8.Inside Questions Answers.Chapter13.Colonialism and Urban Changes.

Class 8.Inside Questions Answers.
Chapter13.Colonialism and Urban Changes.

Page No - 147
Inside Q&A
Q1. Where the main focus of urban development comes?
Ans- Bombay, Calcutta and Madras were the main towns where the urban development took place.
Q.2. In which century the de-urbanisation destroyed the important cities of Surat, Masulipatnam & Sririnagapattnam?
Ans- Around nineteenth century the de-urbanisation destroyed the important cities of Surat, Masulipatnam & Sririnagapattnam?
Q.3. Where is the capital of British in nineteenth century?
Ans-Calcutta is the capital of British in nineteenth century.
Q.4. Which field attracted British investments the most in 1850?
Ans- The British investments were in the most sectors of textile & jute field in 1850.
Q.5. In which century Calcutta Municipal Corporation was established?
Ans-In nineteenth century the Calcutta Municipal Corporation was established.

Page No   - 148.
Inside  Questions and Answers 
Q.1. What was called Delhi during the Mahabharata.? 
Answer -' Indraprastha. '
Q.2. What was the population of Delhi after our independence ? 
Answer - The population of Delhi after our independence ( 1947) is 7 lakh. 
Q.3. What was the population of Delhi in 2011 ? 
Answer - The population of Delhi in 2011 is 1.68 crores.
Q.4. When was the Town Duties Committee was set - up and by whom and why ? 
Answer - The Town Duties Committee was set up in 1824 by the Britishers for the development of cantonment. 
Q.5. What was formed in 1863 ?
Answer - The Delhi Municipal Committee was formed in 1863. 
Q.6. Queen Victoria assumed the title of what in 1876 ?  Give the current date also.
Answer - Queen Victoria assumed the title Empress Of India - on  May 1,  1876. 
Q.7. How long Queen Victoria was the queen of UK and Ireland  ? 
Answer - The Queen Victoria was the queen of UK and Ireland from  1837.to - 1901. 
Q.8. Who built the Walled City and when? How many gates are there and where is situated ? 
Answer - Shahjahan built the Walled City in 1639. There are total 14 gates and it is situated in Delhi.

Page No. 149.
Inside question Answers.
Q.1. How many soilders were died in the First World War?
Ans. 90,000 soilders were died in the First World War.
Q.2. What is the full form of NDMC?
Ans. It stood for New Delhi Municipal Commitee.
Q.3. What is the full form of DIT?
Ans. That means  Delhi Improvement Trust.
Q.4. What is Viceroy house?
Ans. A place where the Viceroy lived is called the Viceroy House.
Q.5. Which place did British situated Calcutta To another place?
Ans. British shifted from Calcutta to Delhi.

Inside Questions and Answers -
Q. Who set up  Delhi Development Authority and when?
Ans - After independence , The Government of India set-up  Delhi Development Authority in 1955.
Q. For what purpose was the Delhi Development Authority empowered?
Ans - Delhi Development Authority was empowered to prepare a master plan and zonal plans for housing , commercial centres , parks , playgrounds etc. , to develop and manage lands in Delhi.
Q. What provides a basic policy frame for guiding Delhi’s development?
Ans - Master Plan for Delhi provides a basic policy frame for guiding Delhi’s development. 

Page No 150.
Q. When the British laid down the foundation of a systematic police system and under which act?
Ans - The British laid down the foundation of a systematic police system in 1857 under the Indian Police Act.
Q. Who organised the police into a regular force?
Ans - The Governor General Lord Cornwallis organised the police into a regular force.
Q. Who looked after each district with whose assistance?
Ans - A Superintendent of Police looked after each district with the assistance of a D.S.P., Deputy Superintendent of Police.
Q. Who looked after villages and towns?
Ans - Chowkidars and Kotwals looked after villages and towns.
Q. What made the police, under the British, cruel and corrupt?
Ans- Providing low salaries but great powers made the police, under the British cruel and corrupt.
Q. When was Delhi Police restructured?
Ans - Delhi Police was restructured in 1946.
Q. When was Delhi's first Chief Commissioner appointed?
Ans - Delhi’s first Chief Commissioner was appointed in 1912.
Q. Why were railways introduced in India? 
Ans - Railways were introduced in India for the benefit of the British administration, political control and trade.
Q. When did Indian Railways made a beginning?
Ans - Indian railway made a beginning on April 6, 1853.
Q. How did Indian Railway marked its beginning?
Ans - Indian Railway marked its beginning by running its very first train over a stretch of 21 miles from Bombay to Thane.
Q. What  was the number of carriages and the guests in the Indian Railways’ very first train?Ans - There were 14 railway carriages and 400 guests in the Indian Railways’ very first train.

Page No 151
Q.1. How the governor of Madras gave the city a colonial look?                           
Ans.The governor of Madras gave the city a colonial look with bungalows and banquet halls to suit the British liking for official evening functions.
Q.2. How British influenced Indian literature?                Ans. The tide of spreading Indian English literature began the genre of British influence on the contemporary Indian literature. 
English language thus had entered into the India with the British empire's educational policy for the native colonized Indian and soon made a secured home here.                  
Q.3. Name any three buildings in India which are   resembled famous building in England.  
Ans. The 3 important buildings are Town hall, Chennai.  Viceroy house, Shimla. Victoria terminus, Mumbai are still worth seeing places for the visitors.

Page No 152. Inside questions answers :-
Q.1.Write the aspects for which the British introduced railways.
Ans: These are for (a) Commercial advantage 
(b) Political aspect 
(c) Defence aspect 
(d) Investment of Surplus  income.
Q.2. How many tunnel passes when Kalka Gauge to Shimla ?
Ans: 103 railways tunnels are found when we travel Shimla from Kalka by toy trains.
Q.3. Write the some names of eminent Indian painters which were greatly influenced by the Western style of painting.
Ans: Raja Ravi Varma, Rabindranath Thakur, Mulkraj Anand and R K Narayan were the eminent literary figures while Raja Ravi Verma,Amrita Shergil and  Jamini Roy, were the reknowned painters etc.

Page no. 153 Inside Question of  :-
Q.1. Write any five great literature fingers of India.
Ans :The great literature fingers of India are :-
a. Rabindranath Tagore
b. Aurobindo Ghosh
c. Sarojini Naidu
d. Milk Raj Anand
e. R.K. Narayan
Q.2. The credit for thinking of the need of ___(a)___ and ___(b)____ by Indians Goes to the missionaries thought the introduction of ___(c)___ and ___(d)____.
Ans: (a) political freedom (b) social progress.(c) printing.(d) publishing


Inside word meaning 

Pg- 147

Urbanisation:-the process of making an area more urban; शहरीकरण

Excavation:-Splendors ; खुदाई


sprawling:- spread out in an ungraceful manner ; विशाल     

Page 148 

1. Discontent - Noun.

English Meaning - The state of being unhappy with something.

Hindi Meaning  - असंतोष |

2. Revenue - Noun.

English Meaning - Money regularly received by a government, company, etc. 

Hindi Meaning - सरकार, कंपनी आदि की नियमित आय; राजस्‍व |

3. Acquiring - Verb

Gerund or Present Participle.

English Meaning -To obtain or buy something.

Hindi Meaning - कुछ अर्जित करना या ख़रीदना |

4. Reign - Verb.

English Meaning -To rule a country.

 Hindi Meaning -किसी देश पर शासन करना |

Page 149


1. Management-समुह 

2. Especially- विशेश्तापुर्वक 

3. Improvement- विकास 

4. Memory- यादे 

5. Progress- विकास 

6. Trust - विश्वास 

7. Local - आस-पास 

8. Residence- जगह 

9. Hill - पहाड़ी 

10. Soilders - सिपाही 

Page 150 
Word Meanings -
Empowered - Adjective - give (someone) power or authority to do something कार्य विशेष के लिए किसी को अधिकार देना या अधिकृत करना
Commercial - Adjective - making or intended to make a profit.व्यावसायिक
Policy - Noun - a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by an organization or individual.किसी संगठन या व्यक्ति द्वारा अपनाई या प्रस्तावित की गई क्रिया या सिद्धांत।
Native - Noun - a person born in a specified place or associated with a place by birth, whether subsequently resident there or not.एक निर्दिष्ट स्थान पर पैदा हुआ व्यक्ति या जन्म से एक जगह के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है, चाहे बाद में वहां निवासी हो या नहीं।

Efficient - Adjective - working in a well-organized and competent way.एक सुव्यवस्थित और सक्षम तरीके से काम करना।

Systematic - Adjective - done or acting according to a fixed plan or system; methodical.एक निश्चित योजना या प्रणाली के अनुसार किया या किया गया; व्यवस्थित।

District - Noun - an area of a country or city or a region defined for an administrative purpose.किसी देश या शहर का क्षेत्र या किसी प्रशासनिक उद्देश्य के लिए परिभाषित क्षेत्र ।

Restructured - Verb - organise differently अलग तरह से व्यवस्थित करें|

Cruel - Adjective - wilfully causing pain or suffering to others, or feeling no concern about it.जानबूझकर दूसरों को दर्द या पीड़ा दे रहा है, या इसके बारे में कोई चिंता महसूस नहीं कर रहा है।

Corrupt - Adjective - having or showing a willingness to act dishonestly in return for money or personal gain.पैसे या व्यक्तिगत लाभ के बदले में बेईमानी से काम करने की इच्छा रखना या दिखाना|

Administration - Noun - the control or the act of managing something the management of public affairs; governmentनियंत्रण या सार्वजनिक मामलों के प्रबंधन के प्रबंधन का कार्य; सरकार

Exploitation - Noun - the action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work.उनके काम से लाभ के लिए किसी के साथ गलत व्यवहार करने की क्रिया या तथ्य।

Carriages - Noun -  the separate sections of a train that carry passengers.यात्रियों को ले जाने वाली ट्रेन के अलग-अलग खंड

Page 151.

1. Imperialist - Noun

=> A believer in imperialism.

=> साम्राज्यवादी

2. Convenience - Noun 

=> The quality of being easy, useful or suitable for somebody. 

=> आसानी, सुविधा।

3. Influence - Noun

=> The power to affect, change or control somebody/something.

=> व्यक्ति या वस्तु को प्रभावित, परिवर्तन या नियंत्रित करने की शक्ति। 

4. Offend - Verb

=> To do something illegal.

=> गैर कानूनी काम करना।

5. Avenues - Noun 

=> A wide street, especially one with trees or tall buildings on each side.

=>  चौङी सबक जिसके दोनों ओर पेङ या ऊँची इमारतें हो। 

6. Eminent - Adjective 

=> Famous and important.

=> प्रख्यात और महत्वपूर्ण

7. Gauge - Noun

=> An instrument for measuring the amount of something.

=> किसी वस्तु की मात्रा मापने का उपकरण, पैमाना।

*Page No. -152*


*1.* Architectural: Tectonic ( वास्तु )


*2.* Banquet: Feast ( भोज ) (noun) 

*3.* Resemble:  partake ( सदृश होना )       (Verb)

*4.* Influenced: Impact (प्रभाव ) (Noun)

*5.* Manuscript : Handwriting (हस्तलिपि)   

Page - 153

Credit (noun) - श्रेय - Merit

2. Missionaries(noun) - धर्मघार के निमित्त भेजा हुआ ममुष्य

3. Introduction(noun) - परिचर - Acquaintance

4. Average(noun) - औसत - Mean

5. Possible(adjective) - मुमकिन - Doable

6. Publishing(verb) - प्रकाशित करना - Unfold

7. Ownership(noun) - स्वामित्वा - Proprietorship

8. Encouragement(noun) - प्रोत्साहन - Incentive

9. Extended(adjective) - विस्तृत - Detailed

10. Pension(noun) - वृत्ति - Superannuation

11. Position(noun) - स्थान - Spot

12. Influenced(adjective) - प्रभावित - Affected


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