9.Glossary.Chapter 4.Hisory.Forest Society and Colonialism.


Glossary. History. Chapter 4
Forest society and Colonialism

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Tannin - (टनीन) yellowish or brownish bitter-tasting organic substance present in some galls, barks, and other plant tissues, consisting of derivatives of gallic acid.
Diversity - (विविधता) the wide variety of something
Industrialisation - (देश में उद्योग-विकास)the development of industries in a country or region on a wide scale.
Pasture-(चरागाह)field or land covered with grass, where cows, etc. can feed

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Deforestation-(वनों की कटाई)cutting down trees over a large area
Extensive-(बहुत बड़ा)large in area or amount
Peasents-(किसानों)person who owns or rents a small piece of land on which he/she grows food and keeps animals in order to feed his/her family
Colonialpriod-(औपनिवेशिक काल)a period in a country's history where it was subject to management by a colonial power

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Commercial crops-(व्यावसायिकफसलें)Commercial crop means a commercially raised horti- cultural and/or agricultural product and includes the growing
Uninhabited-(निर्जन)used about a place or a building) with nobody living
Terra nullius-(लावारिस क्षेत्र)land that is legally deemed to be unoccupied or uninhabited.
Aboriginal tracks-(आदिवासी ट्रैक)songline, also called dreaming track, is one of the paths across the land (or sometimes the sky) 
Wilderness -(जंगल)large area of land that has never been used for building on or for growing things area of land that has never been used for building on or for growing things
Sleepers -wooden plants laid across railway tracks that hold the tracks in position

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Royal navy-(नौ सेना)organization of the country charged with the national defense at sea, protection of shipping, and fulfillment of international military agreements.
Imperialism-(साम्राज्यवादी)a political system in which a rich and powerful country controls other countries (colonies) which are not as rich and powerful as itself
Locomotive-(लोकोमोटिव)a powered railway vehicle used for pulling trains
Indiscriminately-(अंधाधुंध अर्थ)in a way that everybody believes in something impossible


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Commodity - A commodity is a raw material used in the production process to manufacture finished goods.
Vast - an immense space ( विशाल)
Enclosed - surrounded or closed off on all sides. (सीमित)

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Reckless - heedless of danger or the consequences of one's actions. (लापरवाह)
Sanction - a threatened penalty for disobeying a law or rule. ( प्रतिबंध)


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Formulate - create or prepare methodically. (सूत्रित करना)
Ecologist - an expert in or student of ecology. (परिस्थितिविज्ञानशास्री)
Estimate - roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of. (आकलन)

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Promote - support or actively encourage. (बढ़ावा देना)
Hardship - severe suffering or privation. (कठिनाई)

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Mercy - compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm. (करुणा)
Bribe - a sum of money or other inducement offered or given to bribe someone. (रिशवत)
Harass - subject to aggressive pressure or intimidation.(परेशान करना)

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Descend-come down(उतरना)

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Plantation-afforestation(पेड़ लगाना)

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Rebellion -civil disorder(विद्रोह)
Rebels -revolutionist(विद्रोहियों)
Sepoy-a sepoy was a designation given to a professional indian infrantyman(भारतीय सिपाही)

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Compensation-requital(नुकसान भरपाई)
Oppressive -tyrannous(दमनकारी)
Missionary -proselytizer(मिशनरी)
Subsequent-posterior to(आगामी)

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Troops- soldiers (सेना, फ़ौज)
Rebellion-an occasion when some of the people in a country try to change the government, using violence ( राजद्रोह )
Negotiate-to decide or agree something by talking about it(बातचीत द्वारा किसी निर्णय पर पहुँचना या समझौता करना)

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Dutch-from the Netherlands(नीदरलैंड्‌स "हॉलैंड" का निवासी)
Teak-the strong hard wood of a tall Asian tree(सागौन की लकड़ी )
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Imposed -to make a law, rule, opinion, etc. be accepted by using your power or authority(अपनी शक्ति या अधिकार के बल पर क़ानून, नियम आदि को मनवाना, थोपना; आरोपित करना)
Mercantile related to trade and commerce (वाणिज्य तथा व्यापार से संबंधित; वाणिज्यिक; व्यापारिक)Squadrons-a group of military aircraft or ships (सैन्‍य विमानों या पोतों का दस्‍ता)

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Abandoned - left completely and no longer used or wanted(अनचाही वस्‍तु को पूर्ण रूप से त्‍यागा या छोड़ा हुआ)
Scorched-to burn something so that its colour changes but it is not destroyed(किसी वस्‍तु को झुलसाना)
Recklessly-carelessly(लापरवाही से)
Patrolling-to go round an area, a building, etc. at regular times to make sure that it is safe and that nothing is wrong (सुरक्षा की दृष्टि से किसी इलाके़, भवन आदि का नियमित रूप से चक्‍कर लगाना)




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