9.History.Insides.Questions Answers.Chapter 2.Russian Revolution

Class 9. History. NCERT.
Chapter 2. Socialism in Europe and  Russian Revolution 
Insides Questions / Answers.

Paris Commune , 1871.

Page : 25. Russian Revolution 
Question* : Who was Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Henry Louis Vivian Derozio ? 
Answer : Raja Ram Mohan Roy 
He was one of the founders of the Brahmo Sabha, the precursor of the Brahmo Samaj, a social-religious reform movement in the Indian subcontinent.
He abolished the social evil Sati Pratha with the support of Lord William Bentinck.
Henry Louis Vivian Derozio  
He was an Anglo-Indian radical thinker of his time and one of the first Indian educators to disseminate western learning and science among the young men of Bengal.
Question : Before which century society was broadly divided into estates and order and it was aristocracy and Church which control the economic and social power ? 
Answer : Before 18 century
Question : Who talked about the significance of the French Revolution ?
Answer  : Raja Ram Mohan Roy and Derozio talked about the significance of the French Revolution.
Question : Which group looks to train society, and wanted a nation which related all religions ?Answer : Liberals wanted a nation which related all religions.

Page : 26. Russian Revolution. 
Question* : Who were conservatives, liberals and radicals ?
Answer : Liberals : 
a. Liberals were such people of the community who opposed the uncontrolled power of dynastic ruler. 
b. They wanted  rights of individual, representative, elected parliamentary government  
c. They did not consider  the universal adult franchise and claimed that the right to vote must mainly be held by men of property. So they were not like the democrats. They did not want the vote for a woman
a. They were a collection of individuals who desired a nation where the government was focused on the bulk of the population of the country.
b. They opposed the privileges of great landowners and wealthy factory owners.
c. Many of them supported the suffragette movement. 
Conservative : 
a. They were those people who disliked liberals and radicals and opposed to them .
b. They set their minds for the inevitable changes. They felt that the history or past  had to be respected. And they believed that there should be a gradual slow process to bring about a change.
c. They were sticky to the convention like monarch, nobles and churches
Question : What thing did liberal opposed?
Answer : The liberal opposed the uncontrolled power of dynasty rulers.
Question : Which thing  liberals didn't believe in ?
Answer : Liberals didn't believe in Universal Adult Franchise.
Question* : What was the Suffragette Movement, who supported this movement ?
Answer : Suffragette movement was a movement to give women the right to vote it was supported by many women.
As the revolutionary woman of France Olympe de Gouges strongly favoured this movement.
Question* : What do you mean by Suffragette?
Answer :  Women's suffragette is the right of women to vote in elections. Beginning in the mid-19th century, aside from the work being done by women for broad-based economic and political equality and for social reforms, women sought to change voting laws to allow them to vote
Question : Which century did find both the limits and potential of the political tendencies ?Answer : 19th century did find both the limits and potential of the political tendencies.
Question : What brought men women and children to the factories?
Answer : Industrialisation brought men women and children to factories.
Question* :  Who were Democrats ?
Answer : Democrat is a person who believes in the rule of the people. It presumes that every person should have a say in choosing who gets to represent him in government, and should be involved in promoting his own rights
Question* : When did French Revolution take place?
Answer  :  The revolution in July1789 was an influential event that marked the age of French is termed as the French  Revolution in Europe. The major outcome of the revolution was the formation of constitutional monarchy.
Question * :  Which countries favoured the Catholic Church ?
Answer :  England, Austria and Spain favoured Catholic Church 

Page : 27. Russian Revolution. 
Question : How  did the liberals make money?
Answer : Liberals were the property owners who made their wealth through trade or industrial ventures.
Question : Who wanted to put an end to the kind of government established in Europe in 1815?
Answer : The Nationalist, Liberals and Radicals wanted to put an end to the kind of government established in Europe in 1815.

Page : 28. Russian Revolution. 
Question* : Who were against private property ?
Answer : The Socialist were the against of the private property..
Question : When did Robert Owen was born?
Answer : 1771.
Question : When did Robert Owen die ?
Answer : 1858.
Question* : What was new harmony in Indiana?
Answer : New harmony in Indiana was a Cooperative community in the USA..
Question : When was Karl Marx and Friedrich Angels born ?
Answer : Karl Marx was born in 1818 and his associate Friedrich Angel was born in 1820.
Question : When did Karl Marx and Friedrich Angel die ?
Answer : Karl Marx died in 1883 and Friedrich Angel  in 1895.
Question* : What did Louis Blanc want ?
Answer : Louis Blanc wanted the government to encourage Cooperative and replace capitalist enterprises.

Page : 29. Russian Revolution.
Question : By which year socialist ideas spread through Europe?
Answer : By the year 1870.
Question : Why did workers in England and Germany begin to form Association?
Answer : Workers in England and Germany began forming association to fight for better living and working conditions.
Question : Till which year socialist never succeeded in forming a government in Europe?
Answer : 1914
Question : By whom were they represented?
They were represented by strong figures in parliamentary.

Page : 30. Russian Revolution.
Question* : How did socialist take over the government in Russia?
Answer : The Socialist took over the government in Russia through the October Revolution of 1917.
Question* : What is normally called Russian Revolution?
Answer : The Fall of monarchy in February 1917 and the events of October are normally called the Russian Revolution
Question* : Who was the ruler of Russia and its empire  in 1914?
Answer : Tsar Nicholas II was the ruler of Russia during the Russian Revolution.
Question : Beside territory around Moscow Russian Empire also included which states ?
Answer : Beside territory around Moscow Russian Empire also included current days Finland, Latvia, Lithuania ,Estonia, parts of Poland, Ukraine and Belarus
Question* : What was the major religion in Russia?
Answer : The majority religion was Russian orthodox Christianity.






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