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Salary :

Madhup Salary Seventh Pay Financial :  22 -23 Three Months ( April,May,June 2023 ) Salary Paid to me  66000 /- @ 34 %  Gross Salary Per Month : 88440/ - 265320/-  For the month of July, August , Sep, October, November, December, 2023. 68000/ @ 34 %  Gross Salary Month : 91120 /  546720/ -  For the Month of January February to March 2024. 68000/ - @ 38 %  from January  Gross Salary Per Month : 93840/- Total : 281520/ - Level -7 Entire Total Amount should be paid to me  : 1093560/- as per calculation. Deduction of Professional Tax - Not Shown in 16   3000/ -    On the Contrary Paid Amount to me. Paid by PGC : 1087620/- Differences : 5940/ rs -  where the unreflected amount it is ...?

Explanation : Answer : Am I Sole Responsible

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