10.Glossary.History.Chapter 5.The Age of Industrialisation.


            Chapter-5.The Age of Industrialisation.
Chapter -5. The Age of Industrialisation.
History.Glossary with meaning.
Page Number – 103.
1.Orient :- Noun.(पूरबीThe countries to the east of the implied point Mediterranean,usually referring to Asia .
2.Proto :- Adj.(आद्य) Indicating the early form of something.
3.Triumphant :-Adj.(विजयी).Winner 
4.Colonial :- Adj.(औपनिवेशिक).Owning or made up of colonies 
5.Bear :- Verb.(सहनशीलता रखना A person's way of moving.
6.Perch :- Verb.(बैठनाSit on something on high. 
7.Glorify :- Verb.(गौरवन्वित करना ) To show someone more important than he or she is.
8.Illustration :- Noun.(चित्रण).The fact of illustrating something. 

Page Number - 104
1. Triumphant - Adj.(विजयीhaving won a battle or contest; victorious. 
2. Innovations - Noun. (नवाचार) the action or process of innovating. 
3. Steamships - Noun(वाष्प-शक्ति का जहाज़) a ship that is propelled by a steam engine. 
4. Modernity - Noun. (आधुनिकता) the quality or condition of being modern. 
5. Mechanization - Noun(मशीनीकरणthe introduction of machines or automatic devices into a process, activity, or place.

Page Number - 105
1.Acquisition - Noun.(अर्जन) The act of obtaining or buying something
2.Monopoly - Noun. (एकाधिकार )A market structure characterized by a single seller, selling a unique product in the market.
3.Proto Industrialization - Noun.(पूर्व) The phase of industrialization that was not based on the factory system.
4.Eagerly - Adv.(उत्सुकता पूर्वक)used to emphasize a strong desire to do or have something.

Page Number-106
1.  Illustration - Noun.(स्पष्टीकरण) A picture, or a drawing
2.  Orient - Noun.(पूरवी देश) An eastern country.
3.  Triumphant - Adj.(विजयीमान),Feeling or showing great happiness
4.  Innovation - Noun.(नव परिवर्तन ) A new idea
5.  Persuade - Verb.(मनाना) To make somebody believe something.

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1.Supervision - Noun. (देखरेखCare 
2.Regulation - Noun. (नियमRule/Law 
3.Intimate - Verb. (सूचित करनाTo inform 
4.Contemporary - Adj. (समकालीनLiving 
5.Dazzled - Adj.(हैरतScupper/Astound
6.Bylanes - Noun.(गलियोंStreet  
7.Unimportant - Adj.(महत्वहीनPinpoint 
8.Billowing - Adj.(लहराता Make a fuss
9.Billow - Noun.(तरंग)
10.Dynamic - Adj.(गतिशीलMobile 

Page Number - 108
6.  Dynamic - Adj.(गतिशील) The cause of movement
7.  Dazzle - Verb.(चकाचौंध करना) To impress somebody else.
8.  Stagnant - Adj.(ठहरा हुA body of water or the atmosphere confined space having no current or flow and often having an unpleasant smell as a consequence.
9.  Innovation -Noun. (नवाचार) The action or process of innovating.
10.Tanning- Noun. (चरमशाेधनA pale-skinned person of their skin become brown or browner after exposure to the sun 
11. Manifold - Adj.(विविधA pipe or chamber branching into several opening.
12. Spindles- Noun. (धुरा) A slender rounded rod with tapered ends used in hand spinning to twist and wind thread from a mass of wool or flax held on a distaff.
13. Enhance- Verb. (बढ़ाना ) To increase,or further improve the quality,or value or extent of.
14. Operator- Noun.(चालक ) A person who operates equipment or a machine.

Chapter 5: The Age of Industrialisation 
Page number 111
1.Refugee - Noun.(भोजन के अभाव अथवा युद्ध की स्थिति में अथवा राजनीतिक या धार्मिक कारणों से देश छोड़ने को विवश व्यक्ति; शरणार्थी)
A person who has been forced to leave his/her country for political or religious reasons, or because there is a war, not enough food, etc.
2.Prolonged -  Adj.(लंबी अवधि तक रहने वाला) Continuing for a long time.
3.Casual - Adj.(आकस्मिक ) Relaxed and not worried; without showing great effort or interest 
4.Authorities - Noun.( प्राधिकारी ) The power and right to give orders and make others obey 
5. Fluctuations - Noun.(उतार-चढ़ाव) An irregular shifting back and forth or up and down in the level, strength, or value of something 
6.Welfare - Noun.(कल्याण) Welfare refers to government-sponsored assistance programs for individuals and families in need, including programs as health care assistance, food stamps, and unemployment compensation. 

Page number 113:
1.Bale - Noun.(गठरी) a large bundle or package prepared for shipping, storage, or sale, especially one tightly compressed and secured by wires, hoops, cords, or the like, and sometimes having a wrapping or covering.
2. Bankrupt - Adjective.(दिवालिया)
not having enough money to pay your debts
3.Land links - (भूमी संधियाँ) Land Links are the pioneer promoters of residential layouts, commercial complexes, industrial estates, farm houses.
4.Procure - Verb (प्राप्त) to obtain something especially with difficulty
5.Inland regions - Noun.(अंतर्देशीय क्षेत्र)confined to the interior of a country or a region
6.Concessions - Noun.(रियायतें) Something that you agree to do in order to end an argument.
7.Gradually - Adverb.(धीरे-धीरे ) taking place, changing, moving, etc.,by small degrees or little by little

Glossary / Hardwords
Page number 114
1. Collapsed - Verb.(ढहना) to fall down 
2. Consolidation - Noun.(समेकन) to bring together into a single or unified whole

Glossary / Hardwords
Page number 115
1.Bargain - Noun.सस्‍ता सौदा,लोगों अथवा समूहों के बीच परस्पर सहयोग का समझौता) 
Something that is cheaper or at a lower price than usual
2.Gomastha - Noun.बड़े व्यापारी की ओर से चीजें खरीदने और बेचने पर नियुक्त प्रतिनिधि वह जो किसी बड़े व्यापारी या कोठीवाल की ओर से बहीखाता लिखने या माल खरीदने और बेचने का काम करता हो।)
Described an Indian agent of the British East India Company employed in the Company's colonies, to sign bonds, usually compellingly, by local weavers and artisans to deliver goods to the Company.
3.Lease out - Verb.पट्टा बैठाना.to make an agreement by which someone pays you money in order to use land, a building, a vehicle, or a piece of equipment for a particular period of time.
4.Sepoy - Noun.भारतीय सिपाही.This is how the British pronounced the word sipahi, meaning an Indian soldier in the service of British 


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