9.Glossary.Chapter 3.Hisory.Nazism and the Rise of Hitler.


Hitler and Nazism.
Glossary/Hard Words/Meanings
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Glossary/Hard Words/Meanings.
1. Humiliating - Adj.(अपमानजनक) Extremely destructive to one's self respect.
2. Clause - Noun.(खण्ड)
3. Disgrace - Noun.(अपमानजनक)
4. Devastating - Adj.(विनाशकारी)
5. Burden - Noun.(बोझ)
6. Crippled - Adj.(पंगु)
7. Mockingly - Adv.(हँसी से)
8. Corpses - Noun.(लाशों)
9. Propaganda - Noun.(प्रचार प्रसार)
10. Fragile - Adj.(नाज़ुक)
11. Spartasist - Noun.(संप्रदायवादी)

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Glossary/Hard Words/Meanings.
1.Ethical - Adj.( नैतिक) Relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge  dealing with these
2.Condemnation - Noun.(निंदा) The expression   of very strong disapproval 
3.Innumerable - Adj.(असंख्य )Too many to be counted 
4.Unprecedented - Adj.(अभूतपूर्वNever done or known before
5.Gassing - Verb.(मारना) To poison or kill somebody with gas( बक)
6.Imprisoned - Verb.(बंदीTo put or keep in prison 
7.Retribution - Noun. प्रतिकारPunishment  for a  crime
8.Brutality- Noun. (निर्दयता) Very cruel and violent  behaviour


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