10.Inside Questions Answers.The Rise of Nationalism in Europe.

Chapter 1.History.
The Rise Of Nationalism in Europe.
Short Question Answers. Insides
Page no  3.
Q. What does 'Absolutist ' mean? 
Answer : the term refers to a form of monarchial government that was centralised ,militarised and repressive. Page 3.
Q. What were  the features of personified Liberty female figure?  Page 3
Answer : (i) She bears the Torch of Enlightenment in one hand and;
(ii) She bears Charter of the Rights of Man in the other hand.
Q. Who was Frederic Sorrieu? 
Ans : He was a French artist who prepared a series of four prints visualizing his dream of a world made up of 'democratic and social Republics'. 
Q. Name four countries which were part of the procession shown in Frederic Sorrieu's print. 
Ans Germany, Australia, Hungary and Russia. 
Q. Which countries were already nation states? Page 3
Ans: The countries such as United States and Switzerland were already nation states.

Page no 4.
Q. What is a nation - state ? 
Ans : A state in which the majority of its citizens and rulers , develop a sense of common identity and share history or descent. 

Page no 5.
Q. What was the main aim of the French Revolutionaries? 
Ans : To transfer monarchy into democracy. 
Q. Mention any two measures and practices that the French revolutionaries introduced to create a sense of collective identity amongst the French people. 
Ans : a. A new French flag, the tricolor, was chosen to replace the former Royal standard.
b. A centralised administrative system was put in place. 
Q. Name any two countries conquered by Napoleon. 
Ans : Holland, Belgium, Switzerland and Italy. 

Page no 9.
Q.Mention any two features of the ideology of liberalism of the 19th century. 
Ans : For the new middle classes liberalism stood for freedom for the individual and equality of all before the law.

Page no 10.
Q. Name the countries which met in Vienna in 1815 for the Vienna Congress. 
a.Britain   b.Russia c.Prussia  d.Austria. 
Q. Mention any two proposal of the Vienna Congress of 1815.
Ans : a.The Burbon dynasty was restored to power. 
b.A series of states were set up on the boundaries of France to prevent French expansion in future. 
Q. State any one difference between conservatives and revolutionaries. 
Ans : Conservatives were in favour of monarchy whereas revolutionaries were against monarchial forms. 

Page no 11.
Q. Who installed in France by liberal revolutionaries after the July upheaval of 1832? 
Ans : Louise Philippe was installed in France after 1832.
Q. What was the Treaty of Constantinople of 1832? 
Ans : Under this Treaty Greece which was part of Ottoman Empire was recognised as an independent nation. 
Q. Mention any two impacts of peasant uprising of 1848 on France. 
Ans : a. A National Assembly proclaimed a Republic. 
b. The Assembly granted suffrage to all adult males about 21.

Page no 14.
Q. Who was Johann Gottried? 
Ans : He was one of the famous romantic German philosophers who claimed that true German culture was to be discovered among the common people - das volk. 

Page 19.
Q. Name the chief minister who was the architect of German unification. 
Ans : Otto Von Bismarck was the chief architect of German unification. 

Inside Questions/Answers
Page  no. 22 
Q.1.Name  the  ethnic  groups  of   the  British .
Ans : English , Welsh , Scot , and  Irish
Q.2.When  the English  Parliament had  seized power  from  Monarchy.
Ans In 1688 the English  Parliament had  seized power  from  Monarchy.
Q.3.When  the  Act  Of  Union Passed?
Ans The  Act  Of  Union was passed in 1707
Q.4.Ireland was  divided  into  which  parts?
Ans : Two  Parts a. Catholics b. Protestants
Q.5.What are  the  symbols  of  New  Britain ?
Ans : The British Flag (Union Jack), The National Anthem ( God Save Our Noble King)
Q.6.The  Scottish  Highlanders were  forbidden  to speak which language? 
Ans : Gaelic  Language 
Q.7.The Act  Of  the Union was  signed  between which  countries?
Ans : England  And  Scotland
Q.8.Who  helped  Protestants to establish  their  dominance  in the  Ireland ?
Ans : The  English
Q.9.When  Ireland forcibly incorporated into the  United  Kingdom ?
Ans : In 1801 was Ireland forcibly incorporated into the  United  Kingdom 

Page 23 
Q.10.Who  was  the  allegory of the  Germany ?
Ans : Germania
Q.11.Who  was  the  allegory  of  the  France? 
Ans : Marianne
Q.12.What  were  the characteristics  drawn  from Liberty  and  Republics?
Ans : The  red cap , the  tricolor , the cockade 
Q.13.Why  the  statues  of the  Marianne erected ?
Ans : The statues of  the Marianne  were  erected  in public  squares  to remind the  public  of the  national symbol of Unity  and  to persuade  them to identify with  it. 
Q.14.What do the Oak leaves of crown of Germania stand for?
Ans : Oak Leaves stands for Heroism. 
Q.15.Whose images were marked on the Coins and stamps in France?
Ans : Marianne


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