Sample Paper. Questions/ Answers. S.St

Class 10th. Social Science.
Pre Board Marking Scheme. Set 1.S.St.
Marking or Answer Scheme.
Q.1. b. England.
Q.2. b. Metternich.
Q.3. a. G.D.Birla.
Q.4. Public Sector or 1854
Q.5. b. Kharif -crop Tur ( Ahar)
Q.6. d. Roca
Q.7. Potential resources.
Q.8. a. Staple food Crop b. Cereal crop both are right answers.
Q.9  a .Flemish Region.
Q.10.a violent conflict between opposing groups within a country that becomes so intense that it appears like a war. or
Something which is dependent upon careful calculations of gains and losses or positive and negative aspects.
Q.11. Both the central and state governments can make decisions on these matters. Or
The union government makes laws on it.
Q.12. b. Kerala.
Q.13. b. Srilanka.
Q.14. c. Formal sector credit includes loans from banks and cooperative.
Q.15. d. Owenership of enterprises.
Q.16. a. Both A and R is correct and R is the correct explanation of A
Q.17.Three main features of Sorreue paintings.
a. The Statue of Liberty with the torch of Enlightenment and the Charter of the Rights of Man in one hand.
b. A way past of the different nations through the Statue of Liberty.
c. Shattered remains of the symbols of absolute institutions.
Q.18. Mahatma Gandhi decided  withdrew the movement due to the violence took place in Chauri Chaura in Gorakhpur on 1922.
A thana was set on the fire causing the death of 22 policemen.
Q.19. Process of resource planning in India:-
(a)Identification and inventory of resources across the parts of the country .This comprises surveying, mapping and getting the quantitative and qualitative measurement and estimation of the resources.
(b) Developing a planning structure endowed with suitable technology skill and institutional set up for implementing resource development plans
(c)Matching the resource development plans with the overall National Development plans.   
Q.20. The three majoritarian measures were :
a. In 1956 an Act was passed to recognize Sinhala as official language.
b. In University education and government jobs Sinhalese were preferred.
c. Buddhism was protected  and fostered Which was the language of Sinhalese. 
Three elements of accommodations in Belgium Model. 
a. The Constitution of Belgium prescribes  that the number of Dutch and French speaking Ministers shall be equal in the central government .Some special laws  require the support of majority of members from  each linguistic group .Thus no single community can make decisions unilaterally.
b.. Many powers of the central government have been given to the state governments of the two regions of the country. The state governments are not subordinate to the central government.
c. Brussels had a separate government in which both the communities have equal representation.
d. There is also a community government. (Any three points)
Q. 21. Advantages of working in an organized sector are 
a. The laws are followed strictly that protect the interests of workers.
b. Fair wages are paid to the workers.
c. The jobs are quite secure .
d. Workers get other benefits like provident fund, gratuity, paid leave, medical benefits etc.
e. The workers in the organized sectors are paid pension after retirement.
Q. 22. Various Arguments have been put forward in favour of and against globalization, which means that the impact of globalization has not been uniform. Developed countries have exploited the various terms and conditions of globalization in their own favor whereas developing countries have become losers. So there’s great need to make them more friendly for the developing countries
It is also argued that global trade rules should be subordinate to the global environmental agencies in order to maintain ecological balance of developing countries.
Agriculture should be exempted from global trade rules to allow poor countries to pursue their own food security and sustain their farming policy.
Q.23.1. A. On 26 of January 1930.
Q.23.2. B.1929.
Q.23.3. B. Independence Day.
Q.23.4. C. Lahore Session
Q.24.1. b. 2nd
Q.24.2. d. 80
Q.24.3. a. West Bengal
Q.24.4. b.1859
Q.25.1 A ( harmonious life)
Q.25.2 A ( democracy)
Q.25.3. D ( Both B&CC)
Q.25.4. A ( majority community)
Q.26.1. C use of IT in Globalisation.
Q.26.2. Send through internet, using telecommunication facilities, design is done on computer, instant payment though e-banking.(any one point)
Q.26.3. A. It makes communication and other production methods more easier than before.
Q.26.4. No
Q.27. Trends accepted by the planation workers are as follows.
a. They meant freedom moving freely.
b. They defied the authorities left the plantation and headed home.
c. Gandhi Raj would grant them lands in their villages.
d. Land Emigration Act did not permit them to move 
e. They were caught and brutally beaten up. Or
Strange case of Britain
a. Language  became the base of forced unification Ireland and Scotland.
b. Their customs, habits ,literature culture were shadowed by the British Culture.
c. Their revolts were suppressed.
d. English, Union Jack and National Anthem became the forced acceptance for Scotland and Ireland.
Q.28. How do roadways score over railways in India?
Ans:- a. construction rate of roads is much lesser than that of railway lines.
b. Roads can traverse comparatively more undulating and also dissected topography.
c. Roads can negotiate greater gradients of slopes and as such can traverse mountains such as Himalayas.
d. Road transport is economical in transportation of some persons and comparatively smaller quantity of goods over small distances.
e. It also provides door to door service, thus the cost of loading and unloading is much lesser
f.  Road transport is also used as a feeder to other modes of transport such that they give a connection between railways station ,sea and airports.
Or, What is trade ? Explain the importance of international trade.
Ans:- The exchange of goods, among people countries as well as states is referred to as trade.
a. Trade between two countries is known as international trade.
b. It may occur through sea, land or air routes. 
c. Advancement of International Trade of a country is an index to its economic development.
d. It is, thus considered as economic barometer for a country.
e. As the resources are space bound, no country can exist without international trade.
f.  Export and import are the components of the trade.
g. The balance of trade of a country is the difference between its import as well as export.
Any other relevant point.
Q.29 functions of political parties:
i Parties contest  elections.
ii. Depute for word policies and programs.
iii. Parties  play a decisive role in making laws.
iv. Parties form and run the government.
v, Parties  play the role of opposition.
vi. Parties shape public opinion.
vii. Parties provide people access to government machinery and welfare schemes
Q.30.power sharing is the spirit of democracy because it is one of the foundational principles on which the concept of democratic rule is based. In other words, the people have a right to be consulted on how they should be governed and all the citizens tend to have the same political and legal rights. ( Any other relevant points)
Q. 31. There is no denying the fact that cheap and affordable credit is essential especially poor people both in rural and urban areas
Such a cheap and affordable credit can boost up the social and economic life of the poor people both in the rural and the urban areas
By getting cheap and affordable credit the poor people can  start any business  and make their both ends meet nicely.
With this facility of cheap and affordable credit they can educate their  children and settle them in life for better way.
Last but not the least they would be saved from the clutches of the clever money lenders.
Q.31.In order to create more employment opportunities and also to ensure better conditions to the workers, the central government Of India made a law in 2005. It is called  Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee act 2005.
According to this act 100 days of employment in a year has been guaranteed by the government to those persons who are able to and are in the need of work.
If the government fails to provide hundreds days of employment, it will give employment allowance to the people.
Such type of work which will increase the production specially from land will be given preference under this act .
Some jobs are reserved for schedule caste and schedule tribe workers and also for women workers.
The main aim of this act is increase the employment an improve the conditions of poor people in rural area. Hey
History Map Point.
Any other relevant point.
Q.32.1.a.Lahore just near the town Amritsar.
Q.32.1.b.In Maharashtra.
Q.32.2.a.Bhakhara Nangal -In Pubjab
Q.32.2.b.Uran- in Raigarh Maharashtra.
Q.32.2.c.Narora - in Bulandshar in Uttarpradesh.
Q.32.2.d.Tuticoran - in Tamil Naidu.
Q.32.2.e.Raja Sansi - in Amritsar Punjab.


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