
Salary :

Madhup Salary Seventh Pay Financial :  22 -23 Three Months ( April,May,June 2023 ) Salary Paid to me  66000 /- @ 34 %  Gross Salary Per Month : 88440/ - 265320/-  For the month of July, August , Sep, October, November, December, 2023. 68000/ @ 34 %  Gross Salary Month : 91120 /  546720/ -  For the Month of January February to March 2024. 68000/ - @ 38 %  from January  Gross Salary Per Month : 93840/- Total : 281520/ - Level -7 Entire Total Amount should be paid to me  : 1093560/- as per calculation. Deduction of Professional Tax - Not Shown in 16   3000/ -    On the Contrary Paid Amount to me. Paid by PGC : 1087620/- Differences : 5940/ rs -  where the unreflected amount it is ...?

Explanation : Answer : Am I Sole Responsible

Page 0 .    @ M.S.Media. ©️®️ Shakti's Project. Yatra Visheshank. In Association with. A & M Media. Pratham Media. Times Media.   कृण्वन्तो  विश्वमार्यम. ©️®️  M.S.Media. Blog Address. Theme Address. ----------------- email : addresses. email : email : email : email : -------------- ⭐ Web Page Developing , Design & Making.  MARS' P ( Project ) Creative  Art  Computer  Graphics.  Magazine / News / Features . New Delhi. Page Making & Design :  Er.Siddhant Jyoti.  Er. Snigdha.  Er. Ram Shankar.  Bangalore. Vidisha.New Delhi. ---------------   e - featured theme blog magazine page, around our cultural experiences under the aegis of EDRF. New Delhi. ------------------- ⭐ ------------ Asking for Salary Statement : Page : 1 --------------   To,The Princi

Class Note 10 Geography.Chapter1.Resources and Development

  X. Class. Chapter 1.Geography. Resources and development. Glossary :  Resources   : Natural endowments in the form of land, water, vegetation, and minerals are called natural resources. Resources are materials which can be transformed in such a way that they become more valuable and useful for fulfilling human needs . Types of Resources  :   Resources are classified into various categories such as natural and human-made, renewable and non-renewable, individual, community, national and international resources. Natural and Human-Made or Man-Made Resources  : Natural resources include land, soil, water, vegetation, wildlife, minerals and power resources. Resources created by humans are called human-made resources like engineering, technology, machines, buildings, monuments paintings and social institutions. Biotic and Abiotic Resources  : Resources obtained from the biosphere like forests, wildlife, fisheries, livestock, human beings, etc., which have life, are called biotic resources.

Class X. S.St. DAV. Class Notes.

  कृण्वन्तो  विश्वमार्यम.   ----------------------  under the aegis of EDRF. New Delhi. Developed Updated at New Delhi. ---------------------- Evaluator / Observers of the page. Dr. Telpal Singh. ( Prof.) Nainital. Department of Science  Dr. Roopkala Prasad. (Prof.) Department of English. Dr. Bhawana.(Prof.) Department of Geography. Dr. Manoj Kumar Sinha. Department of History. ---------------------- Class X. S.St. DAV. Class Notes.  Session 21 – 22. 17th of February 2020.  ------------------- ----------------------  Our guiding forces.  Guru Ravindra, William Wordsworth & Sumitranandan Pant. Chapter-1.The Rise of Nationalism in Europe Questions-Answers Name of  Book - NCERT  Write in brief Chapter 1.History.  Q.1. Write a note on  (a)   Guiseppe Mazzini  (b)   Count Camillo de Cavour (c)   The Greek War of independence  (d)   Frankfurt Parliament  (e)   The role of women in nationalist struggles Ans.1  (a) Guiseppe Mazzini  : -  He was a revolutionary leader in Italy. He did play