beings, capable of making positive contribution for the betterment of the community.
Q.3.How did economic interdependence begin in a community ?
Ans.When man started leading a settled life different people started doing different jobs .
Their dependence on one another marked the beginning of the economic inter-dependence in a community . People work for one another in exchange for money
and this is the basis of all economic activities and also the source of livelihood for the people Q.4 List any four essential services commonly required by rural as well as urban communities .
Ans.The basic amenities like drinking water , electricity , dispensaries and hospitals,schools and colleges, availability of goods of daily requirements .
Q.5 Name the main factors responsible for Green Revolution in India .
Ans. New agricultural implements , fertilizers and availability of finance are the main factors responsible for Green Revolution in India.
E.Answer the following questions :
Q.1.How did the ‘community life’ begin ?
Ans. Early man used to do all his jobs himself because he lived alone . When he started leading a settled life, different people started doing different jobs .Their dependence on one another compelled
them to live together and extend mutual co-operation.
This led to the beginning of the ‘community life’ .
Q.2.How does the cultural exchange help in community development ?
Ans. The richness of Indian traditions lies in the belief that all cultures are equal.
Inspite of varied cultural diversity , people of India have always remained united and integrated.
People belonging to different communities , different cultures have been living together.
Q.3.Distinguish between the rural and urban communities .
Ans. Most of the rural population depends upon agriculture as their means of livelihood .
The standard of living of the rural communities is low as compared to the standard of living urban communities . Many rural communities still don’t have the basic amenities of life.
Life in urban areas is comparatively smooth and comfortable. Due to
industrialization , job opportunities have increased considerably in urban areas.
The basic amenities are available to the urban communities .
Q.4 Highlight the factors that make the city – life in India very difficult .
Ans. Inspite of tremendous development in the field of transport , the roads are over-crowded. Disposal of city waste , lack of proper sanitation and drainage , scarcity of clean drinking water etc.
make the city –life difficult .
Q.5 State the provisions given in the Indian Constitution which aim at bringing equality .
Ans. Many such provisions in the Indian Constitution which aim at bringing social ,economic and political equality-
A. Right to Freedom B.Right to Equality C. Right against Exploitation etc. have been incorporated in the Constitution.
Inside Questions Answers :
Q.1.Define Unity in Diversity ?
Ans. India is a large country . It has variety of climatic conditions,  Soils , different culture and civilisation. We have diversity of different regions .How ever the  diversity in historical , social and economic sector provides us a glorious past and a  rich cultural heritage. This paves the way for unity in diversity.
Q.2.Why is division of labour fruitful ?
Ans. Division of labour increases production . It lowers its cost and leads to specialisation.It  makes our life easy.
Q.3.What are these revolutions related to ?
Ans. Green Revolution is related to food grains.
White Revolution is related to milk.
Blue Revolution is related to fishery.
Yellow Revolution is related to oil seeds.
Q.4.Why is India not able to develop with a fast pace ?
Ans.India is facing the high growth of population explosion that scared basic amenities
Even the economic and social inequalities are increasing very fast that reduced the fast pace of development . People are too much illiterate and not aware about all round development.


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