9.Glossary.Chapter 2.Hisory.Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution.

Karl Marx.Engels,Louis Blanc

Chapter 2.History.

Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution.
Glossary / Vocabs with its meaning.
Page no. 25 
Dramatic -  sudden or often surprising नाटकिय
Aristocracy - a form of government that places strength in the hands of a small, privileged  शिष्टजन
Post-revolutionary - occurring or existing after revolution क्रान्तिकारि
Societal change-alternation of social orders of a society सामाजिक  परिवर्तन
Gradual shift - change occurs in small stages over a long period of time क्रमिक बदलाव 
Context - situation in which something happens प्रसंग
Radical - wanting great social or political change क्रांतिकारी सामाजिक या राजनीतिक परिवर्तन का इच्‍छुक 
Discriminated - to see or make a difference between two people or things किन्‍हीं दो के बीच भेदभाव करना, किन्‍हीं दो वस्‍तुओं या वर्गों को  अलग-अलग समझना| 
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Suffragette movement - a movement to give women the right to vote
Conservatives - a person who does not like change परिवर्तन-विमुख व्यक्तिरूढ़िवादी
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Venture -a project which is new and possibly dangerous, because you cannot be sure that it will succeed नई और कुछ जोखिम भरी परियोजना (क्योंकि सफलता निश्चित नहीं)
Aristocracy - the people of the highest social class who often have special titles
कुलीन वर्गउच्चवर्गीय समाजअभिजात वर्ग
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Triumph- great success or victory; the feeling of happiness that you have because of this महान सफलता या विजयसफलता या विजय का उल्लास
Dormitories- A large bedroom with a number of beds in it, especially in a school, etc.अनेक पलंगों वाला बड़ा शयनकक्ष (विशेषतः स्कूल आदि में)
Capitalist Enterprise -a project or undertaking, especially a bold one ‍चतम सामाजिक वर्ग के सदस्जिन्हें प्रायः विशेष उपाधियाँ मिली होती हैं

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Associations :- a group of people or organizations who work together for a particular purpose संघों )
Legislation :- a group of laws (कानून)
Portrays :- to show somebody/something in a picture; to describe somebody/something in a piece of writing चित्रण )
Discontent :- the state of being unhappy with something (असंतोष)
Ultimately :- at the most basic level; most importantly (अंत में)
Commune - a group of people, not from the same family, who live together and share their property and responsibilities 
एक साथ रह रहे ( कि एक ही परिवार केऐसे लोगों का समुदाय जिनकी संपत्ति और दायित्वों में समान भागीदारी हैसमुदायकम्यून
Crush :- to press somebody/something hard so that he/she/it is broken, damaged or injured कुचल )
Prelude :- a short piece of music, especially an introduction to a longer piece
(प्रस्तावना )
Communards :- revolutionaries ( साम्प्रदायिक )
Legacy :- money or property that is given to you after somebody dies, because he/she wanted you to have it विरासत )
Troops :- soldiers सैनिकों )

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Socialists - Socialism is a political, social, and economic philosophy encompassing a range of economic and social systems characterized by social ownership of the means of production. 
Monarchy - the system of government or rule by a king or queen राजा या रानी के आधिपत्‍यवाली शासन-प्रणाली; राजतंत्र 
Territory - an area of land that belongs to one country किसी देश के स्‍वामित्‍व वाला भूक्षेत्र; राज्‍य-क्षेत्र 
Orthodox - closely following the old, traditional beliefs, ceremonies, etc. पुरातनपंथी  प्राचीन, परंपरागत विश्‍वास, अनुष्‍ठान आदि का अनुसरण करने वाले 

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Agriculturist-person who cultivates land किसान
Prominent- noticeable, important प्रसिद्ध
Craft workshops - membership of which is restricted to workers in a specified trade or craft शिल्प कार्यशालाएं  
Industrialist-उद्योगपति a person who owns or manages a large industrial company 
Accommodation- a place for somebody to live or stayसुविधा 
Metalworker-someone who works metal especially by hammering it when it is hot and malleable धातु कार्यकर्ता
Associations- a group of people or organizations who work together for a particular purpose संगति 
Dismissal -is the termination of employment by an employer against the will of the employee  पदच्युति
Strikes-a period of time when people refuse to go to work, usually because they want more money or better working conditions धरना

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Autocracy - a system of government of a country in which one person has complete power एकतंत्रनिरंकुशता

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Duma- a legislative body in the ruling assembly of Russia and of some other republics of the former Soviet Union.
Cossacks - a member of a people of Ukraine and southern Russia, noted for their horsemanship and military skill.
Real wages - income expressed in terms of purchasing power as opposed to actual money received. वास्तविक मजदूरी

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Casualties - a person who is killed or injured in a war or an accident दुर्घटना या युद्घ में घायल या मृत व्यक्ति

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Exile - the state of being forced to live outside your own country especially for political reasons देशनिकालानिर्वासन विशेषतः राजनीतिक आधार पर  स्वदेश छोड़कर अन्यत्र रहने की बाध्यता

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Deport - to force somebody to leave a country because he/she has no legal right to be  there
किसी को देश छोड़ने के लिए बाध्य करनानिर्वासित करना (क्योंकि उसे वहाँ रहने का क़ानूनी अधिकार नहीं)

Class Activity.
Search these Below Glossary  for which page stand for 
Inevitable - that cannot be avoided or prevented from happening अवश्यंभावी 
Differentiation - the action or process of differentiating or distinguishing between two or more things or people.अंतर,भेद,फ़र्क
Emphasize - to put emphasis on something किसी पर विशेष बल देना


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