8.Inside Questions Answers.Chapter14.The Nationalist Movement (1870 - 1947).


PAGE NO. 157 

Q- Why the leaders of Congress were referred as moderates? 
Ans – leaders of Congress were called moderates because they were not very aggressive or very violent. 
Q- When was Queen Victoria proclamation. 
Ans- November 1st 1858 
Q- State any two demands of moderates. 
Ans- a. create provincial legislative council in all provinces. 
b..stop the drain of wealth to Britain 
Q- When Indian Association was established? 
Ans- Indian Association was established in 1876. 
Q- Where and who is stablished Indian Association? 
Ans- Indian Association was established by Surendranath Banerjee in Calcutta. 


Q. Name any four prominent leaders. 
Answer - The four prominent leaders are Gopal Krishna Gokhale, Dadabhai Naoroji, Surendra Nath Banarjee and Pheroz Shah Mehta. 
Q. Write those three peoples who are known as Lal, Bal and Pal? 
Answer - Lala Lajpat Rai, Bal Gangadhar Tilak and Bipin Chandra Pal are well - known as Lal, Bal and Pal.
Q. Who are called as ' Radicals '?
Answer - These three ( Lal, Bal and Pal including Aurbindo Ghosh) are emerged as new leaders and that's why , they' re known as Radicals. 
Q. Write the names of 3Ps. 
Answer - These 3Ps are -- Prayer, Petition and Protest. 
Q. When was ' Vande Matram' was sung for the first time? 
Answer - Vande Matram was sung for the first time in 1886. 
Q.When was ' Partition Of Bengal ' happened and who issued this? 
Answer - Partition Of Bengal was happened in 1905 and 'Lord Curzon ' issued it. 
Q. The Partition Of Bengal day was observed as what other day? Name it. 
Answer - The Partition Of Bengal was observed as a Day Of Mourning. 
Q. What is the meanings of Swadeshi and Swaraj? What of the two were adopted as tools for achieving Swaraj by the Radicals? 
Answer - The meaning of Swadeshi is -- of one's own country, whereas, the meaning of Swaraj is -- SelfRule. Boycott and National Education were adopted as tools for achieving Swaraj by the Radicals. 

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Q.Who Presided over the Calcutta session of Congress in 1906? 
Ans. Dadabhai Naoroji. 
Q.Lal,Bal,Pal are reffered as which name by the Brithers?
 Ans. Extreamists. 
Q.In which policy were British Practicing to weaken the Nationalist Movement? 
Ans. Divide and rule. 
Q.To Pacify the moderates, What British do ? 
Ans. Morely- Minto Reforms. 
Q. Who collected and sent money and arms to Indian Revolutionaries? 
Ans. Indian leaders and Indian Supporters. 
Q.What the radical group among the Congress encouraged?
Ans. a. Love for Swadeshi goods.
b. Participation in mass rallies to boycott foreign goods. 
c. Boycott of government services, schools, and colleges. 
4. Surrender of titles conferred by the British. 

Page No.160.
Q. What was a further threat to the Hindu - Muslim unity in the National Movement ? 
Ans : The reform of granting separate electorates to Muslims was a further threat to the Hindu - Muslim unity in the National Movement. 
Q. Who opposed the reforms and after that, whose struggle became more intense? 
Ans : The Moderates opposed the reforms and after that, the struggle for Swaraj became more intense. 
Q. Who established the Home Rule League in Madras and Maharashtra respectively and when? 
Ans : An Irish lady, Mrs. Annie Besant established the Home Rule League in Madras and Bal Gangadhar Tilak established the Home Rule League in Maharashtra respectively in 1916. 
Q. What was the purpose of the league? Ans : The purpose of the league was to attain self - government. 5. Who signed the joint pact with whom and at which place? 
Ans : The Moderates and Radicals signed a joint pact with the Muslim League at Lucknow. 
Q. Who took over the leadership of the Congress after the First World War? 
Ans : Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi took over the leadership of the Congress after the First World War. 
Q. What was meant by Satyagraha? 
Ans : Satyagraha was a non - violent struggle against the British oppression. It was introduced by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. 
Q. Where people of all castes and religions were welcomed? 
Ans : People of all castes and religions were welcomed in the Sabarmati Ashram in Gujarat . Q. Who established the Sabarmati Ashram? 
Ans : Mahatma Gandhi established the Sabarmati Ashram. 
Q. When and where did Mahatma Gandhi’s first movement begin and in whose support? 
Ans : Mahatma Gandhi’s first movement began in Champaran in Bihar in 1917. It was in the support of peasants. 
11. Who became the most popular leader of India by the year 1919? 
 Ans : Mahatma Gandhi became the most popular leader of India by the year 1919. 
12. Who paid no heed to the agitations for self - rule going on all over the country and introduced another set of reforms to appease people. 
Ans : The British paid no heed to the agitation for self - rule going on all over the country and introduced another set of reforms. 
13. What was propagated by Gandhiji? 
Ans : Gandhi propagated tolerance, brotherhood, non - violence, and simple living. 
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1. When and where the people of Punjab on the auspicious day of baishakhi? 
Ans: The people of Punjab gathered on the auspicious day of Baisakhi at Jallianwala Bagh near Golden Temple in Amritsar on 13 April 1919.
 2. Which are the two leaders prominent congress leaders of Punjab which were protesting against the arrest?
Ans: Dr. Satya Pal and Saiffudin Kitchlew. 

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Q.1. When was Simon Commission sent to india to review the government of India Act of 1919? 
Ans:- In 1927 Simon Commission was sent to India to review the government of India Act of 1919. 
Q.2. Who decided to oppose the commission? 
Ans:- Congress decided to oppose the commission. 
Q.3. Where is Chauri Chaura located in map of India? 
Ans:- Chauri Chaura is located in Uttar pradesh on the map of India. 
Q.4. Who formed the Swaraj party to enter the legislative council? 
Ans:- Motilal Nehru and Chittranjan Das formed the Swaraj party to enter the legislative council 
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Q.1. Simon Commission was by ____(a)____ as well as the ____(b)____ with black flages. Ans : (a) Congress , (b) Muslim League 
Q2. Who was seriously injured while protesting in a police Lathi Charge in Lahore?
 Ans: Lala Lajpat Rai 
Q3. When was Lahore Session started? 
Ans: 1929 
Q4. Where was the Congress Session was held? 
Ans: The bank of River Ravi in Lahore. 
Q5. Who was the President of Congress Session in December 1929? 
Ans: Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru 
Q6. Lahore Session was decided to celebrate ________ as the First Indipendence Day of India. 
Ans: January 26, 1930 
Q7. When the constitution of India was completed? 
Ans: November 26, 1949 
Q8. When The Constitution of India was adopted ans enforce? 
Ans: January 26, 1950 
Q9. Why we celebrate January 26 as the Republic Day every year? 
Ans: According to Constitution of India, we celebrate January 26 as the Republic Day every year. 
Q10. Name some Sessions of Congress.
 Ans: Some Sessions of Congress are:- (i) Amritsar Session (ii) Lahore Session (iii) Lucknow Session (iv) Calcutta Session (v) Surat Session (vi) Nagpur Session (vii) Bombay Session (viii) Madras Session 

1. When was the Sabarmati Ashram started to paint?
 Ans- The Sabarmati Ashram started to paint in 12 March 1930. 
2. Define the term salt. Ans- Salt is the basic requirements for every person. 
3. Who began the epic Dandi March? Ans- Mahatma Gandhi 
4. What was challenged to the British and the civil disobedience movement spread all over the country? 
Ans- The challenged to the British and the civil disobedience movement spread all over the country are become the second mass movement as, school, colleges, courts were boycotted, foreign goods were burnt, peasants refused to pay taxes and shop selling foreign goods were picketed. 
5.Who is popularly known as Frontier Gandhi? 
Ans- Abdul Gaffar Khan is popularly known as Frontier Gandhi. 
6. Who tried to repress the movement and resorted to violence? 
Ans- The British Government tried to repress the movement and resorted to violence. 
7. What was an open challenge to the British and the civil disobedience movement spread all over the country?. 
Ans- Salt Satyagraha was an open challenge to the British and the civil disobedience movement spread all over the country. 
8. How many protestors were arrested along with Gandhi ji and Jawaharlal Nehru? 
Ans- Thousands of protestors were arrested along with Gandhi ji and Jawaharlal Nehru. 
9. Gandhiji was supported by how much volunteer during the Salt March? 
Ans- Gandhiji was supported by 78 volunteer during the Salt March. 
10. What was the meaning of monopoly on Indians? 
Ans- This is the law passed by the Indian Government which banning manufacturing of salt by the Indians. 

Page No.165 *Do you know that in 1930 and 1931, the government called two Round Table Conferences. But they didn’t solve any Problem. *The British refused to grant dominion status to India and Gandhiji resumed the civil disobedience movement which was later withdrawal in 1934 *Revolutionary moments for India’s Independence. * The radicals minded Indians were upset when Non-Cooperation movement was withdrawn. *The radicals decided to loot the government cash from a train for buying weapons. * Many of them where asserted and tried in Kakori Conspiracy Case. *Hindustani socialist Republican Association was formed in Kanpur by Ram Prasad Bismil , Jogesh Chatterjee , Chandrashekhar Azad , Yogendra Shukla ,etc. *Kakori train robbery was a well-known act of bravery of this group. 

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Q. When was the second world war started? 
Ans-in 1939 
Q. When was the Anti-British Movement started in full swing? 
Ans-in 1942 Q.3 When was the started Indian councils act? Ans=in 1909 
Q. Dyarchy system introduced by the government of Indian Act. 
Ans-in 1919 
Q. The estabilisd of a Federal count.
Ans-in 1935 
Q. The supreme court of indian was established. 
Ans-1950 Q.7 The provisions of the government of Indian Act. Ans=1935 

Page No.168 
Q- When was Quit India Movement launched? 
Ans- August 8 ,1942 Q- how did Gandhiji gave the final blow to Britishers and when? Ans- Gandhiji gave the final blow to Britishers by launching Quit India Movement on August 8 ,1942 Q- What is civil disobedience movement? 
Ans- civil disobedience movement is response to Gandhiji’s call for immediate independence Q- What was the slogan of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose? 
Ans- “you give me blood and I will give you freedom”. 
Q- Who was handed over the Indian National Army that had been initially organised by Mohan Singh? 
Ans- Subhash Chandra Bose. 
Q- When Second World War came to an end? 

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Q. Who was the viceroy of India after independence? 
Answer - Lord Mountbatten was the viceroy of India after independence. 
Q. What presented Lord Mountbatten? 
Answer - He presented a plan for division of India into two, India and Pakistan separately.
Q. Why did Gandhiji and other famous Indian leaders accepted the partition? 
Answer - Gandhiji and other famous Indian leaders accepted that partition because of widespread riots in different parts of the country.


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