8.Chapter 8.History.Modern India. Questions / Answers.

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VIII. Chapter 8.S.St.History.
The Modern Period.Learning.
 Class 8.Chapter 8.The Modern Period.

VIII. Chapter 8.S.St.History.The Modern Period.Learning.
Topic- Questions Answers Bank.
Chapter 8.
The Modern World

Inside Questions/Answers. Page : 0
Quest.When did the last great Mughal ruler take last breath?
Answer The great Mughal ruler Aurangzeb breathed his last in 1707
Quest.When was the power transferred into the hands of British crown?
Answer The power was transferred into the hands of the British crown in 1858
Quest.In whose leadership,we Indians got independence?
Answer Under leadership of Mahatma Gandhi,we Indians got independence.
Quest.What are the sources to know about modern period?
Answer There are two kinds of sources of information.
a.Literary Sources 
b.Archaeological Sources
Literary sources - All written records are known as literary sources .e.g.Book, Stories,Autobiographic/ biographies,
British paper – as Morly-Minto Reforms,Government of India Act,the report of Simon Commission etc. 
ii.Letters Writings,Specters  
Archaeological Sources - Old buildings,artifacts,books inspiration in archaeology 
e.g.British liberary London,Victoria Terminus,Mumbai,Gateway of India,Victoria Memorial Kolkata,President House,New Delhi.
Quest.Who founded the London Times and Kesari?
Answer Bal Gangadhar Tilak founded the London Times and Kesari in Marathi.
Quest.When was the Vernacular Press Act passed?
Answer The Vernacular Press Act was passed in 1878.
Quest.Which were our newspapers published in modern India?
Answer The newspapers published in our modern India were the London Times and Vernacular.
Quest.When was the final transfer of the power to the Indians?
Answer The British forces to transfer the power to Indian in 25th August 1947.
Quest.Which were the important changes that took place in the world?
Answer Many noticeable changes that took place in the world war
Quest  Where is Gandhi Smiriti located?
Answer Gandhi Smiriti is located in Rajghat in new Delhi.It is one of the biggest museums on Mahatma Gandhi which has a library sixty thousand books and six thousand original photos
Quest Which period does the ancient India history include?
Answer The Ancient India history includes the period of the pre-historic age (Stone Age)to age of civilization.
Quest When did the control of India came into the hands of the British crown?
Answer In 1885 the control of India came into the hands of the British crown.
     Quest Name the newspaper that was started by Tilak?
Answer Kesari.
     Quest What type of information do we get from official records?
Answer We get very useful information from the official records that are usually written such as Morly Minto reforms (1909) 
Government of India Act (1935) 
and reports of Simon Commission 1929 are important sources as to know about the political of Indians during British period. 
Quest Line the main sources of information of the Modern period. Explain any two sources briefly.
Answer The main sources of information of the modern period are a.literary and b.archaeological.
(a)British documents
(b)Many books
(c)Letters, Writing, Speeches etc.
(e)Administrative reports of the government
(f)Internet or database
(g)Old buildings and artifacts are people
The two sources are explained here:-
(h) British Document
(i) Many books
(a)British Document-The British ruled over India for almost two hundred years record of reforms Morly - Minto Reforms (1909) etc.
(b)Many books- Many books Written and printed during this period are preserved in public and private libraries.
     Quest Do you think that the British, a foreign power had the right to suppress writings in regional languages in India?
Answer I think that the power the foreign power had no rights to dis support our fundamental rights to expression. 
Our Constitution provides us the fundamental power that enables us to express ourselves freely through speeches and writings.
As we know that the British have passed  the unjustified Vernacular Press Act in 1878 to repress our constitutional rights freedom of speech.
That is why the British integrated in our natural and constitutional rights unnecessary .It not satisfy.

Text Book Questions/Answers
The Modern World.Chapter 8
A. Tick the correct option.
1.Modern period of Indian history began in the-
(a) sixteenth century                                                    (b) seventeenth century
(c) eighteenth century                                                  (d) nineteenth century
Answer:- (c) eighteenth century 
2.The call 'You give me blood, i'll give you freedom' was given by-
(a) Subhash Chandra Bose                                           (b)Gopal Krishna Gokhale
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai                                                          (d) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Answer:- (a) Subhash Chandra Bose
3.In which language was the newspaper Kesari published?
(a) Hindi                                                                          (b) Gujarati
(c) Marathi                                                                    (d) Urdu
Answer:- (c) Marathi
4.Which one of the following  was a major factor in strengthening the national movement in India?
(a) The establishment of Indian National Congress.
(b) Discontentment  among the masses against the colonial power.
(c) Partition of India in 1947
(d) Spread the education and awareness.
Answer:- (b) Discontentment among the masses against the colonial power.
5The book Unhappy Indian was written by-
(a) Bankim Chandra                                                      (b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Lala Lajpat Rai                                                         (d) Sarojini Naidu
Answer:- (c) Lala Lajpat Rai
Note: the redone written word in answer is the right option.

B.Fill in the blanks.
1. Land revenue settlements are an important source of literary information.
2. Collection of Gandhiji`s writings has been preserved and displayed at Gandhi Smriti.
3. The Indian National Congress was established in 1885.
4. The Revolt of 1857 was ruthlessly suppressed by British or Colonial Power.
5. The Morely- Minto  reforms were introduced in 1909.
Note : the redone written word is the filling.

C.Match the following.
1. Amrita Bazar Patrika   (c) Bengali 
2. My Experiments with Truth. (e) Mahatma Gandhi
3.Simon Commision Report. (d)1929
4.Transfer of power to the British Crown.(b)1858
5.Freedom is our birth right.(a) Balgangadhar Tilak
Note : the redone written word is the right matching.

D.Answer the following Questions.
Question.1.What type of information do we get from official records?
Answer.1. We get very useful information from the official records that are usually written such as Morly Minto reforms (1909) Government of India Act (1935) and reports of Simon Commission 1929.
These are important sources as to know about the political,social and economic  condition of Indians during British period.
Question.2.How do letters,writings and speeches provide information ?Give reasons.
Answer.2.Letters,writings and speeches provide information about political,economic,social condtion of India during British India.
Slogans like ‘Freedom is our birth’ slogan given by Bal Gangadhar tilak  give information about our freedom fighters and tell the story of our struggle against the British.
Q.3.Mention any five major events related to the freedom struggle of India.
Answer.3.Sepoys along with Indians fought the Great Revolt of 1857.
b.Gandhi launched many mass movements as Non Cooperation Movement,Salt Satyagrah,Quit India Movement. .
c.Subhash Chandra Bose slogan was Dilli Calo,it was given to his organisation Azad Hind Fauz..
d.Bal Gangadhar raised the slogan of Swraj and he founded the Swadeshi Movement in 1904-1905
e.British left India with transferring the power to Indians through India Independence Act..
Question.4.Explain any five major sources of information of the Modern period.
Answer.4.The main sources of information of the modern period are as follows.
(a)British documents Morly Minto reforms (1909) Government of India Act (1935) 
and reports of Simon Commission 1929 
(b)Many books
(c)Letters,Writing,Speeches as 'Freedom is our birth right'and  'You give me blood and I will give you freedom 'etc.
(d)Newspapers as London Times(Jhon Walter),Kesari (Tilak) and Bombay Times.
(e)Administrative reports of the government
(f)Internet or database
(g)Old buildings and artifacts are Victoria Terminus, Mumbai, Gateway of India, Victoria Memorial Kolkata,President House,New Delhi.
Q.5.Enumerate the steps taken by the East India company to establish their rule in India ?Answer.5.East India company started establishing its trading posts in Surat.
It started taking advantages of political instability of the British.
Soon by defeating the local rulers it became all in all to establish its rule in India.
Finally after the success in suppressing the  Great Revolt of 1857 the power came into the hand of the British crown. 
Thus British our masters.

Chapter 8.
The Modern India.
Inside Questions/Answers
Page no 95.
Q.1. In which century Modern Period of Indian history began?
Ans  - About Eighteenth century Modern Period of Indian history began.
Q.2. When did the Mughal emperor Aurangzeb breathe his last?
Ans: - The Mughal emperor Aurangzeb breathed his last in 1707.
Q.3 - How was India exploited?
Ans - India was exploited politically, socially economically and culturally.
Q.4 In which century East India Company extend and consolidate its control over India more?
Ans - In 19th century East India Company took control over India like - military action,introduction of Railways, Postal service, passing different acts, etc..
Q.5 The Revolt of 1857 was ruthlessly suppressed by whom?
Ans- The Revolt of 1857 was a major event but the colonial power suppressed
it ruthlessly.
Q.7 When the Indian National Congress was established?
Ans- Indian National Congress was established in 1885.
Q.8 What were the major events of 12th century in India?
Ans- the major events of twelfth century in India where the the partition of Bengal , formation of Muslim League , Home Rule League Jallianwala Bagh Massacre, etc..
Q.9 When did India gain independence and with whose leadership?
Ans- India was able to end the British rule and gain independence in 1947 under the leadership of Mahatma Gandhi and many other national leaders as Rajendra Prasad,Subhas Chandra Bose ,J.L.Nehru and Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel.
Q.10 How long British ruled over India?
Ans- The British ruled over India for almost 200 years.
Q.11 Which documents give information about British rule?
Ans- The documents which give information about British rules are:-
a.Morley Minto reform (1909) b.Report of the Simon Commission (1929)
c.The Government of India Act (1935) etc.

Page no 96
Inside Questions/Answers
Q.1.Who wrote the book 'Anandmath' and 'Unhappy Indians'?
Ans - The Bengali famous writer Bankim Chandra Chattopadhayay  wrote the book 'Anandmath'and Lala Lajpat Rai wrote the book 'Unhappy Indians'.
Q.2. About how many books are there in library of Gandhiji?
Ans - 6000 books are there in library of Gandhiji?
Q.3. Which slogan was given by Bal Gangadhar Tilak?
Ans - The slogan "Freedom is our birth right" was said by Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
Q.4.In which language Bal Gangadhar Tilak's Kesari was written?
Ans - In Marathi  language  Bal Gangadhar Tilak's Kesari was written?
Q.5.Who wrote our National Song Bande Matram..?
Ans - Bankim Chandra Chatarjee wrote the 'Aanadmath' that too describes our National Song Bande Mataram...
Q.6.Describe any 3 features of letters,writings and speeches with the examples. 
Ans - (a) They provide us information about the development that takes place during a particular period.
(b) Some examples are of The collection of writings of Gandhiji at Gandhi Smriti near Rajghat in Delhi.
(c) Some slogans of famous heroes also tell  us about patriotic feelings and the national fervour during our struggle for independence.
Examples are - ' You give me blood and I will give you freedom,‘Delli Chalo' by Subhash Chandra Bose. Mahatama’s mantra ‘Do or Die’.
Q.7.In Which  year when British passed the Vernacular Press Act was passed? 
Ans - The British passed the infamous Vernacular Press Act in 1878 that was highly opposed by the Indians unitedly.

Page 97.
Inside Question Answers.
Q.1.What is the full form of CD-ROM?
Ans - The full form of CD-ROM stands for Compact Disc Read Only Memory.
Q.2.The basic objectives behind the surveys and reports of which Government ?
Ans - British Government.
Q.3.Where is Victoria Terminous Situated? 
Ans -The Victoria Terminous is  Situated in  Mumbai.
Q.4.Where is Victoria Memorial Situated? 
Ans -The famous archaeological monument, Victoria Memorial is situated in Kolkata.

Page 98
Inside Questions Answers :-
Q.1.Where did many changes that took place around the world originated?
Ans - Many important eventful changes that took place around the world originated in Europe
Q.2.Name some examples of artifacts.
Ans - The some examples of artifacts are Weapons,Jewellery,Coins etc.
Q.3.What is Vernacular?
Ans - The language or dialect spoken by the common people of a particular country/clan/group is known as vernacular.
Q.4.What are the important changes that took place in the world which originated in Europe?
Ans -The inspirational changes that took place in the world are Renaissance(14 to 16th Century),Reformation(16th Century), Industrial Revolution (1750) , French Revolution (1789), Russian Revolution (1917) , Nationalism , Imperialism the etc.

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