6 Class.History.CW/HW.Chapter11.The Iron Age Civilisation.

 Chapter 11 6 Class.History.CW/HW.

aranyakas : sacred treaties based on brahmanas  
barter system : exchange of goods or service in exchange of goods or services, 
brahmanan : commentaries on Vedas  
gurukul :a place where students were given education while living there only 
joint family : an extended family arrangement consisting of many generations living together in the san aenoy 
upanishads : a text containing philosophical concept.

Something To Know Tick  the correct option. 
1.The oldest Veda is- 
(a) Rigveda
(e) Samaveda
(c) Yajurveda 
(g) Atharvveda
(2) What was the main occupation of Aryans? 
(a) hunting 
(b) carpentry 
(c) agriculture 
(d) fishing 
3.The chief god during the Early Vedic Civilisation was- 
(a) Indra 
(b) Shiva 
(c) Vishnu 
(d) Rama 
4.The supreme god worshipped during the Greek Civilisation was-
(a) Juno  
(b) Fire  
(c) Zeus 
(d) Indra 
5. Who calculated the circumference of the earth? 
(a) the Greeks 
(b) the Romans 
(c) the Aryans 
(d) the Iranians 
B. Fill in the blanks. 
1. The word Veda means ----. 
2. As a part of the barter system---- was used as a standard of value 
3. The Early Vedic Period is aiso known as--- Period.
4. In the Later Vedic Period, varna system became--- 
5. During Sanyas Ashram, a man lived a life of complete----

C. Match the following : 
1. Epic Age a. commander of Army 
2. Shudras b.Head of the family
3.  Senani c. God of Thunder 
4. Grihapati d. Later Vedic Period 
5. Indra e. labourers 

D. Answer the following questions in brief. 
1. What were the main inventions of Greek Civilisation? 
2. Name the gods that were worshipped by Romans. 
3. Name the four Vedas. 
4. Give any two examples to prove that Vedic Civilisation was quite advanced. 
5. Mention the main occupations the people of Iranian Civilisation. 
E. Answer the following questions. 
1. What was the political condition of the country under Aryans? 
2. What was the condition of women in the Early Vedic Period. 
3. Explain the Varna System. What change did it undergo during Later Vedic Period? 
4. List the achievements of the Aryans in the field of science and mathematics. 
5. List the occupations of the Aryans. 
Value Based Question 
The people of the Vedic Civilisation led a happy and simple life. Their clothes were made of cotton, wod and skins of animals. They played musical instruments like flute, drums and harp. They were fond of chariot racing and dancing. In your opinion which activities are eco-friendly in the present scenario. 
Map Skill 
On the physical map of the world, locate the following civilisations. 
(a) Greek civilisation 
(b) Roman civilisation 
(c) tranian civilisation 
(d) Vedic civilisation 
Something To Do 
1, Make a list of Hindu social customs of today that are similar to those which existed in the Aryan Period. 
2. Read the stories of Mahabharata and Ramayana to know more about the Epic Age. 
3. Chanting Gayatri Mantra every day in the morning assembly is the tradition of DAV schools. Do you know this mantra is a part of Rigveda? Discuss the meaning and relevance of this manitra your class.

Map Skill 
one the physical map of the world, locate the following civilisations. 
(a) Greek civilisation 
(b) Roman civilisation 
(c) Iranian civilisation 
(d) Vedic civilisation 
Something To Do 
1. Make a list of Hindu social customs of today that are similar to those which existed in the Aryan Period. 
2. Read the stories of Mahabharata and Ramayana to know more about the Epic Age. 
3. Chanting Gayatri Mantra every day in the morning assembly is the tradition of DAV schools. Do you know this mantra is a part of Rigveda? Discuss the meaning and relevance of this mantra in your class.


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