6.Chapter14.History.Early History of Deccan and south India

Chapter- 14.Questions/Answers 
Early History of Deccan and south India

1.Inscription -message/information engraved on rocks .
2.Leisure time - unoccupied time
3.Paddy - rice
4.Peninsula - land surronded by the water as to be almost an island.
5.Ragi - a coarse type of grain.

A.Tick the correct option.
1. What were the first indication of the Megalithic Culture in South India?
Ans-Stone circles
2.What culture did the Megalithic Culture give rise to?
3.The Pandyas set up their capital at 
4.The Savahana Dynasty came to an end in
5.The Sangams during the Pandyas rule were held at 

B.Fill in the blanks
1.Deccan region is to the south of Vindya mountain and Narmanda river.
2.King Simuka was the founder of Satvahanas empire.
3.The Megalithic people surrounded the graves with large pieces of stone called megaliths 
4.Canals for irrigation were built by the king
5.Nedunjeral and Seguttavan were the rulers of Chera Dynasty.

C.Match the following .

1.Deccan - Dakshinapatha
2.God Murugan - Kartikeya
3.Megalithic people - First iron user. 

D.Answer the folloewing question.
1.Name the regions where Megalithic culture was concentrated.
Ans-The regions where Megalithic culture was concentrated was Deccan,south India,the North-East and Kashmir.
2.Who was the most important king of the Pandya Dynasty?.
Ans-The most important king of the Pandya Dyansty was Nadunjeliam.
3.Who took over the Satavahana empire in Maharastra in Andhra region?
Ans-Rashtrakutas in Maharastra and the Ikshawkas in Andhra region.
4.The rock cut chaitya hall at Karle is located at which present city of India ?
Ans- The rock-cut chaitya hall ( cave) at Karle in pune is a fine example of cave architecture.
5.According to some archaeologists, what is the origin of the megalithic people?
Ans- Some archaeologist  believe that the megalithic people of south India and deccan were invaded from west Asia
E. Answer the following question
1. Describle the main feautures of satvahana empire of deccan of Deccan
Ans- The Satavahanas emerged as a powerful kingfom in deccan. They were highly influenced by  the political system of Mauryans. Their rule continued from third century BCE to first century BCE about 400 year. King Simuka was the founder of Satavahana kingdom. Gautamputra Satkarni was the greatest Satyavahana ruler.
2.Name the three great empires of south India.What are the main sources of information about them?
Ans-Three kingdoms emerged powerful in the southern India  .They were the Cholas,the Pandyas and the Cheras. 
Sangam litreture is the main source of imformation of this period, though we also find its refrences in Ashoka's inscriptions, Mahabharata, Jataka stories and the travel account of forgein travellers.
3.Highlight the main feautures of  pottery of the megaliths period.
Ans- The remain of pottery of the megalith people indicate that the pots were well-baked and well fired. They were clearly made on the potter's wheel. The remains of the pottery that have been found are mainly in black and red colours. 
Some pots still retain a shiny polish. The pottery piece also have fine inscription which may be the trade mark of the potters.
5. List the five geographical zones of southern kingdom
Ans- The Sangam litereature tells us that the territory during the period of southern kingdom was divided into five geographical zones-1. Hills and forest( kuringi), 2. Pastureland (mullai),3. Fertile land, 4.Coastal land (neyte)and 5. Arid land

Chapter- 14.Questions/Answers 
Early History of Deccan and south India

1.Inscription -message/information engraved on rocks .
2.Leisure time - unoccupied time
3.Paddy - rice
4.Peninsula - land surronded by the water as to be almost an island.
5.Ragi - a coarse type of grain.

A.Tick the correct option.
1. What were the first indication of the Megalithic Culture in South India?
Ans-Stone circles
2.What culture did the Megalithic Culture give rise to?
3.The Pandyas set up their capital at 
4.The Savahana Dynasty came to an end in
5.The Sangams during the Pandyas rule were held at 

B.Fill in the blanks
1.Deccan region is to the south of Vindya mountain and Narmanda river.
2.King Simuka was the founder of Satvahanas empire.
3.The Megalithic people surrounded the graves with large pieces of stone called megaliths 
4.Canals for irrigation were built by the king
5.Nedunjeral and Seguttavan were the rulers of Chera Dynasty.

C.Match the following .

1.Deccan - Dakshinapatha
2.God Murugan - Kartikeya
3.Megalithic people - First iron user. 

D.Answer the folloewing question.
1.Name the regions where Megalithic culture was concentrated.
Ans-The regions where Megalithic culture was concentrated was Deccan,south India,the North-East and Kashmir.
2.Who was the most important king of the Pandya Dynasty?.
Ans-The most important king of the Pandya Dyansty was Nadunjeliam.
3.Who took over the Satavahana empire in Maharastra in Andhra region?
Ans-Rashtrakutas in Maharastra and the Ikshawkas in Andhra region.
4.The rock cut chaitya hall at Karle is located at which present city of India ?
Ans- The rock-cut chaitya hall ( cave) at Karle in pune is a fine example of cave architecture.
5.According to some archaeologists, what is the origin of the megalithic people?
Ans- Some archaeologist  believe that the megalithic people of south India and deccan were invaded from west Asia
E. Answer the following question
1. Describle the main feautures of satvahana empire of deccan of Deccan
Ans- The Satavahanas emerged as a powerful kingfom in deccan. They were highly influenced by  the political system of Mauryans. Their rule continued from third century BCE to first century BCE about 400 year. King Simuka was the founder of Satavahana kingdom. Gautamputra Satkarni was the greatest Satyavahana ruler.
2.Name the three great empires of south India.What are the main sources of information about them?
Ans-Three kingdoms emerged powerful in the southern India  .They were the Cholas,the Pandyas and the Cheras. 
Sangam litreture is the main source of imformation of this period, though we also find its refrences in Ashoka's inscriptions, Mahabharata, Jataka stories and the travel account of forgein travellers.
3.Highlight the main feautures of  pottery of the megaliths period.
Ans- The remain of pottery of the megalith people indicate that the pots were well-baked and well fired. They were clearly made on the potter's wheel. The remains of the pottery that have been found are mainly in black and red colours. 
Some pots still retain a shiny polish. The pottery piece also have fine inscription which may be the trade mark of the potters.
5. List the five geographical zones of southern kingdom

Ans- The Sangam litereature tells us that the territory during the period of southern kingdom was divided into five geographical zones-1. Hills and forest( kuringi), 2. Pastureland (mullai),3. Fertile land, 4.Coastal land (neyte)and 5. Arid land


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