Glossary.Class 8.History.Chapter14.The Nationalist Movements (1870-1947).


Chapter - 14.
The Nationalist Movement ( 1870 to 1947 )

Page no. 157
1.    Proclamation - सार्वजनिक घोषण; a public or official announcement dealing with a matter of great importance. 
2.   Resentment – नाराज़गी; bitter indignation at having been treated unfairly.
3.   Rebellion -occasion when some of the people in a country try to change the government, using violence ;राजद्रोह 
4.   Subsequently - बाद में ; after a particular thing has happened; afterwards.5.   Delegate- प्रतिनिधि ; a person who has been chosen to speak or take decisions for a group of people, especially at a meeting.

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1.    Prominent -Famous,प्रसिद्ध | ( It is an adjective )
2.    Petition -A formal written request, typically one signed by many people, appealing to authority in respect of a particular cause.याचिका | ( It is a noun )
3.   Province - principal administrative division of a country or empire.प्रांत | ( It is a noun )
4.   Boycott - Withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.बहिष्कार |

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1.    Demand- मांग (choice)
2.   Separate- (अलग) (Differ)
3.   Policy- सिद्धांत ( way to living life)
4.   Parted- बाँटा हुआ  ( divided).
5.   Sect- स्थान (place). 
6.   Boycott - अस्वागत (not welcome). 
7.   Spreadness-  फैलाव (varies).
8.   Encourage- हौसला बढाना (to increase their policy). 
9.   Swaraj -  स्वशासन ( Own rule).
10. Referred- नामकरण (naming).

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1. Electorate - Noun - all the people in a country or area who are entitled to vote in an election.किसी देश या क्षेत्र के सभी लोग जो किसी चुनाव में मतदान करने के हकदार हैं 
2. Reform - Verb - to change a system, the law, etc. in order to make it better.व्‍यवस्था, क़ानून आदि में सुधार लाना|
3. Irish - Adjective - relating to Ireland, its people, or the Celtic language traditionally and historically spoken there.आयरलैंड, इसके लोगों, या केल्टिक भाषा से संबंधित पारंपरिक और ऐतिहासिक रूप से वहां बोली जाती है।
4. Agitation - Noun - the arousing of public concern about an issue and pressing for action on it.किसी मुद्दे के बारे में सार्वजनिक चिंता जगाना और उस पर कार्रवाई के लिए दबाव डालना|
5. Pact - Noun - a formal agreement between individuals or parties.व्यक्तियों या पक्षों के बीच एक औपचारिक समझौता।
6. Oppression - Noun - prolonged cruel or unjust treatment or exercise of authority.लंबे समय तक क्रूर या अन्यायपूर्ण व्यवहार या अधिकार का प्रयोग।
7. Caste - Noun - each of the hereditary classes of Hindu society, distinguished by relative degrees of ritual purity or pollution and of social status.हिंदू समाज के वंशानुगत वर्गों में से प्रत्येक, अनुष्ठान शुद्धता या प्रदूषण और सामाजिक स्थिति के सापेक्ष डिग्री से प्रतिष्ठित।
8. Peasants - Noun - a poor smallholder or agricultural laborer of low social status (chiefly in historical use or with reference to subsistence farming in poorer countries).कम सामाजिक स्थिति का एक गरीब छोटा या कृषि मजदूर (मुख्यतः ऐतिहासिक उपयोग में या गरीब देशों में निर्वाह खेती के संदर्भ में)9.Indigo - Noun - a tropical plant of the pea family, which was formerly widely cultivated as a source of dark blue dye.मटर परिवार का एक उष्णकटिबंधीय पौधा, जिसे पूर्व में गहरे नीले रंग के स्रोत के रूप में व्यापक रूप से खेती की जाती थी।
10. Appease - Verb - pacify or placate (someone) by acceding to their demands.मांगें स्वीकार कर उसे ( किसी को ) शांत करना |
11.Heed - Noun - careful attention.सावधानी से ध्यान देना|
12.Dyarchy - Noun - government by two independent authorities     (especially in India 1919–35).दो स्वतंत्र प्राधिकरणों द्वारा सरकार (विशेष रूप से भारत में 1919-35)

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1. Finance - Noun. The money you need to start or support a business, etc. व्यवसाय, व्यापार आदि को शुरू करने या बढाने के लिए अपेक्षित धन।
2. Consolidate - Verb. To become or to make your position of power firmer or stronger so that is likely to continue.अपनी स्थिति को दृढ या मज़बूत बनाना ताकि ऐसी स्थिति जारी रह सके। 
3. Warrant - Noun. An official written statement that gives somebody permission to do something.आधिकारिक अनुमति। 
4. Auspicious -Adjective.That seems likely to be successful in the future.सौभाग्यशाली 
5. Censored - Noun.The official Who censors book, films, etc.किताबों, फिल्मों आदि में से आपत्तिजनक अंशों के निकालने वाले  अधिकारी। 


 Page no. 162.

1.    Renounce:-To say formally that you no longer want to have something or to be connected with something. ( अपनाने से इन्कार करना / त्याग )
2.   Boycott :- To refuse to take part in an event. ( वहिष्कार )
3.   Demonstrator :- A person who takes part in a public protest. ( प्रदर्शक )
4.   Agitated :- worried or excited. ( उत्तेजित )
5.   Mob :- A large crowd of people that may become violent or cause trouble. ( भीड़ )

Page no. 163
1.   Boycott (noun) - बहिष्कार - dismemberment
2.   Seriously (adverb) - गभीरता - gravely
3.   Protesting - विरोध कर - Certification
4.   Succumbed (verb) - मौत - death
5.   Enforce (verb) - लागू करना - apply

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1.    Monopoly : the exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service (एकाधिकार)
2.   Liverpool : The original reference was to a pool or tidal creek now filled up into which two streams drained (लिवरपूल)
3.   Accompanied : go somewhere with as a companion or escort (साथ)
4.   Boycotted : withdraw from commercial or social relations (बहिष्कार)
5.   Peasants : a poor smallholder or agricultural labourer of low social status (किसानों)
6.   Refused : indicate or show that one is not willing to do something (मना कर दिया)
7.   Picketed : act as a picket outside (धरना)
8.   Repress : subdue by force (दबाने)
9.   Protesters : a person who publicly demonstrates opposition to something (प्रदर्शनकारियों)
10. Patriotism : the quality of being patriotic, devotion to and vigorous support for one's country (देशप्रेम)

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1.    Disobedience:- the qualities of disobedient 
2.   Withdrawn:- very quiet and not wanting to talk to other people
3.   Revolutionary :- connected with or supporting political revolution
4.   Association :- joining Or  working with another person or group 
5.   Assertive :- expressing your opinion clearly

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1.   Dragged  Verb. to pull somebody.
2.   Cooperation Noun.working together with somebody else to achieve something.
3.   Demands  Noun.A strong request or order that must be obeyed 
4.   Electorate  Noun. all the people who can vote in a region ,country,etc.

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1.   Infuriate- किसी को बहुत क्रुद्घ कर देना ; to make somebody very angry
2.   Prominent- महत्वपूर्ण या प्रसिद्घ ; important or famous
3.   Detention- किसी व्यक्ति को निरुद्घ करने की प्रक्रिया ; the act of stopping a person leaving a place, especially by keeping him/her in prison
4.   Initially- शुरू या आरंभ में ; at the beginning
5.   Sympathetic- सहानुभूतिपूर्ण .showing that you understand other people’s feelings, especially their problem.

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1.    Partition - Noun. विभाजन The action or state of dividing or being divided into parts.  
2.   Widespread - Adjective.पैमाने पर  Found or Distributed over a large area or number of people. बड़े 
3.   Riots - Noun.दंगों A  violent disturbance of the peace by a crowd. 



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