
Showing posts from May, 2021

IX.Chapter 4.History.Pastoralist in the Modern World.

Class 9 Chapter 4.History. Forest society and colonialism Objective Dates and events. 1700 and 1995 : Between 1700 and 1995 the period of industrialisation 9.3 % of world's total area was cleared for industrial uses cultivations pastures and fuelwood Glossary. Semi barbarians : half savage / uncivilised Sleepers : wooden planks laid across railway tracks Wilderness : A large area of land that has never been used for building on or for growing things Commodity: it is an economic good usually a resource that has full or substantial fungibility Scientific forestry: A system of cutting trees controlled by the forest department Customary right : a right of Maori people to engage in traditional practices as protected by the treaty of waitangi Brief Resume. Land to be improved In 1600 approximately one sixth of India's landmass was under cultivation The demand of jute, sugar ,wheat and cotton increased in 19th century Between 1880 and 1920 cultivated area Rose by 6.7 million hecta