9.History.Insides.Questions Answers.Chapter1.French Revolution

Chapter - 1

The French Revolution 
Inside Questions Answers

Inside Page.3
Q.1.What did the events take place on 14th July,1789 in France?
Answer : Louis XVI had commanded troops to move into the city and open fire upon the citizens
7000 men and women gathered in front of town hall and decided to form a people's militia.
Agitated crowd broke into a number of government buildings in search of arms/weapons.
A group of several hundred people stormed the fortress prison, the Bastille, where they hoped to find hoarded ammunition.
The crowd destroyed the Bastille, the commander of the Bastille was killed and the prisoners released.
Inside questions-
Q.2.About how many people gathered in front of town hall to make a people's militia?
Ans - 7,000 people gathered in front of town hall to make a people's militia.
Q.3.For which reason the king ordered his army to open fire upon the citizens?
Ans - The king ordered his troops to open fire open the citizen....because of a rumour

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Q.1.In which year Louis XVI become the king ascended the throne of France.?
Ans : In 1774 Louis XVI became the king of France.
Q.2.In which age Louis xvi get married?
Ans : In 20 years Louis was married.
Q.3.To whom Louis XVI did married?
Ans : Louis XVI was married to an Austrian princess Marie Antoinette.
Q.4.Write the state in which 18th century French society was divided?
Answer - In three state 18th century French society was divided : 
a.The first state consisted of clergy ,
b.The second estate comprised the nobility while 
c.The third estate, which formed about 97% of the population, consisted of the merchants, officials, peasants, artisans and servants. The clergy and nobility did not have to pay any taxes.
Q.5.What is Taille?
Ans : It is a Tax to be paid directly to the state.
Q.6.What do you mean by Liver?
Answer- It was the unit of currency in France,discontinued in 1794.
Q.7.What do you mean by Clergy?
Answer- A Group of persons invested with special functions in the church
Q.8.When did the French ruler come to the throne to whom he was married to?
Ans In 1774, King Louis XVI ascended the throne of France at the age of 20. He was married to Marie Antoinette and led an extravagant life.
Q.9.How did France come into debt?
Ans As Louis decided to support the American War of Independence and hence increased France’s debt to over 3 billion Livres. 
Q.9.What does the term Old Regime mean?
Ans : The term old regime is usually used to describe the society and institutions of France before 1789.
Q.10.What was the condition of the farmers.
Ans : The system of states in French society was organised.Peasants made up about 90 percent of the population. However,only a small number of them owned the land they cultivated.
About 60 percent of the land was owned by nobles,the church and other richer members  of the third estate

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Q.1.In which year and how much population is increased in France?
Ans : The population of France rose from about 23 million in 1715 to 28 million in 1789.
Q.2.What happened to the production of grains when the population rose rapidly?
Ans : There was a rapid increases in the demand for food grains. Production of grain couldn't keep pace with the demand .
Q.3.What was the staple diet of the majority people in France?
Ans : Piece of Bread. 
Q.4.Why were employed as labourers in workshops and fixed their wages?
Ans : Most workers of France were employed as labourers in workshops and their wages.
Q.5.Why did gap between poor and rich widened?
Ans : The wages paid to workers didn't  keep pace with the rise in prices. So, the gap between poor and the rich widened.
Q.6.Why did the things became worse whenever drought or hail reduced the harvest?
Ans : Already the situation of people's of France was not good they were enchanted for a piece of Bread and on this the situation more worse. 
Q.7.What led to subsistence crisis?
Ans : The situation of peoples of France which led by the rise of population had led to subsistence crisis.

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Q.2.How many representatives are sent by each estate?
Ans : The first and second estates sent 300 representatives each, who were seated in rows facing each other on two sides, while the 600 members of the third estate had to stand at the back
Q.3.When was Napoleon become emperor of France?
Ans : Napoleon become the emperor of France in 1804.
Q.4.When was Napoleon defeated at Waterloo?
Ans : Napoleon was defeated in 1815 at Waterloo?
Q.5.When was Louis XVI called together an assembly of the Estates General to pass proposals for new taxes?
Ans : Louis XVI was called together an assembly of the Estates General to pass proposals for new taxes


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