Chapter10.History.Developement of Civilisation.

6. S.St. Chapter 10.History. 
Development of Civilization 
A. Tick the correct option :
1.The first Indus Valley site discovered was--
Ans.(a) Harappa 
2.The Indus people used clothes made of --
Ans.(c) cotton 
3.The Harappa Terracotta pottery was--
Ans.(c) red Brown 
4.The granary was the storehouse for--
Ans.(d) wheat 
5.The discovery of the remains of a dockyard at Lothal prove that the
people of Indus Valley had
Ans.(a) international trade relations.
B.Fill in the blanks :
1.Development of human society lead to foundation of Civilization .
2.The great bath had well-planned drainage system. 
3.The people of Indus Valley were expert in making metal work and trading. 
4.Seals are the main source of information about the religious beliefs of the Indus people. 
5.Shiva was the male God worshipped by the Indus people.
C. StateTrue or False for the following statements :
1. The cities were well planned in the Harappan culture.           True
2. The Citadel was considered the central part of the city.         True
3. Pottery was not a popular industry in Harappan culture.        False
4. People of Indus Valley worshipped the neem tree.                 False
5. Mohen -jo- daro was rebuilt nine times at the same site.       True 
D.Answer the following question in brief :
Q.1 What did the thick forests provide to the people of Indus Valley ?
Ans.The thick forests provided sufficient timber for kilns and for building boats, which in turn helped to flourish internal and foreign trade .
Q.2 List the occupations of the Indus Valley people .
Ans. The occupations  of Indus Valley people  were farming, weaving,pottery,toy making, metal work and trading .
Q.3 What type of climate did the Indus Valley have ?
Ans.  The Indus valley had moist and moderate climate.
Q.4 How was the dress of the men of Indus Valley different from that of the women ?
Ans. The men dressed in a long cloth tied like a dhoti and women wore a long lehenga with a shawl. Their clothes were mostly made of cotton.
Q.5 Why did the early civilizations develop on the river banks ?
Ans. The early civilizations developed on the banks of the rivers because of the need of water,fertile soil and clay to make bricks for building houses.
The water bodies provided opportunity for fishing, transport, trade as well as moderate climate.
E.Answer the following questions :
Q.1 List any three features of the Indus Valley Civilization which tell us that it was an urban civilization .
Ans. (i) Houses were built with burnt bricks Houses were built on the both sides of the street in the proper manner.
(ii) There was a very good drainage system to push the dirty water out of the cityThe drains  of bathrooms and kitchens were joint with the main drains.
(iii) The cities were well planned . All the streets cut each other at right angles .
Q.2 What reasons were responsible for the decline of Harappan culture ?
Ans.It is believed that the cause of the decline may have been natural disaster like an earthquake,a flood or a change in the course of Indus river .The strong high wall around the Citadel of the Harappan Civilization indicates that frequent inventions by the Aryans might have brought the end of Indus Valley Civilization . 
Q.3 Explain the town planning system of the Indus people.
Ans.In the cities of Indus valley Civilization were well planned . Most cities were divided into two parts. 
Upper part was called Citadel and lower  was known as the Lower town .Citadel was the center part of the city and the lower town was the residential area.Their town planning proves that they lived a highly civilized and developed life Indus people were the first to build planned city with scientific drainage system.
The Indus cities were are built on and uniform plan
Town planning of Indus Valley Civilization--
(i) Great Bath -It is a deep bath 12 metres long and 7 metres wide with a maximum depth of 2.4 metres with steps leading down into it.People used it for religious purposes as they will leave the water to be a great purifier.The amazing fact is that its brickwork was completely waterproof.
(ii) Streets -The Indus valley people were the first men to build planned cities with elaborate cities and drainage system. The streets were quite straight .They cut each other at right angles .
(iii) Drainage System --The drains were made of lime and cement.They were covered with bricks and stones which could be removed. Small drains of bathroom and kitchen were joined to the cover main drains of the street, which is turn into a big train of the city.
(iv) Granary -- Granaries have been found at Harappa Lothal and kalibangan . They were built to store the surplus grain.Most granaries also had small barracks for the labourers which were located close to the threshing platform .
(v) Buildings --A  high and thick wall protected the citadel from the frequent floods of the Indus valley. Small Merchant, labourers  inhabitated the lower town.The houses were built on either side of the street with baked bricks, stones and wood.Each  houses had two or three storeys with stairs.
Q.4 Which two things helped the people of Indus Valley to have bumper harvest and how? 
Ans. The Indus people have bumper harvest because irrigation facilities were available . They used different tools like plough and sickle for the cultivation. The annual floods always renewed  and enriched the soil. 
Plough field discovered at Kali bangan shows that their cultivation pattern was same as today .
Q.5 Bring out the similarities and differences between the features of the Indus Valley Civilization and the Egyptian Civilization. 
Ans.Similarities-Both the Egyptian and Indus Valley Civilization developed around the same period about 5000 BC that is around 7000 years ago.
The occupations were same agriculture and domestication of animals were their main occupation.
Tools making pottery, weaving and spinning were practiced by the people of both these civilizations.
Egyptian and Harappan had trade relations with each other as well as other countries.
Trade was an important economic activity.
Differences -The script of Indus valley civilization was known as  Pictography.
It had 400 signs but the script of Egyptian civilization was known as Hieroglyphic It had 600 signs.
The decline may have been on natural disaster like an earthquake. a flood, or a change in the course of Indus river but Egyptian civilization declined due to Civil War.
The Shiva Pashupati and mother goddess were the most important God but the Sun god Re was the most important war in Egyptian  civilization.

Inside Questions & Answers :
Q.1 What is a civilization?
Ans. After the beginning of agriculture, progress in the life style of people was fast.Many important changes took place in the evolution of human society. Civilization is that stage in human development when writing was used along with the progress in the field of Arts, Science, Social, Political and Economic institutions
Q.2 How was  the soil renewed every year?
Ans. The Soil was renewed every year by the annual floods of river Indus .
Q.3 What was the dress of the men of Indus valley?
Ans. The men dressed in a long cloth tied like a dhoti .
Q.4 Name the place where Dockyard has been discovered ?
Ans. A Dockyard has been discovered at Lothal in Gujarat.
Q.5 What is our main source in information about their religious beliefs?
Ans. The seals are our main source of information about their religious beliefs. 
Q.6 Name the archaeologist who discovered the sites of Harappa.
Ans. Shri R .B. Dayaram Sahawney .
Q.7 List three objects that throw light on the artistic skills of the people.
Ans.(i) Pottery--The articles were baked and decorated.
(ii) Seals-- The engravings of animals, flowers and other symbols on sales have artistic and religious importance.
(iii) Bronze tools and statues-- They indicate the mastery of the art artisans in bronze casting .
Q.8 Briefly describe the religious beliefs of the people.
Ans. They worshipped the peepal tree. They also worshipped human that included” Shiva” or “Pashupati” and Mother Goddess. The people of Indus Valley Civilization believed in life after death. They buried the death with the earthen pots, food, ornaments and other articles used during life .



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