6.Chapter.15.North India after Mauryas and Sungas.History.

Chapter 15
 North India after Mauryas and Sungas
 (First Century BCE to Third Century CE) After the decline of Mauryan empire, the power came into the hands of the Sungas in northern India.  There were many invasions (from Indo - Greeks, Sakas and Parthians) in the north after the fall of the Sungas.  Kalinga and Andhra Pradesh became independent.  Kushans, the invaders, made India their home and settled here.  Later, they became a part of Indian society.  Among Indo - Greeks, the most famous ruler was Menander (Milinda).  He adopted Buddhism and established his rule over Punjab and Kashmir.  He judged from the province of Gandhar.  His coins have been found in many parts of north India.  Another famous Indo - Greek ruler was Haliodorus.  He adopted Vaishnavism.  He built a grand Dhwaj Pillar at Besnagar.  The contribution of the Indo - Greeks is manifold in the fields of natyashastra, coinage, sculptures, philosophy and trade, The Shaka (Sakas) originally belonged to central Asia.  They defeated the Bactereans (Greeks) and entered India.  The Shakas got divided into five branches and established their rule in Punjab and Afghanistan.  His capital was Taxila, which is now named as Rawalpindi (in Pakistan).  Important Rulers Rudradaman (130-150 CE): The edict engraved on Girnar mountain in Junagarh (Gujarat) provides information about the period of Rudradaman.  It shows that there was peace and prosperity in his kingdom.  He had a Council of Ministers to advise him.  He issued silver coins on which his figure was engraved.  He was always ready to help his people.  He repaired the Sudarshan Lake in Kathiavar WE (Gujarat) in order to provide good irrigation facilities.  He was a great lover of Sanskrit.  ) The rule of Saka dynasty came to an end after 200 years in the fourth century CE.  The Sakas rule was followed by Parthians and then by the Kushans.  Kushans (78–123 CE): According to Chinese historians and travelers, Kushans belonged to the province of Kanes of western China.  They were known as Yueh - Chi.  They were defeated by the Huns.  So they moved out towards India and settled in Afghanistan after defeating the Sakas.  They extended their territories to Sindh, Punjab and the greater part of the Gangetic basin.
Stand GANDHARA KINGDOM OF KANISHKA Taar Motu Dino Grow yo MALWA Danish great Kachch Ganche GUJARAT UW KA par Nero Ochelin Anna Sopron.  KALINGA MUMBAI Go BAY OF BENGAL Kanishka (78–101 CE): He was the most capable and powerful Kushan ruler.  He supported Buddhism whole heartedly.  Many Buddhist monastries were built during this period.  The Fourth Buddhist Council was held during his reign.  He was a follower of Mahayana branch of Buddhism.  Kanishka was a lover and patron of learning.  He propagated Sanskrit language and literature, art and architecture, sculpture, science, etc.  Mathura, Sarnath, Amravati and Gandhar were the main centers of development of art, architecture and sculpture.  He himself was a great scholar.  During the period of Kanishka, Ashvaghosh wrote an epic, Buddha Charita in Sanskrit.  Kanishka is also known for his fine coins.  He started the Saka era in CE 78. This era is now used by Indian Govt.  as National Era.  Later Kushans adopted Hinduism.  The last Kushan ruler in India was Vasudev.  ARABIAN SEA CHOLAS CHENNAI INDEX • Ancient Tom Moda Cities of India - Presentatem Doundary Pondicherry Taur Madu PANOVAS INDIAN 61 LANKA OCEAN Kingdom of Kanishka OLPUR on, the Do You Know?  The Indian National calendar, sometimes called the Saka calendar is the official calendar in use in India.  22 Do You Know?  Buddhism was divided into two sects in the Fourth Buddhist Council held in Kashmir (1) Mahayana (10) Hinyana.  The followers of Mabayana believed that Buddha was incarnation of God and his images were worshipped.  The followers of Hinyana regarded Buddha only as a guide and a teacher and not God, 128
2002 024 HOUR 0000001 society, Tin EFFECTS OF CONTACT BETWEEN CENTRAL ASIA AND NORTH INDIA 240) The contact with the Greeks, Sakas, Parthians and Kushans made a deep impact on the Indian then Indians were using unstitched clothes The Kushans introduced the use of stitched tud  They adopted Indian religion and became an integral part of Indian society / Kushans were accepted clothes like long coats and long boots, trousers and tunics.  They also introduced the use of helmets.  as Kshatriyas and they worshipped Shiva and Vishnu.  They also influenced our art of coinage.  They were the first rulers to issue round shaped coins with images on both the sides.  Art and Architecture The contact with Greeks, Sakas, Parthians and Kushans made a great impact on art and architecture EL - GDE of India.  Gandhar School of Art and Mathura School of Art were developed during this period.  The art of sculptures was also deeply influenced.  His subjects were Indian but Greek in style (hair and face), The Greeks contributed to the development of Indian theater by introducing the use of Yavanika (curtain) on the stage.  ) Look at the two images of Buddha and find out the similarities and differences in two schools of art.  Buddha - Gandhar School of Art Buddha - Mathura School of Art 129
Science and Technology Indians updated their knowledge in astronomy and astrology.  The term 'horoscope' has been derived from the Greek term horasastra, the manufacturing of leather shoes started during this period.  Red pottery and use of burnt bricks also became popular.  Gold coins in India were made by the Kushans using Roman style.  Glass - work was also influenced by them.  Language and Literature 3 There was 'give and take' between Indian languages, Greek and other languages ​​during this period.  We have adopted many words from them, e.g.  hora, kalam, plague, surang, etc.  The Greeks also adopted many Sanskrit words, e.g.  karpas, sharkara, vaidurya, etc.  The noted scholar Patanjali earned great fame for the evolution of words, language and grammar.  He also wrote Mahabhasya during this period, which is a great study on evolution of words and grammar.  Keywords astrology: the study of horoscopes, palms.  astronomy: the study of the universe.  evolution: the changes in biological and physical aspect over generations, historian: a person who is an expert in writing about the past.  monastery: a place where monks live.


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